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Nicki POV

"Really Jaylen" I say walking in the house. Of course Kathy told me that his ass was smoking and I'm glad she decided to tell me later and not right before I was about to leave because I would've beaten his light bright ass. "Really what Ma" he says as I called him in to the kitchen. "Hey baby" meek says at the top of the stairs holding Ayrn. "Hey" I simply say walking towards the kitchen with Jaylen right behind me.

"Where you get it from?" I ask as he continued to act like he didn't know what I was talking about. "Do you smoke weed Jay?" I simply ask as he shook his head no. "STOP FUCKING LYING BOY" I yell smacking him in his back as he moved. "Ma chill where you finding this out from?" He ask as I raised my hand to smack the shit out of him again but I felt my arm being grabbed my Rihmeek.

"Boy what you in here doing causing your moms about to slap the light skin off you?" He ask as I snatched my arm away. "Nah she in here...." He says as I cut him off. "She? Don't prefer to me as no damn she" I say as he sighed. "I don't know what Ma talking about pops." He says as I shook my head. "Meek your mother told me today that yesterday evening she caught your 14 year old son outside smoking." I say as he looked at Jaylen confused.

"No I wasn't" Jaylen says as I smacked him in the mouth. "Lie to me again Jaylen, LIE AGAIN" I say as he shut up holding his lip. "She said she came downstairs and seen the girls playing with their dolls. Asking where Jaylen was she said Camryn told her he went outside so she went to go check and didn't see him in the front. So she went to the back and seen him lingering around the woods smoking" I say shaking my head looking over at him.

"I guess me asking calmly for the truth don't work so smacking the shit out of him for lying then getting the truth works best. Why couldn't you just come clean when I asked you do you smoke weed Jay? Because you still would've gotten smacked but I wouldn't be as angry as I am now if you didn't lie to my face." I say shaking my head grabbing my purse and to go cup.

"Meek its on you now. I'm done" I say leaving them both in the kitchen. "Hey mommy" Aryn says walking over to me as I smiled slightly. "Hey baby girl. Mommy's about to go up and change clothes." I say walking upstairs with her following. "Can I watch tv in your room mommy" she says as I walked in our bedroom. "Sure sweetie. Where's Cammy" I ask turning the tv on pulling the comforter back as she climbed in the bed.

"I'm right here" she says as I turned around. "Oh pooh come here" I say as she came over to me hugging her I squeezed her tight. "Moooooom" she squeals as I started kissing her face. "Mommy missed you Cammy" I say as she pulled away hopping up on the bed. Changing my clothes to simple sweats and a tank top I laid across the bed with them drifting off to sleep until Jaylen popped up in the doorway.

"Ma can I talk to you" he asks as I fanned him off. "I tried that in the kitchen a few minutes ago Jay and you didn't want to cooperate so try again later" I say as he sighed coming in the room anyway. "Aryn, Camryn let me speak with Ma real quick" he says as they just sat there. "Ma" he says looking at me as I sighed. "Go see what daddy doing while your brother talks to me loves" I say as Camryn left out but Aryn stayed pouting with her arms folded.

She's such a momma's girl I swear."Aryn go on baby, mommy will call you back in. I promise" I say as she struggled getting off the bed. Helping her down she held her head low walking out slowly. "Sit down" I say turning the tv down some as he sat down beside me. Sitting up I giving him my attention he sighed before speaking. "I came up to say I'm sorry for lying to you" he says as I shook my head.

"Mmhm Jay. You really need to be apologizing to your grandma because that was disrespectful and that just makes it seem like your father and I got you out here in dem streets when we really don't know what the hell you be doing around your friends" I say as he looked down. "Look Jay come talk to me later because it's taking everything in me not to go ham and beat yo ass" I say sitting back as he sighed.

"It's cool, you never want to listen anyways" he says as I got up off the bed quickly walking up on him punching him his back pushing him out my room. "Watch your damn mouth boy. You know damn well I listen to yo ass. "Meek get ya son before I go to jail tonight" I yelled down the hall. I swear I don't know what to do with Jaylen sometimes.

The older he gets the more things he gets into and I guarantee he's probably had sex. Him and his lil fast ass girlfriend. She seemed sweet at first until I caught Jaylen texting and seen pictures. Shaking my head I flopped down on he bed with my face in the pillows. My head began pounding so I closed my eyes not wanting to be bothered in hopes it would stop by taking a nap.

I'm baaaaaaaaack to updating this book. I was told y'all want flashbacks with this one too so just wait I'll have a few.

Excuse errors, thanks for reading!!!!


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