Part 57

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Harry's P.O.V

"Molly we need to talk.  Actually, I need to talk, I just want you to listen."

"Five minutes Harry. That's all I am giving you.  This better be the most romantic, beautiful shit if you want anything more from me."

I followed Molly up the steps to the apartment watching as her facial expression stayed the same, I could sense she was tired and strained but I could understand why.

She unlocked the door and a few lights were on in the living room and kitchen, but I saw no sign of Addi. Closing the door behind me she slid her coat off and I my shoes, I still couldn't help but look at her and admire her no matter the circumstances.

"First of all, stop looking at me like that.  Second, do you want anything to drink?" She asked me taking me by surprise. "I think Addi has some sort of whiskey or something in the cabinet."

"Sure" I said not wanting to turn down hard alcohol before what I was going to have to say to her, I needed something to calm me down before I broke it to her.

"Drink for me too.  I really need one right now."  She rolled her eyes.

I giggled at that, but stifled it.

She entered the kitchen and I took a seat on the couch, I had only been here the one time to get her things and I vaguely remembered it. I heard her footsteps entering the living room and she handed me a glass as she walked in front of me and sat on the couch facing me with her legs folded in front of her.

I practically downed the drink and it burned going down. "Uh yeah, that's real." I said coughing and that caused her to smile and look down avoiding my gaze.

"That's how I like it" She said, but I shook my head.

"It absolutely isn't." I laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

"Ha, I know." She began to laugh but stopped herself as she saw my face.

"I don't even know how to start this" I confessed staring down at the empty glass.

"Just tell me why." she said and her voice was softer than ever before.

"It was a week after you left." I started and she didn't say anything. "I had to go to a club opening and she was attending as well, she was an assistant to one of my good friends and the whole night she was staring at me. I avoided her at all costs, I was just there because I had promised and I was gonna leave after an hour or so" I paused looking up at her and back down.

"I got really drunk because everyone was asking about you and I didn't know what to say to them, every time someone asked I would down another drink to forget the real answer. When she came over to me I was feeling pretty good and I wasn't comprehending much of anything." I stopped again and her face was emotionless just staring down at her hands.

"She drove me back to my place and next thing I knew she was on top of me the second I hit the couch and I know I should-" I jerked my head toward her as I heard her cry out, her tears falling down her face staining her cheeks.

"Molly" I whispered reaching for her as she allowed me to grasp her wrists.

"Just the once?"

"Yes!" I rushed, "Oh my god yes."

"Why though?" She said whispering and I fell apart pulling her onto me as I held her shaking body all because of me. "Why?" She said again hitting my chest causing me to tighten my grasp around her, her cries turned into choking sobs and I wanted to beat myself up for all of this.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered against her head and her hand clutched my shirt tightly in her grip. Her chest rose and fell violently and the only thought in my mind was hoping we wouldn't have to make another hospital visit.

Slowly her breathing decreased as I rubbed her back trying to smooth her, eventually I looked at the clock realizing it was after 10 and I had to work in the morning. As gently as I could I picked her up and hands still on my chest as I carried her throughout the apartment.

I backed against her door opening it and switching the light on, her bed not made from this morning but the rest of it picked up. I set her on the bed and slid her jeans off carefully knowing she would of been uncomfortable, I reached down for her comforter pulling it up to her chest and her arms pulled it into her.

Slowly kneeling down beside her I kissed her forehead wishing all of this was just some dream, she opened her eyes and stared back at me. My eyes locked with her and my hand ran through her hair.

"I'm gonna go" I said knowing she was tired as her head nodded.

"Harry?" She whispered almost half asleep


"I love you" her words shocked me as I stared at her before placing another kiss on her forehead.

"I love you too" I said before standing up and switched off the light on my way out.

I gently closed her door behind me and re entered the living room and nearly had a heart attack when I saw Addi standing in the kitchen.

"Hey" she said nonchalantly and another body caught my attention.

"Harry" I heard as I watched the body come out from a shadow.

"Andrew" I said remembering what Molly had said at dinner.

"How are you?" He asked smiling shaking my hand.

"Pretty good" I said not wanting to tell him all my problems but I heard Addi choke on her water as I said it causing me to turn to her with a death glare. She rose and slumped her shoulders in return and walked out of the room

"I've been good, you?" I said returning to the conversation.

"Good, I just got back from the states a little while ago" he said and I nodded.

"Sorry to hear about Lydia" his voice quiet and careful about the subject.

"Yeah, me too" I chuckled and he knew what I meant. "But what can we do now? You know?" I sighed.

"You and Molly?" He questioned and I nodded.

"We're just going through some, stuff" I said honestly and he nodded.

"How'd you meet?" He asked and I really didn't want to answer it.

"Just a night out, I was at a club for representation and her friend had dragged her out" I said twisting the story a bit.

"What about you, any interests?" I asked stupidly knowing he had something with Addi.

"Just have to make it official" he said and laughing and I nodded agreeing.

"I know what you mean." I said sighing.

"Nice ring you got her" he said drinking from his glass winking.

"Thanks" I said smirking and looking down. "It doesn't have any purpose right now actually"

"Well she's still wearing it so that means something" and I looked at him shocked.

"She's wearing it?" I asked and he nodded.

"It was on before she left to meet you tonight." He said and I tried to remember her hand as we ate, I hadn't paid attention before but for some reason i believed the fact that she wouldn't take that off.

After I left the apartment the drive was slow and quiet, my mind was racing with thoughts and ideas that were sparked from tonight. I knew she was upset and I didn't blame her, I entered the house kicking my shoes off and sitting on the couch running my hand through my hair sighing in frustration and tiredness.

Pretty soon I switched the TV on laying down after throwing my shirt on the other chair and dozed off shortly after.

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