Part 16

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Molly's P.O.V

As we entered the parking garage, reporters flooded the entire floor. Harry kept his head down as he walked around the car and helped me get out. He grabbed my waist again making his way through the crowd.

We took our seats in the courtroom and sat down. The judge entered as we stood and sat back down. He looked over a piece of paper once more and addressed the room.

"Following yesterday, I thought it necessary that the Jury start deliberation" He paused and I looked at Harry in shock as Harry looked at Derek. As derek turned his head in our direction, we knew immediately that he had known.

"I didn't want to worry you" He whispered. Harry and I nodded.

"After 6 hours of deliberation" He continued, "They have reached a verdict" The floor was handed over to one of the jury members. He stood and cleared his throat. Harry reached for my hand and squeezed it, I glanced at him quickly and he returned my gaze. Tears were slowly dropping from my eyes but I just ignored them.

"We the jury find the Defendant Mr. Ethan Huckins" He paused, my breathing stopped and Harry's Grip became tighter, Derek shifted in his seat and made eye contact with me shortly. Time seemed to slow, that pause lasted for hours.

"-Guilty of 3 accounts of rape in the first degree and second degree, and guilty of Illegal drug possession" I released the breath I had been holding in and I began to stifle tears away. Harry wrapped his arms around me and that is when I began to sob, the most I had cried since this all started. Harry gently stood me up and grabbed ahold of my body and followed Derek outside the courtroom and courthouse.

Once outside, the reporters really swarmed us. Derek approached a podium with multiple microphones set up and began to speak but my eyes were focused on something else. Addi. Her face was sympathetic, yet hard at the same time. Harry saw her too so he released my arm and I ran to her. Her arms engulfing me right away, I heard cries but instead of mine, they were hers. We finally pulled away as Harry approached us.

"Let's go to lunch" Harry said and I nodded my head. Addi followed us to the car and we all stepped in.

As we sat down on the outside patio of the cafe, Harry went in and ordered for us.

"You're really-" She didn't have to finish the sentence before I nodded. There was a long pause between us.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Her voice sympathetic.

"I didn't want really anyone to know, I was so ashamed." I said truthfully.

"I'm your best friend I would never judge you."

"I know but I just wanted to escape my life and deal with everything... I didn't know Harry would be so involved with everything but that's how it worked out." I said quietly.

"I get it." Just then Harry showed up with our food and placed it in front of us.

The rest of the conversation was light. We talked about school and people until Addi had to leave, Harry insisted on driving her back but she denied his request. When she was gone Harry turned to me and simply said, "You did it" The smile on his face growing.

But I shook my head, "We did it Harry-Us, together." I said meaning every word. Harry's phone rang and I saw it was Derek calling. Harry picked up and his voice dropping instantly.

"Absolutely not!" His voice stern which caused a couple of tables to turn to us. He hung up a moment later and looked at me.

"Ethan was sentenced to 6 years on the 2nd degree for each of the three cases and 4 years on the first degree for all three cases... He got 30 years with parole" He concluded and my mind finally felt at ease like I could breathe again.

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