Passanger Seat Parody

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We decided to go home early after I got sick. We would've stayed over only one more night anyways.

I spent most of the ride sleeping in the back with my head in Alex's lap. I think he liked petting my hair because I would hum in content every now and again when we hit a bump in the road and I would wake up for a second or two.

At one point I woke up, only to be sick again. Since I wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon, I decided to drive since that was the only way to really keep me from getting car sick.

Alex sleeps in the front seat, mostly because I think the insomniacs, Dani and Pete, have a thing for each other, so they sat together; and Ryan and Gabe sat together because Ryan is determined to prove Gabe wrong. Of what, I have no clue. I tried listening in but it didn't do me much good,  that and my head's still a little foggy and it would be easier to just focus on the road.

Despite knowing this, my ADD doesn't really want to listen to logic. I look over at Alex to see him sleeping softly with his mouth parted open slightly, taking small breaths.

"How about you try to be a little less obvious" Dani whispers from behind me.

"Shut up" I toss back.

I hear Pete ask her what that was all about when she sits back down. She doesn't say anything when leads me to believe that she just shrugged and kept my secrets.

I try not to look over again, I really do. But the sight is like seeing a new puppy sleeping in your blanket;  it's too adorable.

When I look back up, the first thing I see is two headlights on a blue car. I didn't have enough time to react before a crash ripped through the peaceful air.

Everyone always says how when bad things happen, they happen in slow motion, but this wasn't the case. I blinked and when I opened my eyes again, the van was tipped over on its right side.

I tried to look back and see if everyone was okay but pain shot through my body and I gave up on that right away. I could see Alex though, and let me tell you, if that's what fear looks like then this is my first time ever seeing someone so scared. I watched as he struggled to breathe, rough air scratching it's way through his throat. I know that something must've happened to his lungs, either a broken rib or something went through the skin and punctured it, I just really don't want to look. Danielle would know.

"Jack..." his voice sounds airy and awful

I reach over to take his hand even though pain shoots through my body "You'll be okay, I promise" I think I'm crying, I can't tell

He smiles and is about to laugh but realises he can't. "That's a pretty bold promise."

"I'm a pretty bold person"

"I know" his eyes start to flutter shut in exaughstion. "That move you made on me the other night was pretty fucking bold"

"Yeah, but you did basically does a strip tease for me the night after" I smile. He smiles back, but doesn't reply. "Hey, hey, come on stay with me, okay?"

"One more time" Alex mumbles

"One more time what?"

"" the words are slurred and mumbled but I'm sure I heard it right.

"How about a thousand more? When we get out of here. Okay?"

"I thought you were supposed to be the realist" he smiles, falling asleep despite my cries not to.


Alex got the worst of it.

Ryan and Gabe were only scratched and bruised. Danielle has a broken wrist and Pete has a broken arm and a concussion. I have a broken ankle. But Alex...poor Alex.

We sat in that car for what felt like hours and all I did was scream for Alex to wake up until my throat went raw.

He was sleeping in a weird position with his back up against the window so when the car hit he ended up with a concussion and his leg broken in three places. The worst part of it is that it knocked him unconscious; the doctors couldn't tell me when he'd wake up.

"Red Jell-O for the man in the red cast" Danielle smiles setting the cup down on the table next to me then sitting in the chair that my foot isn't propped up on, across from me. "and blue for the blue haired freak with the purple cast"

"Not hungry" I mumble, not even watching her feed herself with her left hand and totally failing could make me laugh.

She frowns. "You have to eat"

"Alex isn't eating" I argue bitterly

"Alex is getting his nutrients through an IV."

"I should be me..."

Danielle sighs, setting her cup down to give me full attention. "It wasn't your fault"

"I swerved into incoming traffic because I was looking at him and not the road"

"So it's his fault for being so adorable" she tries and fails when I send her a deathly glare.


Days go by with out change and people keep trying to get me to go home and sleep for real or take a shower but I just can't leave him here.

Then, one day, he just wakes up. The was no 'hallelujah' like I was expecting but he's awake. I was just sitting in the chair trying to swallow some of the cardboard potatoes the nurse brought me and I watched his eyes open.

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