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First Day Of School

Nicki POV

"Okay Camryn you have everything packed in your lunch box with a small note from me and daddy" I say passing it over to her. My baby girl will be starting 2nd grade today and I'm trying to hold back tears. She's growing up so fast on me pretty soon she'll be in middle school, then high school, and then college. "Jay I know you big now and don't want me fixing your lunch or packing it so enjoy that nasty non healthy school food" I say as he shook his head finishing up his cereal.

Jaylen is starting the 8th grade. Another 4 years in school and he'll be a highschool graduate. Lord my babies are growing up too fast on me. "And last but not least my baby Aryn." I say as she shook her head. "No mommy. Me don't wanna go to skool" she says as I shook my head seeing meek come in the kitchen. "Alright y'all have a nice first day today. Be on your best behavior and act like they kids we've raised you to be" he says making his way over to me.

"Make sure you follow behind us so you can help me with Aryn" I say pecking his lips. "I will baby. Aye did you pack my lunch" he asks as I smacked my teeth pushing him back. "Really Rihmeek" I say as he chuckled. "Just playing woman chill. Kids y'all ready to go" he says as they all nodded. Piling into my car as meek followed behind us we dropped Camryn off first then Jaylen leaving us with Aryn.

Looking at her in the mirror I became teary eyed because she's our baby and now she's about to get out and explore things with making friends. I don't want her to be scared which I don't think she is its just that she's always been under meek and I its going to be hard her first day. Thank god for my husband and me having a husband in my life to help me with things like this because I swear I wouldn't be able to do it.

"Aryn you ready to meet your teachers and make new friends today" I ask looking back at her as she shook her head no. "Come on baby girl. Mommy and daddy wants you to learn new things like Cammy and Jay Jay on top of making new friends." I say slowly pulling up to her school. "NO mommy. I want to stay with you and daddy" she says this time crossing her arms. I parked the car sighing seeing meek pull up beside us. Getting out I looked back at Aryn seeing she was still pouting looking out the window.

"You got her or you want me to get her." Meek says walking over to me as I pointed for him to get her out. Grabbing her lunch box and information she needed in case of an emergency we walked in the building together as Aryn laid her head on Meeks shoulder. "Hi my name is Mrs. White is this my new baby" she says as meek and I approached her. "Hello I'm Nicki.....oh I remember you you were Camryn's teacher." I say smiling as meek spoke up. "And jaylens" he says as I soon remembered that too. "Yes ma'am I am. It's been a while how have you all been" she says.

"Good. Done worked up another Williams 4 years later" I say referring to Aryn as she chuckled. "And this little ladybug right here is Aryn" I say as she turned her head the other way. "Awww she doesn't want to join us today looks like" Mrs. White says as I nodded. "Well you guys can come in and sorta show her around so she can at least get comfortable with the classroom setting and the environment" she says as we walked in. Walking to a back table meek and I sat down.

"Daddy's got to be to work in the 20 minutes baby girl so I got to get going" he says as Aryn sat up in his lap looking around

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"Daddy's got to be to work in the 20 minutes baby girl so I got to get going" he says as Aryn sat up in his lap looking around. Getting up I took her from him as she laid her head down on my shoulder. "Kiss daddy goodbye baby girl" I say as she sat up leaning over pecking his lips. "Let me know how it went once you leave baby" he says as I nodded sitting down. "Looking around I seen some kids coloring and some sitting down doing work. "Look Ayrn wanna color" I ask as she sat up looking at the princess coloring book in front of us nodding her head yes.

"Here sit in you own chair" I say placing her in a seat next to me passing her some crayons. "You want to stay and color wif me mommy" she asked as my heart melted because I know I can't. "Mommy has to work baby girl I can't st..." I say as she dropped her head crying. "Arynnnnnnnn" I whined picking her up as her teacher came over to us. "What's the matter baby girl. You're going have so much fun and meet new kids just like you. Come on let's go meet them" she says reaching her arms out for her as I felt Aryn shaking her head no in the crook of my neck.

"Go on Aryn I'll be right here" I say as she finally let go of me going to Mrs. White. Watching her take her around the classroom she started to loosen up a bit even play and talk to some of the kids. Looking at my watch I saw that I could no longer stay and that it was time for me to leave. "Okay Mrs. White I'm leaving now" I whispered trying to ease out the room but Aryn caught me and started hollering. "Aryn don't cry baby mommy's coming back to get you later on today" I say as she tried running over to me but was stopped by the teacher. My heart broke and I felt the tears coming but I couldn't cry right here.

"Go on mom she'll be okay" Mrs White says as I pouted my lips nodding my head. "Okay" I say walking over to the door. "Nooooo mommy don't go" I heard Aryn yell. That did it for me tears started rolling. "Mommy will be back later baby girl. Love you" I say looking back one last time before leaving the classroom and building. Getting in my car I cried my eyes out calling up Rihmeek. "Hey how did it go" he asked as I sniffed. "Bad for the both us Rihmeek. She got me out here crying" I say as he chuckled.

"You'll be okay. The both of y'all will remember you were the same way with Jay and Camryn. I think worse with Jay tho because I couldn't get your ass to leave the damn classroom for nothing. Then you'd call checking up on him every 2 hours" he says as I chuckled. "Oh hush. He's my first born so of course it was hard for me and we were split up at the time so I knew you wouldn't be here everyday to help and I was just torn up" I chuckle as he laughed.

"Cheer up baby. She'll be good especially since Mrs. White is her teacher" he says as I fixed my makeup in the mirror. "I am I am. I'll be calling to check up on her just like I did the other two when they first started pre-K" I say starting up my car. "Well alright. I'm headed to work now daddy" I smirked backing out the parking lot. "Oh you in that mood now huh. Just wait til we get home and put the kids to bed I'll show you daddy" he says as I giggled biting my lips. "I'd so love that" I say hearing him laugh.

"I know yo lil freak ass would. I got to get back to work myself too so do good on the patients today surgeon Williams" he says as I smiled. "Oh I will daddy and maybe I can perform an operation on you tonight Mr. Williams" I say as he smacked his teeth. "'Man girl get off the phone with me before I come kidnap you from your job and give you the business" he says as I laughed. "Avight daddy love you" I say as he said it back. "Bye" I say ending the call continuing my route to work.

Excuse errors, thanks for reading!!!!!


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