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Meek POV

"Damn meek you couldn't wait til we got in the damn house" Nicki says pulling her shorts up getting out the car. "Now my car smells like hot ass sex" she sighs looking back at me as I got out the car fixing my jeans shrugging. "I still got to get my trunks so..." I say as she just looked at me. "Well we need to freshen up first and I need to change my swimsuit." She says unlocking the door as I smacked her ass. "Yea you right cuz Na bouta have new niggas at this damn pool party and I ain't got time to be playing Ricky." I say as she shook her head.

Once we were finished we headed back to the pool party going straight out back seeing Jaylen on the steps in the pool letting his sisters play and splash each other with the water. "Oh no Camryn you should've gotten you  auntie to put your hair up high, now mommy gotta wash your hair again" Nicki says gasping walking over to them. "You can go chill now Jay baby I got em" she says sitting on the edge of the pool. "Hey daddy" Camryn and Aryn both says as I smiled waving at them.

"Daddie are yew get'n in da pool wif us" Aryn says as I shrugged. "Yeah I'll get in" I say sliding my slides off. "Come on" I say reaching for Camryn. "Meek what you doing" Nicki says as I looked over seeing Na holding Isaiah. "What it look like I'm taking her in the deep in with me" I say laughing at how big her eyes grew. "No the fuck-I mean no the heck you not are you kidding me." She says as I held Camryn up wrapping her legs around me as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Tell you mom I got you cam" I say as she looked over at Nicki repeating what I said. "Damn Cam your hair long as shit" I say looking at how long and wet it was. "Hey wanna scare mommy?" I say as she looked at me debating on if she should follow through with what I'm about to do. "Uhhhhh yes" she says as we both looked over at her and Aryn looking over at us. "Think you can hold your breath for 5 seconds under water?" I asked as she nodded her head.

"Actually 10 daddy" she says as I looked at her astonished. "Oh word, well when I count to three I want you to hold on to me tight as we go under for 10 seconds iight" I say as she nodded her head. "Okay one...two...three! Oh shit" I screamed going under hearing Nicki scream. "Meek......MEEK STOP FUCKING PLAYING AND COME BACK UP WITH MY DAMN CHILD" she screams as I finally came back up and we both were laughing.

"Damn baby we good. We were just practicing holding our breath under water" I say seeing her on her side of the pool and Aryn standing behind her wrapped in a towel shivering. "Give me her" she says opening her towel as I smacked my teeth. "You want to get out Camryn" I asked as she shook her head no. "Give me her NOW RIHMEEK!" She says again as I swam over holding Camryn up watching her wrap her in a towel. "Aye meek you ain't shit" I heard omelly say as I chuckled swimming over to him and the chasers as they got in.

Nicki POV

"What do you want on your hotdog" I ask both the girls as I fixed their plates. Meeks ass ruined it for them being stupid wanting to play. Once they were situated I sat them down in a lawn chair together so they could eat. "Mommy juice" Aryn says as I just looked at her. "How are you suppose to ask" I say placing my hands on my hips waiting for her to correct herself.

"May I have juice pwease mommy" she says as I nodded going over to get her and Cam a juice box when I seen this female look to be waaaaay older than Jaylen all up in his space so me being the nosey and overprotective mother I am I nicely made my way over his way. "Jay baby have you eaten" I ask as he shook his head no. "Oh well who's your friend" I ask looking over at the girl showing all her cleavage through her damn bikini top.

"I'm Brianna" she says holding her arm out to shake my hand. "Hi I'm Nicki, his mother and if you don't mind me asking.....how old are you sweetie" I say looking down at her boobs before her face giving her a sign to pull her top up or tie it tighter. "Oh I'm 17" she says while fixing her top as I smiled motioning for her to step to the side.

"Well I know you were probably trying to talk to my son but he's too young for you sweetheart" I say as she looked at me confused. "Really? He looks 16" she says as I agreed. "Yes I know that's how most young boys who are tall look but enjoy the party and sorta keep your distance from my son okay sweetie? Thanks" I say rubbing her back walking off back over to my babies giving them their juice.

"Damn cookie Jay already got hoes" I heard Candi say as I shook my head helping Aryn open her juice. "Girl older girls be already trying to talk to him and you know me and how I am. I ain't having that" I say as she laughed shaking her head. "Watch them while I go fix me a drink" I say smirking as her eyes lit up. "Make me one too while you're at it" she says as I nodded going inside Na's house and straight to the kitchen to fix up Candi and I a nice cold margarita.

Short chapter. Excuse errors, thanks for reading!!!!


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