Part 33

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Molly's P.O.V

I sat in the overheated arena on a hard plastic chair where my butt had fallen asleep nearly twenty minutes ago. Soon enough, our row was instructed to stand and make our way to the front. This is when I began to panic slightly.  I found myself searching the crowd, scanning every seat, every face, until I saw his. He waved his hand slightly in front of him and he smiled when his eyes met mine.  He was wearing his signature look,  first two buttons of his white dress shirt undone and his black suit fitting perfectly, of course no tie. I smiled at him as I walked closer and closer to the stairs to the stage and soon enough I was up next. I watched the person in front of me walk after their name was read and all I thought was 'don't trip'.

Soon enough, I heard my name echo throughout the stadium and I took my first step onto the stage.  I saw Harry stand and clap out of the corner of my eye. Other people who knew me cheered as well but I was too focused on him. I directed my focus to the dean, who handed me the piece of paper that proved that I had just finished four years of my life on education.  I grasped the piece in my hand and shook multiple hands before I was off the stage. I saw Harry making his way down the stands and I broke out of the line. He ran towards me and instantly connected our lips. I broke away, blushing running back in order with my class. I took my seat and avoided eye contact with everyone who saw what just happened.

I walked out the of the arena, looking around for Harry when my eyes settled on someone else, Addi. Her eyes wide in shock, I smiled at her and she slowly walked towards me.

"Hey" I said quietly.

"What's going on?" Her voice just as quiet.

"Not much" I said as I saw Harry aproach me but backed away when he saw her.

"I heard some things going around about..." She trailed off but I knew what she was talking about. I nodded my head before I spoke.

"I had a miscarriage" I said, realizing I hadn't spoken the entire word yet. I just never wanted to believe it. Her gaze dropped and her eyes softened.

"Molly, oh I'm so sorry." Her voice full of emotion.

"I'm okay. Seriously, I will be fine." I spoke trying to flash her a smile.

When she saw me smile, her lips curved into one as well.  I realized in that moment how much I have missed her.  With everything going on, I have pushed her out and knew she didn't deserve it. "Hey, will you stop by soon?  I really miss you." I said, trying to reach out to her.

Her smile grew and she quickly nodded, "I would love to, Molls.  I miss you so so much." She hugged me with so much force I almost fell over.  We giggled, and then we walked away, after waving goodbye to each other.

I found Harry and he instantly hugged me, lifting me off the ground. My feet returned back to the ground and he smiled tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Wanna get lunch?" He asked sweetly and I smiled back, nodding my head.

Harry's P.O.V

The two of us finished eating and I watched her head turn back and forth watching all the people. She turned her head toward me and blushed when she saw me watching. Her head ducked down and her cheeks red. Reaching across the table, I grabbed her hand, rubbing her knuckles. She smiled up at me and I returned it.

"There's an art studio right down the road from the house, like a 15 minute drive." She spoke suddenly and I knew where this was going.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"So I was thinking I could apply and it does pay pretty well, so since we are living together..." she rambled and I held my hand up, quickly shaking my head.

"No." I said sternly taking her by surprise.

"Harry, come on it's what people do in relationships, they split it." She said trying to plead with me but I wasn't going to have it.

"I don't care about other relationships, I care about ours. I say no, because I have a great job that I love. I want you to do this job because you love it, not because you feel obligated." I said a bit more forceful than I intended. I waited for her response knowing she was going to retaliate.

"You're really hot when you're pissed, you know that right?" She said in her cute voice.

"I've been told that." I responded smoothly, seeing her roll her eyes.

"Okay Harry, you win." Her voice returning to normal.

"Really? I win?" My voice a bit more excited than I wanted. Her head bobbed up and down. I stood,  leading her out of the restaurant and to the car. Her hand reached for mine and I smiled at her.

"You okay?" I asked to make sure.

"Yeah, I was just thinking."


"Everything, how we met, where we are at, what's going to happen.  Mostly just how much I love you." Her eyes met mine and my heart raced.

The rest of the afternoon we laid around and did nothing, literally nothing. She ended up falling asleep on me and I carried her to bed by 9 PM.  I layed in bed and started to doze off but was soon awoken to lips attacking mine.

Molly's P.O.V

I felt him carry me up the stairs and lay me down in the bed as the mattress dipped and he layed down. What I really felt, and couldn't believe I was initiating it, was my lips on his. I took him by surprise because it took him a minute but when he did register I flipped over straddling him. His hands making their way to my hips, I still felt uneasy about everything but I knew Harry would never hurt me or make me feel that way. I just needed time to fully register that this is something normal for me to do and I shouldn't be scared.

I broke the kiss, pulling the shirt over my head and I felt his eyes staring at my body as I felt his heart race more. He sat up slightly removing his shirt and my hands were instantly covering his tattooed chest, his lips fighting mine. I reached down, pulling his pants over hips before he flipped us over so he was hovering me. His pants were slipped off completely, his hand brought to my cheek as I smiled at him. He returned it but I knew he was still uneasy as well as I.

"Hey" I said looking at him. "I love you" I continued to reassure him I was okay. A smile appeared on his face and his lips met mine again. His warm hands swiped my shorts and bottoms off together in swipe and I giggled at the movement. He trailed down my body and my hands went to his hair, pulling on his roots.  He reached lower, but stopped and returned to meet my lips again. I felt confused by his actions and he noticed.

"I'm not like that, this should mean something." His voice soft and delicate. I nodded at him and smiled a small smile.

"Thank you" I whispered before our lips reconnected. My own heart racing with his knowing I wanted to do this and I had to get over it. His lips met my neck and I felt him enter my body again as he waited for me. I grabbed his cheeks, placing his lips on mine and he started moving.  Each thrust meaning something to him and I.

I clutched the back of his biceps for support as I became weaker. His large hands wrapping themselves behind my lower back as I tilted my head into his neck trying not to let the sounds escape that I was holding back come out, but with each movement it became harder to do.

"I got you" His voice a raspy whisper in my ear. I nodded into him and as I released a small moan from my lips. I instantly turned red but Harry smiled and kissed me deeper than we ever had before, swallowing each others sounds. His movements becoming faster and sloppier as the pit in my stomach became tighter. Our body's sweaty against each other when we both soon came undone, he followed shortly after and collapsed on top of me.

Both of us struggling to breathe, his hand came up to my cheek and his eyes looked into mine. I strained my neck and kissed him on the nose trying to re-assure him that I was okay and I needed him, not just now but forever.

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