Sleepless in Madison

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The giant praying mantis chases after them as Alec puts all of his weight on the gas. While he drove, the group continuously screams and panics.

"Why, Alec?!" Clary cries out. "Why a giant praying mantis?! What were you thinking when you made this?!

"At the time, I was thinking giant praying mantis or a giant panda." Alec Lightwood sarcastically responds. "We gotta slow him down."

Izzy pulls out her rifle and sticks her head out the window. "I got it." She begins shooting at the monster following them. The mantis felt the bullets hit him, but it didn't exactly slow him down. Isabelle kept shooting at the creature.

In the heat of the moment, Alec hit a little bump on the road and his sister falls out the window. The writer quickly grabs his sister by the ankle and she dangerously hang out the window, still holding on to the gun. As he holds onto her, he tries to his other hand on the wheel though he couldn't pull her back in and drive carefully at the same time.

"Get me up!" Izzy screams as her face was a few feet over the road. "Somebody get me up! Alec, do something!"

"I'm doing everything!" He barks at her and turns to the three teenagers in the back. "Stop sitting there and help me!"

Clary and Simon lean over the seats, and grab Izzy's legs. They are able to yank her back into the car. Izzy's foot then accidentally presses the power button and the radio starts playing the song Ballroom Blitz from the beginning. During that, Jace aims at the monster and shoots at it.

"This is perfect music for this moment," Simon mentioned.

"Really?" Alec makes a face as he drives. "That's all you care about right now?!"

"Hey, I'm just saying."

The gang brought their high speed chase into the town square, and the praying mantis slams into the courthouse. It kept chasing them, stomping over cars and property without a care in the world.

"He's gaining on us!" Jace shouts as he keeps shooting at the gigantic insect. "Speed up! Speed up!"

"I'm going a fast as it goes!" Alec yells at him.

Clary looks back at the monster, who was already stomping on the side of them. "Quit driving straight!" She screams. "He's on us! Oh, my god!"

Tired of their screamings and inability to help, Alec Lightwood hollers to the young teenagers, "Does somebody else want to drive?! Because I will pull over right now!" At that moment, Alec hatches up a plan. "Izzy, take the wheel! Simon, give me that RPG-7."

"The what?" Simon yelps.

"The big one! My baby! Hurry up!" The teenager hands Alec his RPG-7 and he puts it together. While the truck was still moving, Alec Lightwood opens his door and stands at the edge of the step.

Jace and Clary extends their arms towards the driver's seat, and both grabbed hold of Alec's waist and leg to keep him from falling. "We got you, bro," Jace vows as he locks his fingers together around Alec's thigh.

"You know how to use that thing, right?" Clary Fray demanded, as she tightens her grip on the writer's jacket.

"No, this is my first time using it!" He yells back at the redhead. "I really don't know what this does! Brace yourselves!"

The man proudly yet carefully stand on the step with the weapon on his shoulder. It took him a second to aim at the giant creature chasing them.

Once he had the perfect aim, Alec releases the fiery blast and it hits the mantis. It then explodes into disgusting pieces.

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