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I'm able to walk on my own now, Its been a rough two weeks but we managed, Dracs have been down our throats nonstop, You know how hard it is to defend yourself with pretty much one leg

I walked into the living room to the guys all playing with Missile, I smiled as I knew that she needed this.. They needed this, not to worry about any Dracs or anything and enjoy life.. How it should be

Kobra looked up "Hey, See your doing better"

I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall "Yeah, Still not a hundred percent but better"

Party stood up "You good enough to do a run?" He walked over handing me my gun and mask

I nodded "Yeah"

He smiled and took my hand "Alright lets go then"


I searched the building while Party searched the small shack beside it, As I was getting the stuff ready to take to the car I heard a noise.. like glass bottles clinging together "Party?"

Nothing, I got out my gun and made sure my mask was on cause you know what Dr Death said "Keep your Boots tight, keep your gun close and die with your mask on if you've got to"

As I held my gun tight I heard a crash from the other building "Fuck" I whispered, I then heard another noise from my building, I peaked around the corner and saw two Dracs one dragged Party outside, Gun to his head

I quickly went around pointing my gun towards them "Hey!" I got their attention, they both looked at me and I ghosted them, Party's Body fell onto the ground "Party?" I rushed over, He was unconscious but breathing, I set him in the back of the car and hurried grabbing the stuff we had both do I d and I drove us home, As I was driving I noticed some blood coming out of his mouth and ears "Shit" I drove even faster


The guys all came rushing out when they saw me trying to get Party out of the car "What happened?" Star asked, Ghoul and Kobra helped take Party into the house

"Dracs, That's what happened" I grabbed the few bags "Not sure what the hell they did to him though" we rushed back in

Missile was upset "What happened?" She looked at Party

I walked over and brought her into the kitchen "Draculoids, Two of them showed up and.. I'm not sure what they did to him" I put my hand on her shoulder trying to calm her down "But he'll be okay, I promise"

She franticly nodded then "If anything would happen to you guys" she looked at me with a look I've never seen before "I'll make Better Living Pay with their lives"


I sat in the living room waiting when I heard a groan, I looked and it was Party holding his head "When did we get back?... How did we get back?"

I stood up and helped him over to a chair "I drove us back, Hey.. What happened back there?"

He shook his head "Not sure, I heard a noise from inside the building, I went to check it out thinking it was you, I felt something hit my head then I woke up in my room"
I looked down a bit, he must've noticed and looked at me "What?"

"It was Dracs" I looked at him "I don't know how they knew we were there though" I ran my hand through my hair

He took my free hand "Hey" He looked into my eye's "We made it out, I made it out because of you, To me thats all that matters"


It was now morning and for once I got a good nights sleep, I walked down the hall and went into the kitchen grabbing a soda

"Morning" I heard behind me, I turned and saw Missile

I smiled "Hey good morning" I pointed towards the fridge "Want something since I'm here?" She nodded and I grabbed her a soda as well, we both sat in a booth and she sat there quiet "Is something wrong?"

She glanced at me then looked around "I heard the guys talking about taking down BL/ind"

I got a confused look "Yeah we planed on doing so"

She shook her head "No I mean soon.. And without you"

My eyes widened "What do you mean without me?"

She looked down "I heard Party say he didn't want you getting hurt or worse, He couldn't live with himself If you died and he wasn't there to protect you"

I got big tears in my eyes "Son of a bitch" I whispered shaking my head

"What's wrong?" I heard behind me, I looked to see Party and the guys standing there "why are you crying?" Party rushed over, he looked at Missile then lowered his head "Found out didn't you?"

I stood up pushing his chest "Why would you go by yourselves!?" I had tears rolling down my face "What happened to our promise?"

He hugged me as I cried onto his chest "I'm sorry"

I just kept crying.

I'm back!, So I went to a Wrestling Event tonight and I got to meet Enzo Amore and a lot of people say he's a Asshole. And that they don't like him but when I walked up he was just so sweet and kind,he gave me a hug, we talked for a minute, I got my picture taken with him, got a autograph from him and when I said he was one of mine and my moms favorites and that my mom couldn't be there because it was too hot and her health wasn't great he gave me a extra and longer hug and told me to tell her he said Hi and hope she felt better and to tell her How you Doing? (That's his little catchphrase), Guess people just met him on one of his bad days ☺

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