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Party's POV

Me and Kobra drove around looking for Jade... I didn't know how she felt or what she had done to herself

I drove for maybe twenty minutes when I noticed something laying on the dirt near some androids, I quickly turned and started driving towards it

Then I noticed it was a body

I stopped the car and me and Kobra started running towards it

Then I noticed it was her "No no no" I ran faster "Ghost?" I slid by her side, I rolled her onto her back, I checked to see if she was still breathing which thankfully she was, her leg was bleeding and bad "Go get a bandana so I can cut back the bleeding processes and quick" I looked at Kobra, He nodded and took off back towards the car "C'mon stay with me" I moved some hair out of her face

She started coughing and opened her eyes "Party?" She barely made out, she then got big tears in her eyes "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry"

Soon Kobra came back and gave me the bandana "It's okay now this may sting a bit" I tied it around her leg and she hissed in pain, I picked her up and carried her back to the car, I set her in the back and had Kobra drive while I held her head up, I looked up "Hit it!" and we took off

She started screaming holding her head "Make it stop!"

"Make what stop?" I asked in a bit of a panic "Hey" I made her look at me "Make what stop?"

She had panic all over her face and the look in her eyes was something I'd never forget

She started closing her eyes , I patted her cheek "Hey C'mon stay with me" they fully close, I looked at Kobra "Hurry!"

Ghosts POV

I woke up in Party's room, I sat up and got insintly dizzy and lightheaded "Damn"

"Hey" I heard, I looked up and saw Ghoul standing there

"Where's Party?" I asked

"He's asleep" he nodded his head towards the living room

"Why am I in here?" I looked around "and not in my room?"

He sighed "He wanted to keep a close eye on you" he walked over "he was afraid he lost you" he pasued and looked down "We almost did"

"How long was I out?" I closed my eyes

"Four days" he looked at me "about an hour ago I finally was able to convince Poison to sleep, He's been up ever since"

"Damnit" I ran my hand through my hair

"I brought some water and some food, Dr Death and Pony came by and said you were pretty dehydrated" he set them down on the table next to me

I sighed "Thanks"

He stood up "He really cares about you ya know" he turned and looked at me "he told me when he saw Your" he pointed at me "Scars... it broke him, might not have seem that way to you but inside it hurt him" he walked away


I decided to go my room and sketch, it's something I always liked to do, in fact Party got me into this year's ago, he'd come over to my house and we'd just sit and sketch and listen to music we even would listen to his and the guys' music.. They were really good

"Hey" I looked up and saw Party standing there, he had dark circles around his eyes

"Hey" I set the sketch next to me "Shouldn't you be getting some rest"

He walked over "Just wanted to check on you" he sat down on the bed, there was a few moments of silence

"I'm sorry" I looked down

"It's okay" he looked at me "just wished you would've told me back then.. I could've helped"

"I know" I looked at him "I was just scared you know, I didn't want people to worry or feel sorry for me.. Even think of me differently"

He nodded "Just still wished you would've told me"

"I know and I'm sorry" I looked down

He lifted my chin and made me look at him, we stared into each others eyes, then our lips met

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