Part 37

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Molly's P.O.V

"Let's go dance" I whispered in his ear as seductively as I could. I smiled, watching the lump in his throat grow and he nodded slowly as I lead the way.

The music blared through my ears the closer we got. Harry's grip on my hand became stronger as we passed lots of very intoxicated men. I stopped once I couldn't get through the crowd of people and turned around facing him. I violently crashed my lips against his, my hands placed on his chest and his on my hips. We were so into the kiss that a man bumped into us, and he startled me. I regained myself and began to get comfortable with Harry again. Soon enough, the song changed and I smirked up at him hearing the new one start. I let myself begin to move against him letting the music take over both of us, ignoring everything wrong at the moment.

As my movements increased against him I became aware of him against me, causing me to blush slightly but continue. He caught on and put a little more space between us but not much afraid I'd be separated from him. I saw Harry's eyes glance from my lips to my eyes before closing the gap between us again and my body reacted quickly, latching my fingers around his hair and pulling gently causing him to groan. If it weren't for the hundreds of sweaty bodies surrounding us I would have jumped on him right there, but I kept my composure.

"Let's go" I whispered directly into his ear signaling toward the front of the club. He leads the way out this time, I stepped out behind him into the night watching others stumble their way to a friends car. Harry and I waited in silence for the car to bring up and when it did he ran around, practically pushing the valet out of the way. Once I was in, the car engine roars and he sped off toward the hotel.

I reached across slowly gripping his thigh, lightly rubbing it. His eyes staring straight ahead at the road speeding 20 MPH over the speed limit. His eagerness made me blush and butterflies erupt inside me. I was so happy in this moment. I watched as the sign of the hotel came into view and I slid my hand further up Harry's leg watching him gulp and squirm slightly at my touch. We were racing up the floors of the parking garage and jumping out of the car. I quickly walked into the lobby, and over to the elevator. I tried to subtly press the button once, so Harry wouldn't know how anxious I felt.

The doors of the elevator opened as Harry caught up to me. He stood next to me in the elevator, neither of us doing anything. His hand brushed against mine and I couldn't hold in the excitement anymore. All of my anticipation and adrenaline exploded and I pushed him against the wall of the elevator, attacking his lips. He moaned into the kiss as I heard the door open to our suite. I backed away from him, walking into the kitchen and through the doors of the bedroom. I turned around to see Harry staring at me, I gave him one look up and down and reached behind me pulling the zipper of my dress down and turning into the unlit room.

Harry sauntered in, flipping the dimmest light on and staring me down once again. I slid the dress over my shoulders exposing my white laced bra. Harry walked over to me, lifting me up and connecting our lips for the last time tonight. He sat on the edge of the bed with me straddling him pulling his shirt off slowly tossing it to the floor, our chests colliding against each other. I stood from Harry, slipping the entire dress off as I caught him gazing at my body. His eyes began making me feel slightly shy but he grabbed my waist pulling me back onto him.

His hands slipped away from my body and I heard his belt being fumbled with before he was pulling his pants down as far as he could. Breaking the kiss again, I slipped them off of him and pushed him onto his back, straddling him. I ran my nervous shaky hands over his well-toned chest down to his boxers when I felt him inhale sharply causing me to smile into the kiss.

I sat up on him, reaching behind me, undoing my clasp and dropping the garment to the floor. I locked eyes with Harry, who sat up meeting my eyes.

"Molls, You're beautiful" he whispered and I shielded away, blushing. "You do know, that don't you?" He asked, catching my chin to look at me. "Molly,into " he said quietly and I nodded my head.

"You're the first person to make me feel like I am." I confided with glossy eyes.

"Well, you are." he finished before kissing me again. He leaned into the bed, bringing me with him. I wasted no time, bringing my hands back down and sliding his boxers off of him. I sat back on him, kissing his neck when his fingers hooked onto my underwear and slid them down, bringing one leg out at a time before we were both completely naked.

I deepened the kiss between us as I slid myself onto him in one movement. I felt his body stiffen beneath me as I rotated my hips once and he relaxed into my body. I continued my motions, feeling him up and down his body and him vise versa. His rough hands explored my back and hips holding me in place.

The pit in my stomach increased and I broke the kiss leaving my mouth open just barely touching his neck, his hot breath against my ear breathing in and out.

"Harry" I whispered moaned next to his ear and all he could do was nod. Every sensation in my body was exploding with pleasure, feeling him against me. This feeling I had come to love every second of it and I never wanted it to end.

My felt my body slightly shaking above him and I came undone, continuing to rotate my hips above him when I felt him stiffen again but immediately shudder. I collapsed on top of him and his arms hugged me into him tightly intertwining our legs together rolling us onto our sides to face each other. I was beyond tired at this point and Harry could tell as I snuggled my still naked and sweaty body into him nudging my chin into his chest closing my eyes.

His heart beating against my forehead rapidly before eventually slowing down, I enjoyed the feeling knowing I could do that to him as I smiled into his bare chest.

"Twice in one day" Harry mutters against my hair and I nodded slightly. "What's gotten into you?" He jokingly added and I peered up at him.

"You" I answered simply and closed my eyes again this time falling asleep.

"I love you" I heard him one last time and my heart fluttered and I knew he felt it against his chest.

Harry's P.O.V

I sat up early the next morning, trying to carefully undo our tangled legs as I slipped out onto the balcony looking over the people hurriedly making their way to work. Molly soon joined me with raccoon eyes from her mascara and only a sheet wrapped around her body.

"Hey," I said to her, still looking over the city.

"Shhh" She hissed in reply and I looked at her confused.

"I have a headache"

"I mean, you didn't even drink last night" I added sassily.

"Yeah, but I did other things" Her voice slightly irritated and I smirked causing her to hit my chest.

I watched her walk away back into the bedroom before I called out to her.

"I have to meet with a few people and then we can drive to get your stuff!" I chirped.

"Ok" She groaned getting back into bed and I shuffled inside getting dressed.

Her eyes watched me intently, although I knew she was tired. Her gaze staring me down, burning into my skin. I buttoned my shirt, looking up at her and she smiled tiredly at me, I returned it as happy as I could be.

Sliding my suit on, I kissed her lips gently. I heard her moan into it slightly, making me smile and deepen the kiss. Her lips soft against mine, we were right in sync with each other. Her hand held my neck as I propped myself against the bed kneeling on the floor.

I broke away and her eyes were sparkling and her smile wouldn't go away, "I will see you in a bit" I whispered getting up and closing the door behind me, but before I did, I glanced at her. She was surrounded by white fluffy sheets and a comforter. She looked so small compared to the bedding. She just sat there, playing with her hands, completely oblivious to me observing her. In that instant, I was the happiest I had ever been.


Hi guys, sorry for not posting on Wednesday as we should have.  How is your day going?  

Just wanted to peep in and say hi, it's been a while!  Hope you are still enjoying this rollercoaster as much as we are.  

ALSO, WE NEED A SHIP NAME FOR HARRY AND MOLLY!!!!!!!! hally?? Morry?  Mollry? give us your thoughts ;)

-hanna and allison

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