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3 years later

Nicki POV

It's been over three years since we've been separated. Marriage counseling has really helped us communicate and become closer than we were before. Attending church has also helped us too because what we went through was only the attack of the enemy but God, he's the one who saved our marriage.

3 years ago I found out he got caught up with some bitch he met at the club and that they never fucked but she brainwashed him into thinking he did. She was pregnant but when the baby was born come to find out it wasn't his but during her pregnancy she always blew his phone up using him and needing him for things. That dumb bitch had a lot of balls to send pictures to my phone thinking meek cheating on me but he wasn't at the time. I was upset with him hooking up with her when he got a bad ass wife at home waiting on him at home with his 3 children.

Did I beat her ass isn't a question because come on y'all know who the fuck I am, shit she almost lost her life but I don't want my kids visiting me while I'm behind bars so I let up on her. She ended up having a baby boy named Isaiah, left him on meek to take care of while she up and ran away. We haven't seen her ass since but Meek took him under his wing and tried his best to be a good parent to him along with his three children and I can honestly say he takes his role as a father seriously. Isaiah and Aryn are the same age, 3 years old and I love him like he's my own. Camryn is 6 going on 7 in July and Jaylen just turned 13 last week. He's tall as fuck too, handsome as ever, and did I mention Meek ass took him to get tattoos behind my back one time saying it was okay because he got tatts when he was 12? Boy I had a fit for like a whole ass week but eventually got over it because it was nothing I could do about it since it's already been done.

But anywhoo.... No marriage is perfect and not all last long but meek and I are willing to make it work and besides I want to be with him forever. Friday he's coming home for good. Yes he's stayed home from time to time but now we think it's safe he comes back permanently. So today the kids are with him I'll see them soon because I'm at Na's helping her season the meats for this pool party she wanted to throw for the fuck of it since its been a hot ass summer.

"So are you excited about letting my brother come on home" she says as I fixed my high waisted booty shorts from rising. A bitch had mad cheese like a muhfuka and this bikini bottom piece was rising in my ass crack. "Yes I am, we're finally at peace again so why not" I say tossing the and mashing the hamburger meat. "Girl meek gone see what you're wearing and have a damn fit and you know that" she says as I shook my head giggling glancing at my ring. Yes I got it back, meek wasn't having me walking around married without a ring because he didn't want niggas to think I was available.

"Girl his ass will be fine okay" I say as she just looked at me up and down. "Damn having three kids and you still bad as fuck, thick as hell, and don't even look like you pushed out three kids. And oh that ass back there something serious sis" she says as I laughed. "And you went three years without having sex, lord bless you" she says as I smacked my teeth. "Now Na you know damn well I ain go no damn 3 years without fucking my damn husband. That's my dick so when I want it I get it regardless fuck you mean" I say as she chuckled.

"Wow, nasty. Bet y'all working on baby number four now" she says as I sighed smiling. "Actually no, I'm done! Aryn will be my last big baby I push out and beside you know we raising Isaiah too so we good. But meek did say Isaiah's father recently got in contact with him and wanted to see him and meet and talk with us in a few weeks so I agreed to it. Still can't believe his dumb ass mother just up and left after he was 3 months old. That's really some fucked up shit Na" I say going to the sink to wash my hands.

"Yeah I know and I know Meeks ass had a hard time because he'd always come to me, momma, or you venting about shit boy I'm just glad y'all are where y'all at now because you were not going to make it without each other" Na says as I nodded my head agreeing. "Yeah let's get finish getting this food ready for this here pool party tho. I got tweet and them helping with the grill so all we gotta do is pump up the floaties and get out the lawn chairs." Na says as I continued doing what I was doing.

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