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It's been Five months.. Five hard months since everything happened

I haven't talked to Dr Death, Pony or even Missile since then, I knew it had to be hard on the kid but I can't get close to anyone anymore, I'm tired of losing people

I moved out of the house about a four days after, I couldn't stay there, there were too many memories

Every night I have nightmares about that day, I could've done something if I wasn't such a dumbass and realized the damn chip

I looked at myself in the mirror, I hated what I saw, I punched the mirror cracking it

I walked over and got a soda, Popping it open, I got up grabbing the knife that I had in the fire to help sterilize my wound

I placed the knife on the wound on my leg letting out a loud groan "God damnit"

Once I cleaned up I looked over to my right and saw a Picture of me and the guys insintly getting sad, I sighed and walked out the room

I put some Gauze on the wound and decided to try and get some sleep

"Remember me!"

I shot awake "Party?" I looked around hoping him and the guys would be there, hoping it'd all be a dream but it wasn't

I started crying, I brought my knees to my chest "I can't do this alone"

Anonymous POV

I always wonder how she is.. If she's even still alive

"Eyes open" I heard, I stood up and held my gun

the woman walked in checking me and the others out, she stood in front of me then the pain flew through my head, I fell to the floor holding with my hands against my ears

She bent down in front of me "I know what your thinking" she lifted my chin "she's gone you ain't going to see her ever again so drop it" she pushed me away

I stood up and looked out the window, It started raining

Jade if your still out there... I'm sorry

Ghost's POV

I sat outside of the shack with my back against it, I held onto his mask thinking maybe if I prayed enough he'd come back or I'd wake up

Soon it started raining which was odd since it don't rain much out here, I stood up and went inside setting his mask with the others, I grabbed a hair dye I had found and grabbed my knife, I walked into the bathroom and cut off my hair, I had it just like Party's but half pink half red

I know what your thinking I'm just obsessed with him but he was my best friend, we wanted to have a future together at some point, Take BLI down together make the future a better place

I walked out of the bathroom and looked at the masks "I know I failed you before" I paused a second "But I won't fail you now"

I grabbed my gun, My knifes, my mask and everything I was gonna need, I got onto my motorcycle and took off for Battery City

~Four months ago~

Me and Party sat outside the house looking up at the stars

He looked at me "Can I say something?"

I looked at him "Yeah what is it?"

He looked down for a moment "How about me and you, We go take down BLI make this place better. Make the future better not only for us but everyone out there" he paused pointing, he then cupped my cheek in his palm "The Only hope for me out here.. Is you"

I nodded "Yeah.. Okay Let's do it"


I drove as fast as I could "I'll keep that promise even if I die trying"

I let out a scream before I drove even faster towards Battery city

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