Part 45

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Harry's P.O.V

"Okay so I know they say to stay off the internet but I couldn't help it." I paused as she rolled her eyes. "And it should be the size of a raspberry!" I added happily.

"A raspberry?"

"Yeah a raspberry, like a blackberry but only red."

"I know what a raspberry is, thank you!"

"So sassy" I commented and she threw her famous death glare. I raise my hands in the air to surrender.

"ROBINSON" I heard and I stood after her, following. The nurse opened the door and we both entered.

The nurse went through the normal questions, Molly and I obliging.  Meanwhile, we made faces when the nurse would look away. Her tongue was stuck out the second the nurse left. I laughed in response, before standing and planting my lips on hers.

A knock came from the door and in walked the doctor, "Hello" The doctor greeted us happily.  He  went through his own questions and facts before he continued on to the ultrasound.

"Alright, there is the heartbeat" He commented pointed.

"Okay, if you had to compare it to a size, how big would you say it is?" I questioned.

"About the size of a blackberry is what I would typically say it is around this week."

"Ha- see" I said cockily.

"You said rasberry." She said and I frowned, causing the doctor to laugh. "What? You did" She probed, now laughing.

"It doesn't matter." I said slightly disappointed, I then realized how childish I was being and glanced at my gorgeous girlfriend.  I took her hand again smiling and she directed her attention back to the screen.

A few moments later, we had a whole new set of pictures and we were heading to the car.

"Alright,  I'm gonna change really fast then we have to head to the studio." Her voice anxious.

"Okay" I said uninterested at the moment and distracted.

I pulled into the garage and she bolted to the door and I laughed. I jogged up stairs changing as well into something more 'professional.' I quickly texted Louis telling him we were leaving and what time to be there.

"Ready?" I asked opening the bathroom door.

"Yeah, will you just zip me up?" She asked and I stepped behind her. Her hands gathered her hair,  pulling it to one side as I slipped the metal zipper up along her back. I took the opportunity to kiss her neck a few times as she rolled her head to the side and back into my shoulder, her eyes fluttered closed.

"Harry" She whispered.

"Yeah" My voice now rhaspy.

"We have to go"

"I know" I said but continued down her neck until she turned around and our lips were attacking one anothers.

"We- don't- have-time-for- this" She said out of breath between each kiss.

"I know" I said once again but neither one of making an attempt to stop.

I found the zipper I had just pulled up and pulled it down. Her hands flew to my shirt,  pulling it over my head not bothering with the buttons. Soon enough, I dropped my pants backing her against the wall in my arms.  Her hands clasped around my neck, pulling me closer.

"5 minutes" She informed me and I nodded my head, pulling her underwear off along with mine still not setting her down. I braced myself with one hand against the wall and the other supporting her weight as she clung to me.

I let her down some entering her and her head buried itself in my neck and her moans slowly became audible. Her lips found mine as her head bobbed up and down slightly, my lips tracing her neck along her collarbone. Her nails dug into me and I grabbed her head with my other hand, bringing her lips to mine as we breathed against one another.  Only our nose touching as we finally came undone with each other.

Her back arching slightly and her hips harshly hitting mine with pleasure and I was quick to take her lips with mine riding our highs out.

I finally subsided my motions and pulled out, still holding onto her, afraid she would collapse under me.

"You okay?" I asked carefully.

"Yeah, you can put me down."

"I know." I said looking at her. "I just don't want too" My smile obvious along with hers as she blushed and I reluctantly put her down.

"You are doing so incredible, I am proud of you." I said to her, looking into her eyes.  

"I am doing well with fucking?  Glad to hear it." She joked.

"You know what I mean."  She blushed and changed the subject.

"Hurry and get dressed" She said, scurrying away from me, clasping her dress to her chest. I quickly gathered my clothes, slipping them back on, wiping the slight residue of sweat from my forehead. I watched as she walked out the bedroom and I heard her heels click down the stairs. I silently walked to the dresser slipping the box in my pocket.

"HARRY!" She yelled and I quickly ran down stairs, opening the garage door to see her climbing in, her full length black coat covering her.

"Louis and El will be there around 7" I informed her once we pulled out of the driveway.

"Okay" She said quietly. The rest of the drive was quiet, I knew she was slightly nervous but also tired. I was nervous as hell.

I pulled into the lot and was ready to get out but she didn't move.

"Hey." I said gently catching her attention. "You alright?" I said more understanding.

"Yeah," She paused shaking her head. "I'm just nervous, that's all."

"Molls, you'll do great. This whole night is about you, they aren't comparing you to anyone, they are here to see you and the work you do."

"I know, I just can't help but feel anxious."

"Well don't" My voice still caring but stern. She smiled to me and I brought my lips to hers.

"You're gonna be great. I am so proud." I whispered in the kiss before pulling away and getting out, jogging to her side to walk with her.

The studio was dimly lit with florescent lights and her pieces were scattered throughout shelves and walls, hers and only hers, I thought which brought a smile to my face.

"Babe?" I heard her and I snapped my head down. "I have to go set up before it starts" She informed me and scurried off leaving me to look at them. I didn't want to take in every piece because I wanted to walk around with her and have her explain each one to me.

30 minutes had passed by the time she found her way to me and the doors opened to the crowds that had gathered. Honestly, I was significantly surprised by the outcome. She carried herself professionally talking to reporters and other artists about her pieces and introducing me as her boyfriend. I shook at least 50 hands before she was able to get away and we walked through out the studio slowly hand in hand.

"What's this one?" I asked never seeing it before.

"OH, I... uh" She stuttered and I stared at it. "I painted this after I called you that night." She said quietly and my heart dropped slightly remembering the conversation and the one following.

"It's really nice." I said, not wanting to have her get upset here.

"Thank you." She replied and I turned back to the painting. Two hands in black and white held onto each other tightly, the bigger one holding the smaller one.

"Let's go see the others." I whispered and she nodded, resting her head slightly against my shoulder. I wrapped an arm around her as we walked.

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