Part 64

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"What do you mean?" I ask frantically feeling my stomach in my throat.

"Harry, calm down." She said. "First, you need to go to the apartment and grab Molly's stuff and get whatever you need as well. The carrier is in her room along with a bag of everything else she needs, Molly and I got some stuff together only yesterday and we thought these were just a false alarm but it isn't." She said sighing and I began to panic.

"Oh-ok" I stuttered.

"Harry-" She paused. "Breathe" She reminded me before hanging up and I swallowed before turning back onto the road practically racing everyone. My headlights reaching out in front of me as I pulled into a parking spot outside of her place and running up the steps, I climbed up on my toes reaching above the door searching for the spare key and fumbled for it in my grasp.

I flung open the door, slamming it behind me, walking quickly to her room.  I threw the room apart searching for my clothes and hers, tossing them as quickly and neatly as I could into a bag. I zipped the it shut, throwing it over my shoulder along with the baby's bag and I froze. As I stared at the carrier, I realized how real this was becoming.  I snapped out of my thoughts and picked it up, carefully making my way to the front door, closing and locking it behind me.

I ran back down to my car, unlocking it and tossing the bags in the trunk. I went for the carrier as well but I did a double take, realizing what I was about to do. Deciding my Porsche wasn't exactly the best car for the occasion, I gathered everything again locking the car behind me and unlocking Molly's after running back in the house and grabbing her keys.

I had decided when she first came back and was living with me to get her a new car, a Range Rover, something expensive but not to expensive because she would be afraid to drive it. I threw the car into drive and turned onto the road checking my phone again for any calls, yet there were none.

I pulled into the florescent lighted parking garage.  The lights were blinding as I raced up the floors until I reached the first empty spot on the sixth floor. I swerved in, obviously in a rush, not giving a damn about my parking job.   I opened the door, careful to not hit the car next to mine and ran around to the back. I popped the trunk and retrieved everything for the third time that night.

The elevator dropped my off at ground level and I walked into a bustling office.  The woman at the front desk looked at me and smiled, pulling me up.

"Hi" I said flustered.

"First off who are you here for and second, calm down" She chuckled compassionately. She seemed experience in the field of dealing with new dads.

"Um, Molly Robinson." I said looking up at them. "And I'm trying to do that" I added still a bit flustered.

"And how are you related to Ms. Robinson, sir?"

I didn't think twice about this answer, maybe that was a bad thing, but I sure as hell didn't care.  "I'm her Fiance."

"Well, honey, she is in room 318.  All you need to do is take the elevator to the 3rd floor and take a left and follow the signs." She instructed me and I shot her a smile as I turned. "-and good luck!" She called after me and i nodded making my way down the hall.

Luckily, I reached an empty elevator, however it seemed to inch up slowly.  Maybe it was just by nerves, but I swear that ride took longer than my drive into the hospital.  Alas, I reached the third floor and I practically sprinted out, ready to see my Molly.

I reached another desk and another receptionist.  Her, not as nice as the last. "Name please." She screeched.

"Yeah, uh, Hi, Harry Styles.  Here for Molly Robinson."  I spilled, trying to hurry the process up.  As I was waiting for her response while she typed on her computer, I couldn't help but notice my building anxiety.  I could not handle another tragedy, and I know Molly can't.  "A sign read "Maternity Ward" In the oncoming hallway, reminding me how fucking slow this receptionist is. That is where Molly is, down that hallway, and that is where I should be.

"Okay so my records show she is not married, so how are you related to the patient."  She sneered, looking up at me from her dark rimmed glasses.  Her eyes reminded me of the disgusting color of the water Molly uses to wash her paint brushes, and her breath smells like 7 week old coffe.  I did not like this woman.

"I am her fiance" I snapped.  

"Okay well I need to print you a name tag, so give me just one second."  She rolled her eyes, her boobs sagged to the floor as she stood up, and her hunch back just completed her appearance.  As she waited for my fucking name tag to print I became increasingly less patient for this damn woman.  She was really pissing me off.  I needed to be with my love, yet this witch was holding me back.  I was tapping loudly on the counter, contemplating just making a run for it, but it finally printed.

The bitch handed me the name tag and i stuck it on my shirt, mumbled a quick thanks, and jogged down the hallway.  "No running in my ward!" She screamed, but there was no way I was going to listen to her.  I just kept on running.

"318, 318" I kept repeating to myself while searching for her room.  Finally I passed, 316 and 317.  Once I reached her room, I stopped, not sure if I could handle what awaits me on the other side of this door.  Nevertheless,  I took a deep breath, composing myself knowing I did not matter for the next few hours, two other girls were the main focus and I had to remember that.

I pushed the door open quietly and closed it behind me, walking into the main part seeing Addi half asleep resting her head on her hand in a chair. When I turned to look at Molly, I saw her laying alone on her side clutching the side banister. Addi woke up as I set the bags down and she gave me a small smile standing quietly.

"Hey almost dad." Addi giggled and I half smiled.

"How is she?" I asked timidly, motioning to Molly, asleep on the bed.

"She's fine right now, getting as much sleep as possible because this may be the last time she gets quiet for a few weeks." She said and I heard her yawn.

"You can head out if you want, we will call you if anything happens." I promised and she nodded picking up her jacket and patting my shoulder.

"You're gonna do great" She whispered before I heard the door close.

I walked to the side of the bed sitting down where Addi just was and I sat there in silence watching over her and eventually focused my gaze on the view outside of the room. I overlooked the city, taking it all in as I watched the time go by... 1 hour went by then another until I finally heard a movement.

"Harry?" Molly whispered and my eyes darted toward her before I knelt beside her.

"Hey" I said frantically. "I'm right here" I reassured her and she nodded.

"How was New York?" She asked and it took me by surprise especially at a time like this.

"It was fine but I think you've had more of an eventful time then I have" I laughed and she smiled and I could tell she was already tired.

"Molly" I said and her eyes met mine again. "This is happening" I said to her and she nodded as I watched a few tears fall down her face before I wiped them away.

"It is" She replied and I gently grabbed her hand. Next thing I knew her face tensed up and her grip on me tightened as I realized what was happening.

"Shhh" I said trying to sooth her. "I'm right here" I repeated until I could feel circulation in my hand again.

"That's the worst one yet" She informed me.

"How far apart?"

"Like 7 minutes." She whimpered, "Will you lay with me?"  I nodded before standing up to help her slide over. I maneuvered my way beneath her, her back against my chest.

"Harry?" I heard her.


"I'm sorry for everything" She whispered and my heart broke into a million pieces.

"Me too" I simply replied because I knew it wasn't worth telling her what I wanted to say because we would go back and forth whose fault it was.

"Get some sleep" I tell her and she nods her head. Slowly her head sank into my chest and my arms slithered around her and landed with his hers along her stomach.

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