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The Barakat family neither travels light nor cheap. This meaning Alex was significantly disappointed when he got his own room instead of sharing with mine. Though, he shouldn't complain because he has a suite, much similar to mine, which is much nicer than the complex we currently live in.

It's in the early afternoon here already and I just want to sleep, but there's a knock on my door. Why the fuck does a knock to the door always stop good things from happening? Like sleep and sex, or both I suppose.

I open the door and expect to see Alex, but instead see my brother, Joe, with a big ass grin on his face. "Ready for the Mexican girls? Gotta continue the tradition of one night stands"

I see Alex standing in the hallway with a very pissed off look on his face, reminding me how much I would love to get drunk off my ass. 

"I'm still feeling nauseous from the plane ride" I try, but according to the look on my brother's face, it doesn't work.

"Yeah" he huffs a laugh "Okay.  Come on Jack and Jack's English friend" Joe smiles draping either arm over our shoulders and dragging us towards the elevator.

When we reach the bottom, it's a short walk to the party on the Beach Front, but we can hear the music from the hotel. Alex and I don't talk for the entire walk down and every step gets more and more awkward between us. Thank god for alcohol. Which, I start drinking as soon as I can.

"Are you angry?" I ask after Alex safely drinks his first beer.

"No," Alex says with an innocent look

"You look mad"

Alex shrugs "it's just my face"

I look over to see if my brother was nearby "Well, I like your face"

Alex blushes and looks down at his feet. The moment doesn't last long though, because my brother is dragging a girl in a tight blue dress our way. "Jack!" my brother cheers. "This is my friend, Cindy"

"Your brother told me so much about you" Cindy leaves the hip of my brother "He said you like to dance"

Oh fuck. If Alex wasn't pissed before, he certainly will be now. I can't turn her down with my brother here but I can't accept her advances with my boyfriend here either. My brother would know something if I don't fuck this girl, so I come up with a plan that in no way could fail.

I give Alex a look that says 'don't worry', he gives me a look back that is filled with doubt just before my brother introduces him to a girl. But that's not my problem right now, I can trust Alex to just go along with it for the night...I hope.

Right now, my problem is not sleeping with this girl by getting her so drunk she passes out and I have no choice but to not have sex with her. Easy right? Wrong. Because the more she drank the more I drank and it was only a matter of time before my dick took over, because really, I haven't had sex in so long.

"I would love to know what your hotel room looks like" she whispers into my ear.

I nod, drunk off Mexican beer and hormones, and take her hand as I lead her out of the crowd.

We're almost out of the dance party when I spot Alex dancing on another man. Like full on grinding. The man swoops down and kisses Alexs neck and he leans back and moans, his fists curling in the other guy's shirt. Okay, and no, that is not okay. Alex is mine.

"Where are you going?" The bitch calls after me as I rush off to beat this guy up for even looking at Alex.

I yell something back like 'fuck off' to her, but I don't look back to see if she actually heard it or not.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I growl in Alex's ear when I push my way to him.

Alex shrugs, whining at me when I pull him away from the guy.

"What were you doing?" I ask again once out of the crowd and in a quieter place. I'm still drunk and being pissed off doesnt really help me make any better decisions.

"It was my back up plan, if you slept with that girl I would've slept with him so we'd be even." Alex tells me with innocent eyes, which I'm surprised he can still pull off.

I guess I had no right to be angry with him for that, since I was doing the same thing with that girl. But being drunk, I still wanted to be angry so I found a way. "My brother could've seen you and told my parents and left you in Mexico."

Alex laughs. "Your brother introduced me to him. He could just tell I was gay."

"He what?"

"He said he saw the way I look at you and said, and I quote 'Jack's not gay dude, but I get why you'd wanna fuck him, hell, if he weren't my brother and I wasn't straight I would do it too'"

"He's an idiot" I mumble looking at my feet and kicking at the pebbles on the sidewalk.

"So are you" Alex giggles, putting two hands on either side of my face and pulling me in for a kiss and I'm drunk enough to let him. "C'mon, let's sneak away while no ones looking"

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