Part 68

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2 Months later-

"I know this is a long time coming Ms. Robinson, but I am giving you the all clear!" The doctor said and I awkwardly smiled before showing myself out carrying the baby carrier on my hip. I locked the seat into the car before going around and getting in myself driving off. Harry has been waiting to hear that for 2 weeks now, first my body was still aching then they still had to run tests but finally we were in the clear. Emberly stayed quiet the entire ride home and only a few minutes later did I pull into the driveway, unbuckling and going back around to get her out and into the house to sleep for the remainder of the afternoon until 6ish.

By now, we had a pretty set schedule and things were finally flowing nicely. Harry has been taking her in with him the past couple of weeks, but for only the days he doesn't have a lot to do and I take advantage of it and go to the gallery. I was finally able to officially reach out to the man from the first gallery night and was working on pieces for the article and another show. Harry was in the middle of releasing new albums and singles considering it was the fall and he had nearly 6 different artists releasing one and many more releasing singles.

I sat down on the couch, after sliding sweats on to wait for Harry who was going to be home a little later than usual.

7 PM

I put Emberly down for a while, knowing she would wake up around 11:30 screaming.  Lights flashed through the living room windows as Harry's car pulled into the driveway. Moments later his figure emerged from the garage shutting the door behind him.

"Hey" He said quietly but smiling to me as he walked into the kitchen.

"Hello" I smiled and our lips met and lingered before he pulled away.

"I missed you" He said hugging me.

"I missed you too?" I laughed at his sudden emotion.

"Is she down already?" He asked looking disappointed.

"Yeah, I tried as long as I could to keep her up but she wasn't having it." I told him honestly.

"It's okay, to be honest I'm ready for bed too" He yawned and I nodded following him up the stairs.

I climbed into bed and rolled over watching him take off his suit, his back muscles on full display. He turned around stripping from his pants and I couldn't take my eyes off of him as I sat up. He noticed my stare and strided over to the bed sitting beside me, facing me before placing his lips on mine. I was quick to react pulling my weight over him, straddling his lap.

"We shouldn't be doing this." He said slightly out of breath but continuing to kiss down my neck.

"I got the okay" I whispered to his ear and he froze pulling back to stare at me.

"Really?" He asked surprised and I nodded. "Are you sure though?" He asked trying to reassure himself remembering it was our first time since that one night since I was pregnant.

"I'm sure," I whispered to his ear gently grazing it before he reached for my shirt slowly pulling it over my body and throwing it across the bed. His eyes lingered staring at my body and I felt suddenly exposed for the first time in a long time. His cold fingers gripped my hips flipping us over so he was hovering over me.

His lips hungrily attacking my neck for the first time in months before reaching for my sweats gently tugging them off. His movements slow, as he came back up meeting my eyes momentarily before slowly kissing my lips, my hands tangling themselves in his hair anticipating every move and feeling to come next. His hands snaking around my back, unclasping my bra before I removed it completely taking him by surprise.  His breath stopping for a minute as his eyes burned into me.

My hands roamed down his back, pushing his boxers off.  He broke his grip from me, pulling them off completely returning to the kiss. Feeling him smile into the kiss breaking it momentarily to push my underwear down leaving me completely exposed to his stare. His eyes stared deeply into mine as if asking for permission the way he did the very first time.

I nodded my head taking his in my hands looking up at him just staring at him, i felt him move and our foreheads met as my eyes closed expecting the feeling and when I did i didn't recognize it. The pain shot through me like a million bullets and I breathed out shakily taking Harry by surprise.

"Molly?" He whispered stopping making it hurt more.

"Keep going" i said barely whispering. His head nodded against mine as I felt his motion pick up again and I clung to him praying to god the pain would go away.

"I love you" I heard through all of it and I smiled.

"I love you too" I said trying to hide the pain in my voice but I knew he had heard it.

Soon enough the feeling subsided and it was tolerable, I felt Harry losing his control as he sped up.

"Fuck Molly!" He groaned out and I gasped for air before he shook above me and slowed his motions until he was at a stop. I collapsed from his grasp against the bed and I felt his eyes on me waiting for a reaction.

"Are you okay?" He asked timidly and I nodded pushing hair out of my face, a few seconds went by and my nodding head turned into a shaking head as tears began to fall. I turned my head away from Harry but he climbed off me gently grabbing my chin turning my head.

"Talk to me" He eased me and I sighed taking a minute to compose myself.

"What if nothing goes back to the way it was?" I said to him panicking him and he smiled to me shaking his head.

"Molly, you had a baby a few months ago it's gonna take awhile." He said to me quietly still running his hand through my hair.

"But what if it never goes back, what if it's only half as good?" I cried to him.

"I have a feeling you're talking about something other than just sex." He said said sighing rubbing his eyes.

"Harry" I whined pushing my tears away.

"Molly" He chuckled at me pulling me closer, "We are going to be fine, we got through all of that crap and as far as the sex goes, we can wait it out and if things don't seem to change then we will do something."

"I'm sorry" I wailed into him. "I'm just really overwhelmed and hormonal and I'm not used to this constant feeling of anxiety and I don't know what to do" I rambled, sitting up with the sheet wrapped around me.

"Molly, oh my gosh no." He said sliding next to me. "Babe, It's okay, if it helps I'm nervous as hell too." He said ducking his head down to look me in the eyes and I laughed wiping my eyes.

"It's okay" He wrapped his arms around me laying back down. "It's okay" He repeated to me until I stopped crying and was just overtired.

"We're gonna be fine." He said looking at me and I nodded. "I know we are" I said honestly knowing deep down Harry was still the man I had said yes too.

"When does wedding planning start?" He asked and I broke into a fit of laughter along with him.

"Anytime you want" I said kissing him. "First thing is date." I said kiddingly.

"July 3rd." He said quickly looking up to the ceiling and I looked at him shocked.

"Why that day?" I asked and he looked at me.

"Because that's the day we first felt her kick" He simply said and I was taken back by his words.

"First of all, random milestone, second, I didn't know you remembered the exact date." I laughed.

"You'd be surprised what I remember" He winked before pulling me into him to sleep.

"I love you." I said still not believing what he had just said.

"I love you too." He whispered kissing my forehead before I closed my eyes for a few hours before a screaming infant woke us up.

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