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"Battery City" I sighed "it ain't pretty"

"It really isn't" Missile spoke up, we all looked at her

"you've been there before?" Star asked

She nodded "before I met you guys, I've been on the run since I can remember"

"What do BLI want with you anyways?" I asked

She shook her head "I'm not sure they said something about me being able to destroy them but I'm just a kid!" she had surrow in her eyes

"Don't worry" Party put his hand on her shoulder "we won't let them hurt you"

Party always looked at her like she was his own daughter, he always said he wanted a kid but that all changed after Better Living attacked

She nodded her head a bit, I stood up "Alright we get some sleep then head out to Zone 6 at dawn"

Everyone nodded and headed to their rooms, I walked to mine and closed the door, I lifted my shirt to see the scars that I had thought would've gone away by now but I guessed wrong

Flashback ~ 13yr old Jade

I ran to my room after school closing and locking the door behind me, Tears rolling down my face.. Thankfully mom or dad weren't home yet

I slid down my wall just sobbing, I've been dealing with bullies and other assholes at school for awhile just cause I'm 'Different' from them, the guys get picked on as well but not as much as I do

I quickly got up and opened my door, I walked towards the bathroom closing the door behind me, I looked at myself in the mirror and hated what I saw

I opened the cabinet and found the razor blades, I lifted my shirt and made a few cuts, then lifted my shorts and made a few cuts were nobody would see them


I hated myself for doing that, I lifted my shorts to see the scars

I looked at myself in the mirror and started crying "Fuck" I wiped away the tears rolling down my face "why am I like this" I questioned

I looked into the mirror once more "fucking pathetic piece of shit for a human being" I growled

Then images started going through my head, Needles, knifes, bright lights just weird things flying through my mind

I fell onto the floor "Just stop" I begged, I closed my eyes hoping they would stop but they wouldn't "I said stop"

Just like that it did, I opened my eyes and everything was normal

There was pounding on my door "Ghost!?" Party panicked "Open the door.. Please" I could hear him place his head on the door

"I Just want it to stop" I whispered and curled up in a ball on the floor "why is this happening?" Soon darkness took over

I woke up and looked at the clock that read 4:51am, I looked and saw Party on the floor with his back against the wall sound asleep.. How'd he get my door open?

I stood up and made my way to the bathroom, I took a quick shower and was done, I got dressed and when I got back to my room Party was starting to wake up, I sat on my bed and looked out the window

"Hey" Party quickly stood up and came over to sit on the bed "what happened last night?" He put his fingers under my chin making me look at him

"I don't know" I looked at him, I stood up "I don't know what the hell is wrong with me" I punched the door

I felt Party grab my shoulder, Party turned me around pulling me into a tight hug as I sobbed into his chest

"What's happening to me?" I sobbed, he just pet my hair and kissed my head


"Think you should go with us?" Kobra asked as he tied his boots up

"It'd be better then staying here" I tied my boots up as well, I'm wearing ripped Black Skinny jeans this time instead of the shorts and stockings but the same shirt and jacket

"Well we heard you last night and we're-" I cut Ghoul off

"Worried about me?" I looked at him "Look I don't know what's going but I can't just sit around wondering what the hell is happening to me"

Ghoul sighed putting his hands up in defense "Alright"

I felt someone pat my back, I looked up to see Party, he gave me a small smile and I gave one back "Don't worry" I stood up "I'll be fine" I put my gun in my holster and my knifes in my boots like usual "Now C'mon we should get going it's gonna take awhile to get there if we want those supplies"

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