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Nicki POV

"Boy what the entire fuck is wrong with you" I say walking into Jaylen's condo smacking the shit out of him. "Man ma chill you can't be slapping me like that I'm a grown ass man" he says as I smacked him again. "Who the fuck is you talking to like that boy. I don't give a shit how old you get I'm still gone beat yo ass. Where did she go?" I asked mugging him as he held his face. "She left. I don't know where she went but she took the boys" he says as I threw my head back.

"Really jay, how could you be so stupid? Huh?" I ask shaking my head trying my hardest not to beat his ass and go crazy. "It was a petty argument ma I didn't think she'd leave" he says as I sighed. "Well she did and with my grandbabies....I......UGHHH" I say in frustration grabbing my purse to leave but he stopped me. "Listen ma can you at least help me get her back" he says as I looked down at my phone seeing Rihmeek texted me.

"Since my grand kids are involved of course I'll help you but I swear this bullshit is all on yo stupid ass when she gets back. I mean how could you even think about cheating and leaving her all day to watch your fucking kids what the hell jay" I say become even more mad as he sighed. "Look I gotta get back home and oh yo lil cheating ass should come see your sisters sometimes. Especially Braelynn, you haven't seen her since she was born, she'll be three weeks soon." I say as he nodded.

"Goodbye jaylen" I say leaving looking back at him shaking my head. Getting in my car I banged my hands on the steering wheel cursing under my breath before pulling off. "Hello" I say answering my Bluetooth hearing Camryn on the line. "Momma can you stop by the store for me please. I need a few things for my project" she says as I sighed. "Sure baby just text me the materials. Have you guys eaten? I made dinner already" I say stopping at a red sign.

"Not yet but we will. I'm helping Aryn with her homework, Braelynn's in her swing, and dad is upstairs" she says as I sighed. "Okay, tell him I'll be home in a the next hour. Love you, bye" I say before ending the call heading to the store. Arriving I got out going in to the school supply aisle. Camryn needed more markers and color pencils so that's exactly what I was looking for until someone bumped into me. "Well damn, my bad sorry I wasn't watching where the fuck I was going" I say turning around seeing a woman with a boy who looked about Aryn's age.

"Oh my bad, hey aren't you Rihmeek's wife" she says as I looked at her confused with a mug. "Uh YES I am don't you see the ring" I say holding my hand out wiggling the 28 karat ring in her face. "Oh nice ring. Must be nice to have him home raising your kids and can't even raise this one" she says as I again looked confused. "Excuse you, come again" I say as she excused her son to go look around at the end of the aisle. "Rihmeek didn't tell you about his son?" She says as I chuckled.

"My husband has one son OUR only son and he's 20 years old. So what are you indicating here? Matter of fact how old is your son miss" I ask now becoming curious as to how the hell she recognized who I was. "Oh he just turned 11 a couple months ago" she says as my heart dropped. "Oh god" I say to myself trying to keep my composure from slapping the shit out of her. Aryn is 12 and she just stood here telling me her son was 11 shits just starting to add up in my head.

"I don't believe you, he wouldn't do no shit like this behind my back after fucking up years ago so get the fu....you know what ma'am, have a nice day" I say turning back to getting the items Camryn needed. Paying for those items I headed to the car with this shit still in my head. The boy did look like rihmeek but I wasn't going to sit here and say that child is his without answers so when I get home he's gone get it.

Arriving home I walked in seeing all my girls in the living. "Hey babes" I say seeing Camryn and Aryn laid out on the couch and Braelynn of course in her swing looking around sucking on her pacifier hard. "Hey mom" the say getting up to hug me as I placed my purse and the bag of supplies down. "Has your sister had a bottle" I say watching her turn her head to the sound of my voice. "When we got home dad was feeding her which was like a hour ago" cam says as I nodded walking over picking her up.

"MmmmK where's your dad" I ask as Aryn pointed upstairs. "Hey mommy's baby, I'm back" I say kissing her fat cheeks while placing her in my arms. She instantly turned her head to my breast opening her mouth. "Geesh girl chill, I got you" I say holding her up in front of me kissing her little lips while walking up the stairs stopping by my room. "Oh hey baby, I didn't hear you down there" meek says meeting me at the doorway about to come out.

"Hello Robert" I say as he hugged and kissed me before he pecked Braelynn's head. "Oh I'm Robert now? What I do" he says as I chuckled. "Follow me to her room. I'm about to nurse her and I wanna talk to you" I say walking off as he shrugged probably looking confused. "Wassup" he says as I grabbed her blanket before sitting down. "Hand me her nursing pillow please" I say as he grabbed it helping me get her comfortable and situated.

"Alright so wassup" he says as I helped brae latch on good before speaking. "Well for one your son did some stupid ass shit and crystal is gone. She took Caden and Amir with her. Don't know where she went but I'll continue to contact her if not I'm calling the police." I say as he looked like he seen a ghost. "Wait what the fuck" he says as I nodded rocking the chair. "Yeah but right now I need some answers from you" I fake smiled as he sighed rubbing his face.

"I went to the store on my way home for Camryn you know I'm in there minding my business til some trick bump into me. Long story short she said her son was yours" I say as he looked confused. "Oh come on not this shit again. Who, what was her name" he says as I just looked at him. "Nigga I don't know and I didn't ask. Besides the boy is 11 and looks just like you so is there anything I need to know" I ask as he sighed. "Hellooooooo" I say becoming even more frustrated with him just standing there.

"Well yeah....I mean I guess" he says as my heart dropped. "What you mean you guess Robert? Are you standing here telling me you did shit behind my back when aryn was born?" I ask as he looked away. "Now at the time you still had me kicked out the house remember. I didn't move back in til she was like 3 or 4" he says as I chuckled. "So nigga we were STILL married. I didn't have sex with anybody but you along with us going to therapy together to make shit better." I say trying to hold my anger back so I wouldn't frustrate braelynn.

"Well imma be straight up with you, she was a one night stand. Didn't mean nothing. She trapped me and I didn't even know it till he was like 2." He says as I breathed in and out slowly to keep calm. "Please leave. I need to finish satisfying her." I say fanning him off closing my eyes laying back. "We not done with this conversation though ma" he says as smacked my teeth. "Oh for now we the fuck are. Now LEAVE Robert" I say as he shook his head leaving out.

Excuse errors, thanks for reading!!!


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