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Party's POV

I heard Ghost moan in pain, I looked over to see Korse standing over her, his gun pointed at her
I quickly stood up and started to run "No!"

He pulled the trigger,her body went limp, My heart sank, I stopped dead in my tracks then I was hit upside the head

Once I started to get my vision back Korse had Ghosts body, he handed her off to a Draculoid then everything went black

Ghost's POV

I finally came to, the room bright white, I tried to get up but I was restrained onto a table, I started squirming

"It's No use #450961" I heard a woman say, I looked to my left and saw a woman standing there with a syringe

"What do you want from me?" I asked

She held up a remote "I want you to remember who you belong to" she pressed the button then stuck the syringe in my neck

The flashes from before flashed in my head, all the memories of my family... of Party were gone

She walked over to me "#450961... Jade it's time to wake up"


I stood by the woman's side as did Korse, Korse looked at me and grinned, I followed the woman into a room and there was a little girl there, she looked up and saw me "Ghost!" She ran up and hugged me

who was this kid?

She then backed away and had sadness in her eye's, then she looked at the woman "What did you do to her?"

The woman bent down "I made her remember who she really is"

The little girl then looked back at me "Ghost No you have to remember your not-"

Then a Draculoid came rushing in "There's a breach ma'am" he pasued "It's the Faboulus Four"

"Korse, Jade ..you know what to do"


I followed Korse down the halls but something didn't feel right

Soon we found the Four along with the little girl, soon an all out shootout started

The one with the red hair looked at me, he had sadness in his eyes but he was also surprised "Ghost?" He rushed over to me, he went to put his arms around me but I pulled my gun on him, he stopped in his tracks "Ghost it's me.. Party Poison"

"I know who you are" I growled "Your a criminal against Better Living!"

He stood there shocked, Tears formed in his eyes

"Pull the trigger!" Korse yelled, I hesitated.. Why did I hesitate
"Move" Korse pushed me out of the way making me hit the back of my head

Everything started coming back, I reached up and remembered the chip, I pulled it out and everything was a daze

A few years back some people were coming immune to the pills so they tried using Chips, I was one of the unlucky one's

Korse had Party against the wall with his gun under his chin

I pointed my gun towards Korse hoping to stop him "Party!" I pulled the trigger but it was to late as Korse pulled his "No!"

I ran over and caught Party's body, I prompt him onto my lap "Wake up I'm sorry please wake up"

"Pathetic" Korse laughed "I knew you wouldn't last, I knew those chips wouldn't do much good"

Rage boiled over me "Shut up!" I grabbed my gun and shot him not even looking,

Then I looked to my left just in time to see Kobra fall to the groud... dead

Ghoul turned around "Ghost C'mon we have to go!"

I looked down at Party once more kissing his head "I'm sorry" I stood up and ran towards the door, as I walked through Ghoul closed it behind me "What are you doing?!"

He gave a small weak smile "Buying You some time" he turned around and started shooting

Star grabbed my arm "C'mon"

Soon a van pulled up and it was Dr Death and Show pony, Missile hurried up and got in then I did, I turned around "Star C'mon!"

Then his body fell onto the car that was parked there

I went to run after him "No!" But I was pulled back into the van "Let me go!" Tears rolled down my face "Guys!"


We pulled up to the house and I got out "Missile I think it's best you stay with Dr Death and Pony for a bit"

She looked at me with sorrow in her eyes "No I wanna stay with you"

I closed my eyes "Just please"

She looked down "okay"

"I'm sorry" I looked at her "I just need some time to myself"

I walked into the house and heard the van take off, I waited for a few minutes then that's when everything came out

I screamed at the top of my lungs and fell to my knees sobbing, I got up and all I could hear was glass braking I didn't know I was throwing anything then I started punching anything in my path

I got to my room and trashed the place, I looked on my bed and saw the lock box and my mask, I walked over putting my mask on and opened the box, on top was a picture of me and the guys

"I'll Avenge you one way or another no matter what the cost"

Yeah it ain't great I know.

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