Part 8

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Molly's P.O.V

Three hours had gone by from when I was discharged. Harry had spent the night with me last night, he had gotten up during the night to answer a phone call so I took the opportunity to call the investigator. I had learned his name was Michael. I was fortunate enough that he hadn't gone to bed yet, and I was able to talk to him.

After being discharged, I returned back to Harry's house, where I had found all of my stuff unpacked in one of the 4 other bedrooms. My pictures had been hung, bed put together and all my clothes put away.

I walked over to the bed and sat on the edge as Harry walked in with his phone in hand.

"I'm going to order something to eat and go pick it up, do you want anything?" He asked. I shook my head in response. He sighed at my reply and spoke once more.

"Come on Molly" he whispered. "You gotta eat something."

"I'm fine." I lied, not making eye contact. He got the hint and walked out of the room.

I lifted the covers of the bed and climbed beneath them grabbing my laptop and opening my binder. It was going to be a long 5 months completing this semester and I had already missed 2 weeks. I logged on and got started. I thought, it's 11:56 AM now, and if I get an hour or two done, it will be around 3, and I will be in good shape.

Hours had passed before I looked up from the screen. The clock now read 9:48 PM, and I was proud that I exceeded my 2 hour goal. I got out of bed and put my work away seeing I had completed everything I had missed, except for a 3,000 word paper for Physc. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I was thankful Harry didn't listen to me earlier and ordered something for me. Chicken soup sat in the middle of the fridge and I picked it up and stuck it in the microwave. I walked around the kitchen and into the living room noticing the TV on and a sleeping Harry on the couch. I smiled at the sight of him curled up with an arm and a leg hanging off the side, plus his mouth wide open with snores escaping. I heard the faint sound of the microwave and turned around to get my food. I sat at the counter, finished it and got back up to stick my bowl in the sink.

I re-entered the living room and grabbed a blanket from the chair beside the couch. I carefully placed it over him to avoid waking him. His arm snaked around my mid thigh and pulled me close while I bent over him holding the blanket. I didn't dare move, afraid he would wake up. He muttered a few incoherent words except for one, "Lydia, Wait" he muttered- almost inaudible. I didn't have time to think as his other hand grabbed onto me and both of them snaked around my waist, pulling his head into my lower stomach. My breath hitched when he came in contact with me. I decided to carefully pluck his fingers and eventually both hands off of me and put them on his chest.

Not knowing what to do, I went to get ready for bed. I entered the bathroom connected to my room and began to brush my teeth. I heard his door across the hall close shut. When I had finished I climbed in bed and tried to sleep, but I couldn't. Every twenty minutes that passed my felt like hours, first the clock read...

10:38 PM

Then 11:07,




By 1:28 AM I found myself outside his door, I slowly opened it and saw him laying on his bare chest sleeping. The moonlight hitting his tattoos that I hadn't paid attention to before.

The balcony doors were still opened, so I stepped out onto it remembering the doctor's words. Before Harry came back from stepping out this morning, the doctor recommended I see a therapist and "talk about my feelings". How was I supposed to talk about my feelings when I didn't know what I was feeling, or even how to feel?

I quickly snapped my head around when I heard shuffling around and I was met with a half asleep Harry sitting upright in bed rubbing his eyes with a duvet covering his lower half. He looked at me with a shocked expression and spoke with a raspy voice.

"Molly? Are you okay?" His voice filled with concern. I nodded my head towards him.

"I couldn't sleep" I paused for a moment and cleared my throat feeling the lump forming. "I'm too used to a bed with you in it, that I couldn't sleep" I told him the truth. His eyes widened and a small smile formed on his lips.

He slowly pulled the duvet over and moved out of the middle of the bed and created room. It took me a minute to react, but I did by getting in with him. We laid in silence as my eyes started to get heavier and heavier, I felt his arm slip around me and pull my chest to his and a kiss was placed on my hairline before I fell asleep.


Harry's P.O.V

I stared at the sleeping girl in my arms at 3 in the morning. Before she came in here she couldn't sleep, and now I couldn't. Her mouth slightly parted and her arms limp as I held her close to me. I looked at her with soft eyes as I imagined what her life was like before all of this mess. The way her life was and should of been had this never happened.

However, one good thing came out of it. I was able to meet her and that's all I needed to remember to help her get through this. With that thought still burned into my brain, I drifted off to sleep. Later, I was woken up later by the sound of water running.


Molly's P.O.V

When I woke up, Harry's grip on me wasn't as tight as I thought it would be. I easily got out of bed and headed towards the shower. I spent a good 20 minutes under the hot water just thinking. When I emerged, I noticed two towels sitting there that I had not brought out. Harry is up, I thought. I wiped the condensation off the mirror and looked back at the reflection, the life in my eyes had somewhat returned along with the rest of my face.

I slipped on some leggings and a sweatshirt and exited the bathroom, Harry wasn't in the room so I made my way downstairs.

Harry sat at the kitchen all dressed in a blue suit under was a white shirt with the top two buttons undone and his hair styled to the side. His phone was pressed against his ear and his hand rested against his forehead indicating he was frustrated and upset.

I walked past him and we made eye contact.  I quietly poured myself cereal with the milk and sat across from him, eating as he talked into the phone. It was mostly a few "yes's" and "no's" but there were other things said.

By the time I was almost done eating, he hung up the phone and sighed, rubbing his hands over his face in frustration.

"Everything okay?" I asked while eating. He smiled at me and didn't respond for a while but just stared down at my bowl.

"They have to take take Ethan to court." He mumbled still looking down.

"Ethan, who is Ethan?" I asked. He didn't reply to me, but just looked at me and that was enough for me to understand. I dropped my spoon in the bowl and sat there, neither one of us knowing what to do. I wasn't paying attention when he picked up his phone again but this time dialed a number.

"I'm calling my lawyer." He stated and stood up from his seat, violently pushing it back. He paced back and forth in the kitchen as I listened to him explain everything and finally hung up after 20 minutes.

"You should probably go change, Derek will be here in thirty minutes." He said with caution in his voice. I soon picked up on that Derek was his lawyer.

I nodded my head slightly and walked up the stairs but stopped when I heard him shout and soon enough a slam was heard from the kitchen. I contemplated going back down but decided against it and kept walking up the stairs.

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