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Second person POV some years later

Missile blamed herself for her friends deaths that day, she thought maybe just maybe if BL/ind weren't after her maybe they'd still be here

She had found Dr Death again and Cherri Cola and they had a small bond till a few rebel Killjoys wanted to take down BL/ind something they said her friends failed at doing so

"You'll never be anything like them, nobody will" She yelled as she ran away, she wasn't alone in this world she had made a new little friend.. A little black cat who went everywhere with her

She never stayed in one place for too long, Maybe three or four days tops then she'd take off again knowing BL/ind were still chasing her

One day Missile ran into Cherri Cola and he showed her somethung to maybe ease the pain a bit

He pulled the cover and showed the maniqins with their clothing and Masks,it was a memorial for them since they were the Famous Four but he also had Ghosts up there, well with what he could find which was just her jacket and Mask, he had looked far and wide for anything else of hers but couldn't find a single thing

Missile was shocked at what Cherri Cola had done but she was happy, It might not have been their faces but it was them "Wait hold on" she reached in her small bag pulling out old photos, Handing one to Cherri "She gave me a couple before they left for Battery City, This one I actually have two copies so you could have one" it was a picture they took not long after they had thought they took down BL/ind, They were all so Happy and smiling, Something that Missile wished she could have back even just for a second

Missile had always been told she was special and could possibly take down BL/ind but didn't know how to exactly, but one day after a near death experience she understood how and what to do

She decided to join the other Killjoys into taking down BL/ind during their raid to Battery City but once they got there she surrendered

"Are You fucking kidding me!?" The one shouted

She looked at him, she hated looking at him cause he reminded her so much of Party once he dyed his hair bright red "No I'm not kidding" she turned back around "I surrender"

Once they tried to put the mask on her head something inside her exploded taking out BL/ind, Setting the people free

One former Drac in particular stood there in disbelief, Before they could say anything Missile left

They took of their mask and let their now natural Black hair flow in the wind, They dropped to their knees sobbing "I'm free"

As missile stood there she heard a noise behind her, There stood a unmasked Drac "I'm sorry I seem to be lost"

Missiles eyes widened as tears formed "Mom?" She grinned

"G..Grace?" Her mother got big tears in her eyes, both ran to each other hugging.. Crying, but it wasn't a sad cry this time

Anonymous POV a year later

Better Living is No more, Missile took them down single handedly.. Who knew she was basically a ticking time bomb, I decided to keep my Hair my natural deep black but I did the ends in Pink and Red.. What can I say those two colors go great together

I now live in Battery City since now things were getting back to normal.. Like actually normal, People were starting Jobs, Food wasn't just Power pups anymore Soda actually had carbanation in it again, the only thing that was missing in my life was my family

Unfortunately I have to go by That building everyday to get to work, Their lifeless bodies flash in my head, His voice screams through my ears, It haunts me everyday and every night when I sleep, theres been nights I don't sleep at all

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