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2 weeks later

December 29th

Meek POV

So the kids and I are well and taken care of. They're finally out on winter break so they've pretty been over their grandmas house while Nicki and I work but this particular week they've been home and guess why.......Nicki is sick. Damn my baby got sick treating us but I really think she got it from me because I was under her the most. Our anniversary in 2 days and she has yet to feel any better since Sunday.

"Alright y'all I'm gone take this soup up to your moms I'm gone need for y'all to be on yalls best behavior while I'm up there. Jay make sure you keep an eye on your sisters" I say leaving them in the kitchen. Going upstairs with everything I needed on the tray including her medicine I walked in our room seeing she was deep under the covers. Placing the tray down I peeped over seeing nothing but her head and her mouth open due to her breathing out her mouth.

Kissing her cheek I felt she was warm again so I went on ahead and poured up her some medicine. "Baby" I say softly walking over to her side of the bed as she sighed in her sleep. "Nicki wake up baby so you can take your medicine and eat something" I say this time shaking her as she squirmed around before opening her eyes slightly. "Meeeeeek leave me alooooooone" she whines getting deeper in the covers as I snatched them back.

"Staaaaaaaaahp I'm c-cold" she whined again shivering as I sat down beside her pulling her to sit up. "Here take this you're warm again" I say as she shook her head no about to lay back down but I pop her thigh not too hard making her smack her teeth. "Take it" I say sternly as she open her mouth taking the medicine. "Don't lay back down just yet baby you got to eat something for daddy" I say as she pouted. "But daddy I don't feel good" she says in her baby voice as I sighed grabbing the bowl of chicken noodle soup.

"I know baby girl but daddy got to get you better so eat for me okay" I say placing the spoon to her mouth as she nodded slowly opening her mouth. "No more" she says pushing my hand back. "Onika eat" I say more sternly as she ate a few more spoons. "I'm f-full" she says shivering as I placed the half eaten soup back on the tray. "Okay baby get some rest, I'll be downstairs with the kids" I say walking back over to her as she laid down getting comfortable pulling the covers back over her.

Kissing her forehead I walked out with the tray closing the door up behind me going back downstairs. "Dammit you almost got stepped on" I say getting to the last step seeing Aryn's dog. I swear these lil ass dogs need a bell on their collar so I can know where they are. Going in the kitchen Camryn came in holding her dog. "Hey daddy, is mommy feeling any better" she ask placing Oreo down as I placed her bowl in the sink. "She's getting there Cam" I say as she sighed.

"I miss her running around playing with us" she says as I walked over to her placing her on the countertop. "Me too, hopefully she'll be better before the 31st" I say seeing Aryn walk in. "The special day you and mommy got married on when I was a baby" she asks as I smiled. "Yes Camryn. The day I married your mom" I say as Aryn asked me to pick her up. "Daddy can I have some juicy juice in my sippy cup pwease" she says as I shook my head no.

"Aryn you know mommy doesn't want you using those anymore you're a big girl now" I say as she hung her head. "But daaaaaad, pweeeeease" she says as I gave in fixing her some juice. "You want some too Camryn" I ask as she nodded her head yes. Pouring her some in a regular cup I passed them their juice as they drunk it. "Alright baby I'll call you later tonight" I heard Jaylen say walking in the kitchen not noticing me. Once he looked up his eyes grew as if he seen a ghost.

"Who's baby" I say as he slid his phone in his pocket. "Uhhhh....ummmm no one" he says lying. "Ooo Jaylen gotta girlfriend Jaylen gotta girlfriend" Camryn says as Aryn laughed. "Man worry bout y'all selves" Jaylen says fanning us off. "Aye aye young nigga come back here" I say as he tried leaving the kitchen. "Camryn take your sister upstairs and play dolls with her." I say placing them both on the floor. "Yes sir" she says before grabbing her hand going upstairs. "And don't wake up your mom" I say before walking over to the table.

"Have a seat youngbul lemme talk to you real quick." I say to Jaylen as he shook his head sitting down. "You can come to me about anything dealing with girls more than you can with your mom because you know how she is. Like now if she would've heard your conversation with whoever it was you were talking to she'd have a fit" I say as he chuckled. "Well yeah I got a girlfriend but she's fifth teen in 9th grade." He says as I smirked.

"You like females older than you I see" I say as he shook his head yes. "Yeah she used to go to the middle school so that's how we know each other. Started off as friends and now we talking" he says as I sat back. "Damn you sounding just like me when I met your mom expect we were in 9th grade together." I say as he sat up to the table. "Oh word" he says as I nodded my head. "Yeah and look at us now married for 9 years going on 10 in two days with 3 kids." I say as he smiled.

"That's what I want with crystal, I mean I know I'm young and don't know what love is yet but I see the way you care and love my mom that's something I want" he says as I smiled. My son only 14 and has a mindset of a 18 year old. "That's what I like to hear son. And since you're about as tall as me I bet she's short" I say joking as he smiled. "Yeah she's short but she's taller than momma, you know Ma a midget" he says as I chuckled. "Aye get off my wife bul, but I'd love to meet this here friend that's a girl of yours soon" I say as he shrugged.

"What about Ma, I haven't even told her anything so I know she'll freak out." He says as I stood up. "Once she's better and hopefully soon. I'll talk with her about it maybe when we go out and celebrate our anniversary this weekend" I say as he nodded. "She'll be fine with it though don't stress it iight. Now I'm about to go up and check on her and your sisters. Thanks for opening up and talking to me, love you" I say as he smiled standing up dapping me up. "Love you too pops" he says sneaking out the kitchen to talk on the phone as I shook my head going upstairs.

Excuse errors, thanks for reading!!!!


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