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it's been a few days and I finally convinced them into me going... Today's the day either we take down Better Living or die trying

I sat there leaning forward in a chair taking in this moment as it could be my last of ever seeing my family

"Sure you want to do this?" Kobra handed me my gun and mask

I took them from him looking him dead in the eye "If it means saving the future" I put my gun in my holster "Yes"

Party walked over "Alright we'll Drop Missile at Dr Deaths then head to Battery City" he then looked into my eye's "You sure you want to do this?"

I nodded "Yeah.. I'm sure" he then placed his lips onto mine

"Get a room" Kobra whined walking away

Party rolled his eyes and threw a pillow at him "Shut up"


We dropped Missile at Dr Deaths

Missile ran over and hugged me "Just be careful okay, I don't want to lose anyone else"

I hugged back but without saying anything, I didn't want to make a promise I couldn't keep

"Ready?" Party asked

I turned around "Ready" I gave Missile one more hug before we headed out


As we got closer to Battery City I rememebered last time.. But this won't be like last time

I felt someone take my hand, I looked to see Party glacing at me giving me a reassuring smile "Don't worry, No matter what happens we'll be together"

I nodded and Party Stepped on the gas


Soon I saw the gates "Hit it!"

Party put both feet on the gas, We crashed through the gate and soon Sirens were heard all throughout the city along with "Attention All Battery City residents please stay indoors and do not come out unless told so thank you for choosing BL/ind"

My heart raced as we flew down the streets, Anxitey going through the roof, I felt a hand on my shoulder, I saw the guys giving me small smiles trying to calm me down, we parked the car and grabbed our weapons "Let's do this"

We all got out gunsblazing, a few bullets going past us some right past our heads, But that didn't slow us down

We got into the building and Everything was coming back "Hey" I heard Party "You okay?"

I looked around nodding "Yeah.. I think so"

He looked over me worried"You didn't get hit did you?"

"I'm fine" I looked at him "Just what happened last time"

He gave a small nod, soon a bullet went between our faces, We both pointed our guns and shot without looking hitting the Exterminater

We all faught and faught, theres just so many, we hid behind a wall while we caught our breath

"Why are there so many?" Kobra shot around the corner "There shouldn't be so many!"

I shot too "I know!" Then something caught my eye not noticing the Drac pointing a gun at me

"Ghost!" Someone pulled me back in time just as a bullet would've hit me in the head, they turned me around "You almost got yourself Dusted!" Party was upset

I quickly blinked a few times "K..Ko.."

Party looked into my eye's "What's wrong?"

I looked at him "Its Korse.. I saw him"

He looked at me confused "But you killed him.. Didn't you?"

"I did I know I did" I ran my hand through my hair "Then who the hell did I see!?"

"Can we not worry about that this second!" Star shouted

"Yeah not to be rude but there's people shooting at us trying to fucking kill us!" Ghoul added

"Right" I shot my gun while also getting nipped in my shoulder in the meantime "Fuck!"

Party took my hand "We need to run so I can take a look at it" he dragged me behind him as bullets flew past us

We hid inside a room I pulled my jacket to the side "Let me see" Party just barely brushed the wound and it stung like a bitch

"son of a bitch" I hissed

Kobra handed party a bandage "Good thing we hid in the medical closet" he had a smirk

Parry rolled his eyes and wrapped my shoulder "That should do for now" he cupped my cheeks "You sure you want-" I cut him off

"I told you" I placed my lips onto his "I'm in this till the end"

He gave a small smirk, he then took my hand "Alright, Let's do this"

Once again we went out gunsblazing, I did as much as I could since with my shoulder bandaged up,Soon I felt a sharp pain in my leg

Party turned around and saw me laying on the ground,his eyes widened then he started runing towards me shooting anything in his way

"It's good to see you again" I knew that voice

I stood up "Korse" my blood boiled, I gripped my gun ready to shoot

"Ghost!" I heard Party scream.. I've never heard him scream like the way he did, his voice raspy and cracking.. Like he was crying

I looked down and saw a sword blade sticking out of my abdoman, I looked up and saw The woman who I thought I killed long ago as well "I thought I killed you?"

"You thought you did" she smiled as she pulled the sword out "But little Do you know theres more to me then you thought" she and Korse walked away

"C'mon I got you" Party dragged me behind a wall, he put pressure on my wound, I let out a hiss "It'll be okay, Everything will be okay" he had tears rolling down his face "I'm going to get you home and everything will be fine"

I shook my head "What about going out till the end?" I could feel the warm liquid roll down my chin and could taste the iron substance

"I can't" he paused "I just can't"

I cupped his cheeks "You can, I promised till the end and... this is it for me"

He cupped my cheeks "Don't say that.. Please"

Then "Party!" Kobra shouted

The blade went through him, My eyes widened

"No!" Kobra shot at the woman but was shot and killed by a Drac

"N..no" I tried getting up but it was no use, Then I saw Ghoul get shot in the shoulder.. Then his chest, Then Star

"You bastards!" I screamed

"Jade?" I heard, I looked beside me and saw Party sitting there against the wall beside me, he grabbed my hand "Till the end right?" He smiled

I gave a smile back "Till the end"

"Look at you love birds and your Till the end Shit" I heard, we both looked and saw Dracs, Exterminators, Korse and the woman standing there, the woman bent down in front of me smiling "But that's not going to happen" she snapped her fingers and two Dracs grabbed me throwing me over their shoulders

"Let me go!" I squirmed... Still losing blood "Party!"

Party tried to get up but he was surrounded "J..Jade!"

Tears streamed down my cheeks "Gerard!" Then I heard guns go off "Gerard!"

"You know where to take her" Korse spoke "Get her stitched up and get a mask on her"

I tried squirming again "No! No! Let me go!" I saw his lifeless body laying there "Gerard!"

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