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Jade's POV

I've been on the run for as long as I can remember now, I decided to leave the people I called my family two years ago, I haven't really ran with anyone besides a killjoy here or a killjoy there, It was mainly just for supply runs and what not but I stayed silent and on my own, Usually anyone who tries to get close to me gets dusted...

I ran and ran till my lungs felt like they were on fire, I tripped and fell onto the ground

I laid there trying to breathe but it was no use, I rolled onto my side and started coughing.. Which hurt like hell "Oh shit"

I heard footsteps come over to me, I quickly put my mask back on and pointed my gun towards them thinking it was Draculoids or Korse

There stood a Killjoy with bright red hair, I noticed his jacket and I knew who it was "Party?"

He took off his mask with wide eyes "Ghost?"

I blacked out


When I finally came to I was in a building, I sat up and insintly got dizzy

"Hey take it easy" I heard, I looked up and saw Party walk over with some water "here" he helped me sit up and gave me the water

"Thanks" I took a sip and set the bottle on the table next to me, I sat up and whipped around swinging my legs off the side of the bed, I put my head in my hands

"How long you been out there?" He asked standing against the wall across from me "on your own?"

"Maybe two years.. Maybe more" I glanced at him then at the floor

He stayed quiet for a moment "Thought you got ghosted" he bit his lip then looked at me

"A couple times came real close to it" I mumbled

"What?!" He quickly questioned.. Worried "How?"

"Needed some supplies, you know food, water, medical supplies all that" I paused "Decided to help a few other Killjoys out and we got jumped" I looked down "I was the only one who survived"

"Why didn't you come back?" He asked

I thought for a second "Cause of Korse" I looked at him and stood up "He's been after me for awhile now"

"Same here" he crossed his arms, I gave a confused look "Theres a girl that BLI are after and we're keeping her safe"

"Why are they after her?" I asked

"Not sure" he shook his head "so what do you say?" He walked over "You staying to help?"

I thought about it for a second, I ran my hand through my bright pink hair "Yeah" I smiled

He smiled too, I've missed his smile

Theres something that not a lot of people know but I've known Party Poision since we were kids and his Brother Kobra Kid and there friends Jet Star and Fun Ghoul or as I know them as Gerard, Mikey, Ray and Frank

Soon we heard the front stormdoor open "We're back" Kobra called out

Party walked in front of me "Where's Missile?" He asked

"Here" I heard a small voice

"Guys there's something I want to to see" I could hear the crack in Party's voice

"What is it?" Ghoul asked worried as he as well heard the small crack in Party's voice

I walked around the corner "Hey guys" I gave a small smile along with a tiny wave

They all had shocked expressions but they soon had smiles on their faces, they all walked over and hugged me

"Ghost there's someone we want you to me" Party brought over a girl "Missile this is Ghost, Ghost.. Missile kid"

"Nice to meet you" I held my hand out

"Hi" she shook it but then hid behind Party

"Sorry" he chuckled

"No worries, I'm new to her so it's understandable" I crossed my arms "You know how I was"

"Yeah" he smiled rubbung the back of his neck, he then turned around and grabbed a Power pup and some water "Hungry?"

"Starving" I grinned, he handed me the stuff and we all sat down to eat


"You can stay stay in here" Party opened the door to a empty bedroom... My old bedroom before I left this place

"Alright" I sighed running my hand through my hair

"Everything alright?" He asked concerned

"Yeah" I gave a small grin "Just a lot to take in" I sat down

"What happened besides that run you told me?" He leaned against the wall crossing his arms

"A lot... I saw a lot of people die, more then you'd like to know" I looked down "I lost friends"

He just stood there quiet

"I was always the one who got away alive no matter what" I never looked up as I knew there was tears wanting to fall

"I'm sorry Jade" he sat down

I quickly looked at him "I haven't been called that in years"

"Sorry" he looked down, he must've noticed the tears in my eyes

"It's fine, I just havent been called that since Mom and Da.." I trailed off "Fuck"

"Sorry, I knew that was hard on you" he grabbed my hand slightly squeezing it

"It's fine, I've gotten over it" I sniffled a bit "I know that might seem horrible but I had to... with after what they did to me you know"

He nodded "Get some sleep alright... You look like you need it"

I rolled my eye's "Yeah thanks"

He rolled his as well "Oh shut up" he grinned "Night" he closed the door

"Yeah... Night"

New story hopefully it's decent, I'll update when I can.

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