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"Ghost!" Party yelled as he ran towards me, we ran into some Draculoids and one happen to catch me off guard knocking me down

The Draculoid grabbed one of my knives slicing my arm open and held his gun against my head but soon he was dusted, I rolled his body off of me

"You good?" Party helped me up, he then noticed my arm "Let me take a look at it"

"I'm fine" I pulled away "ain't nothing that I haven't dealt with before"

"Least let me clean it" he pulled me over to the car making me sit on the hood, he got a few of the medical supplies we just happen to get and started to sanitize the wound

"Oh fuck" I winsed

He just shook his head a bit "Alright it don't look bad, not bad enough to call Dr Death that is"

"How has he been?" I asked "I've been meaning to go visit once I had a chance"

"He's been.. Himself" Kobra said keeping an eye out making sure no other Dracs were around "You know how he is"

"And Show Pony?" I asked

"Same just like Dr D" Star looked over

"Alright" Party backed away "You should be good till we get back and we can do more"

I nodded, I looked around and saw Missile was missing "Wait Missile?" I stood up

"Missile!?" Everyone panicked, we all looked around

As I started to look around the building I could hear faint cries "Missile?" I looked around the corner and saw her sitting there with her knees against her chest "Hey" I rushed over "Why'd you run off?"

She looked at me "I got scared and didn't know what to do so I hid"

I took her hand helping her up "Please don't Scare us like that" we walked back to the car and every sighed in relief

"Oh thank God" Party walked over "C'mon we should go before they come to clean this up" he looked around seeing the Dead Dracs everywhere

We all got in the car and sped down Route Guano


I sat outside in the hot sun, I needed the air and to clear my head

"Can I asked you something?" I heard Missile

I sat up from the chair "Yeah sure"

She walked over and sat next to me "Are You and Party.. Together?"

My eyes widened "No no no" I chuckled "Just friends"

She got a confused look as she tilted her head a bit "He had the same exact reaction you just had"

"Wait really?" I was surprised, I'll be honest I've always had a crush on him since we were around 12 but I kept it to myself so it didn't ruin our friendship

She hummed and nodded "I think he likes you"

I looked up and saw him and the guys smiling and laughing knowing them it was probably some joke they told, I couldn't help but smile as well

I looked down "I highly doubt it"

"Hey" she looked at me and put her hands on her hips "I'm six and I can tell you two like each other"

"Just please don't say anything alright" I told her "I'll tell him when I'm ready"

She nodded, she then looked behind me "What's That?"

I turned around and my eyes widened "Go get inside and hide" I turned around, She ran inside and as did I "We got company!"

The guys all looked and saw the BLI car coming towards the house

"Get Missile and hide" Party looked at me

"No I'm staying to help!" I looked back at him, I then saw that Korse was with them, my heart raced as flashes of him holding a scalpel giving a evil grin filled my head

"Hey" Party grabbed my hand snapping me out of my thoughts "We got this just go make sure Missile is safe" he kissed my head and pushed me towards the back

I quickly found Missile and we hid under my bed, I made sure she was safe behind me and I held my Gun against my chest

Soon there was some fighting, glass breaking and shots being fired from outside the room, Missile started to cry but I got her to calm down

"Here" I took the spare knife out from boot and handed it to her "I'm gonna go out there and help them you stay here alright, I'll be right back"

She nodded and I made sure it was safe before I climbed from under, I made sure she was out of sight before I made my way down the hall

"Where is she!" I heard a deep voice yell

"You hurt him your a dead man" I whispered to myself, I gripped my gun

Kobra,Star and Ghoul were fighting off Dracs while Party was dealing with Korse, Korse had the upper hand and held Party by the collar of his jacket.. I had to do something

"Tell me where she is!" Korse screamed

"Hey!" I yelled getting Korse's attention "Leave him alone" I pointed my gun towards him

He dropped Party and started towards me, we both exchanged a few shots and a few punches,I got out my knife and sliced him on the arm a few times he then grabbed me and threw me across the room making me hit the wall and crashing onto the floor... may I add the wall had nails sticking out of it so that hurt like a bitch

"Get away from her" Party was trying to get up but he was too weak, he had some blood coming out of ears and mouth

"Damnit" I groaned, then two hands were against my head, I looked up and saw it was Korse, he smiled before he started screaming, I felt my body go limp

"No!" Party screamed "Ghost!"

I blacked out

Ghost (A MCR Faboulous Killjoy Story)Where stories live. Discover now