Mercury: The Element, Not The Planet

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Wake up, throw up, cry, pass out on the bathroom floor then repeat. This goes on for three days until I have nothing left in my stomach or tear ducts. Alex had tried to come in a few times during this cycle but it just made me cry harder so he was ushered out pretty quick. There was a point where I couldn't cry anymore and I just yelled a lot and threw a glass of water at his head.

After a lot of convincing, Danielle got me to calm down enough to let Alex into the room and talk to me. I made no promises of speaking back to the cheater or even looking at him, but I let him in.

"Jack, I know you're angry,and probably won't believe me but just hear me out okay?" Alex stands awkwardly in the middle of the room. When I don't reply he keeps talking. "That girl I was with, her name is Mercury, she was my best friend back in high school." I'm trying not to cry as he keeps talking but a few tears slip. Why is he doing this? Why does he want to hurt me so much?  "She flew all the way here from England, with her girlfriend, just to meet this new boy I wouldn't stop talking about"

My eyes flicker up to his "Liar" I accuse "I saw you coming down the stairs with your buckle unbuckled and sex hair."

"You're right, and I know that looks bad, but her and I switched pants because she said that I'd have a better chance of getting laid it my ass was popped out. Then as far as my hair goes, fuck I don't know, my hair is always shit. But I swear, I never did anything with her. I promise."

I look down at my nails and start picking at the dead skin. "She was grinding on you"

"Yeah" he cringes a little "Mercury is a bit slutty when she's drunk but it never really means anything. I normally just laugh it off"

I shrug,  starting to feel guilty that I overreacted so much. "I was so scared, Lex." tears start to prick my eyes "Everything hurt so much."

"I know, I'm sorry" he apologises,  inching closer to me, slowly like I might run away if he moves too fast. "I'm sorry" he whispers, sitting on the bed next to me and wiping a stray tear off my cheek before leaning down to kiss me softly.

We were interrupted by a small knock on the door followed by an "Alex? Are you still clothed?"

I look up to see a petite girl with fire red hair peeking around the corner with her glossed lips stretched into a devious smile.

"Yes, Mercury" Alex sighs jokingly, making it an invitation for Mercury to glide into my room with another petite blonde girl being dragged by the hand.

"Hi Jack!" Mercury smiles the biggest smile I've ever seen "I've heard so much about you! I'm Sherlock and this is my partner in crime, Watson"

"Would you stop introducing us like that?" the other girl whines with a hint of a smile in her eyes still. I can't help but laugh a little at that.

"As soon as you agree that our wedding will be made entirely of cheese" Mercury argues

"You're lactose intolerant" the blonde says before cutting that argument short and turning to me. "Sorry about her. I'm Cassie and that's Mercury."

"Hi, um, sorry about...the other night..." I look down at my hands

"Don't worry about it!" Mercury is poking at the things at my desk when I look back up "Let me tell you that was the second best thing I've seen in a while, right after Watson's boobs."

"Mercury!" Cassie scolds when Mercury unwraps a piece of my gum from my desk and pops it in her mouth.

"What babe?" Mercury smirks wildly "it's true. But no really, Jack, I seriously look up to you for that stunt. A plus in my book"

Cassie rolls her eyes and mutters "Sometimes I wonder..." I didn't catch the last part but I can assume what she said. It didn't seem to matter to Mercury though, because she just slips over to Cassie and places a big kiss on Cassie's cheek, making her blush madly.

Alex is smiling over at the couple and it's adorable really, how much he loves his friends.

"Wanna go make out on Alex's bed like the good old days, just until they're ready?" Mercury smiles to Cassie.

"You guys used to make out on my bed?" Alex tosses an angry glare at them.

"Yeah, and a whole lot of other things too" Mercury giggles, taking Cassie's hand, who mumbles out some half hearted apology before they disappear.

"I owe you an apology" I look down at my hands in shame.

"Yeah, you really fucking do" Alex says with a chuckle before leaning into whisper "Just owe me tonight, okay?"

I bite my lip and nod when Alex pulls away.

"Good," Alex smiles "Now let's wrangle up my two idiots and play some Xbox, yeah?"

I nod my head with a smile as he takes my hand, pulling me up and out the door, stopping only for a second to tell the two girls to get their butts downstairs.

"Oh, you're so going down, Gaskarth" Mercury cheers when Alex announces that we will be playing Call Of Duty.

"I've gotten better!" Alex defends.

We all plop down on the couch, Mercury in Cassie's lap and my feet in Alex's.

"Aww cute" Danielle coos, taking a picture of all of us on the couch.

I stick my tongue out but it's too late, Danielle took it before we were even aware of her presence. "You heading out?"

"Can you tell?" she laughs, motioning at the suitcase she has beside her.

I shrug "I wanna hear all the dirty stories when you get back"

"Can do" she salutes, before heading out the door. The only residents left in here for the summer is Alex and me. Gerard is seeing his little brother, Dani is off on her magical summer trip (no one really knows where she goes, and I don't think she knows half the time), Gabe's with his buddies out in Colorado, and Ryan's with his parents out in Vegas.

"The Responsible One is supposed to remind you that we gotta get out of here before the monster arrives." Cassie says to Mercury after checking her watch.

"The monster's coming?" Alex asks with eyes as wide as cantaloupes.

"Who's the monster?" I ask

"She didn't tell you?" Mercury inquires, ignoring my question.

"What? No!" Alex panics slightly. "Do you think this house would be such a mess if I knew?!?"

"It's fine" she waves him off, getting up from her girlfriends lap.

"When is she coming?"

"Who's the monster?" I ask, only to be, yet again, ignored.

"I dunno, later tonight I guess,  either way, I don't want to be here when she gets here"

"Does anyone wanna let me in on this?" I ask.

"The mum went over the ocean, the mum went over the ocean, the mum went over the ocean, to see his son fucking a dude" Mercury sang to the tune of 'the bear went over the mountain' the last part didn't really fit but she didn't seem to care.

"Ah, fuck" was the only thing I could say

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