Part 34

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Harry's P.O.V

I entered the bathroom the next morning and watched quietly as Molly stepped out of my shirt. Her bare back faced me and she stripped completely turning the hot water on in the shower stepping in. I couldn't help but stare at her, still in awe that she was standing in front of me. I was still trying to comprehend the situation that brought us together.  Her head snapped back and caught my gaze as she quickly tried to cover herself. I smiled at her and stepped out of my sweats and opened the door entering the steamy inclosed area, grabbing her waist her hands placed themselves on my chest.

Her eyes sparkled as they stared into mine. I pulled her lips to mine and felt her smile against me. Her arms snaked themselves around my neck and pulled my head in further deepening the kiss. I brought my hands down around her thighs and lifted her backing against the wall as the water trickled down my back over our faces. Her fingers tangling in my hair as she pulled on the roots, tilting my head back.

I lifted her higher and met her entrance, looking her in the eyes, they sparkled as she nodded and I moved her wet hair our of her face kissing her and slid her hips down making contact with me. Her bottom lip trembled slightly and I looked at her squeezing her eyes shut...

"Molly" I said quietly. She released a whimpered in response.

"Look at me" I said pausing my movements, her eyes opened look into mine.

"I got you" My words raspy as I tried to re-assure her.

She nodded before wrapping her arms around my neck.

The more her face relaxed, the quicker my pace became.  Her mouth fell open slightly. I placed my lips on hers, mixing her moans with mine. Her hands gripped my hair tighter, explaining to me that she was close. Her body as she let out a sigh. I finished just as her head fell to my shoulder.

I sat down with her on my lap knowing her legs wouldn't hold her up at this point, I rubbed circles on her back as the water trickled over us and I felt her smile on my shoulder.

Molly's P.O.V

"Wanna go somewhere?" He asked, as the water rushed over our bodies. His eyes glistened with excitement yet his voice remained quiet.

"Where?" I asked, with a smirk on my face.

"New York" He said proudly and my heart raced. I was surprised by his words, so he explained, "I have to meet with a few managers about renewing a contract and extending another." He grinned and I nodded.

"I don't want to distract you from your work Harry." I said quietly.

"You will not be a distraction." His voice smooth and hopeful as he pushed my hair out of my face. "I would really enjoy your company." His smile making me give in.

"Alright, well if you insist" I smiled, and he engulfed me in hug.  He flipped us over so he was hovering me, the water cascaded over his small curls and down my forehead.

"We better start packing then" He said, getting up and leaving the bathroom. I was left there wet and naked in the shower. I stepped out of the shower and dressed myself before entering the room again and walking over to the closet, my suitcase still there from my arrival.

"Do you think while we are there I can grab the rest of my stuff from Boston?" I questioned quietly, followed by a very awkward and uncomfortable silence.

"I already planned on doing that, I knew you'd want to" The dimples on his face appeared as he faked a smile, his sad eyes didn't escape me.  As the words flew out of his mouth, I knew I was really in deep with him. I smiled back to him and opened my suitcase.

"When are we leaving?" I questioned, beginning to get excited.

"Tonight around 7 PM" He said, matching my previous excitement.  However that statement made my stomach drop and I stood in shock.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I panicked, throwing things into my bag.

"Relax, we will be fine.  Everything is already taken care of."

"How did you know I was going to say yes?"  I smirked, teasing him. All the while throwing random pieces of clothing into my bag.

"I know my girl."

Harry's P.O.V

I sat across from her in the airport, watching her knee shake and her head constantly turning back and forth looking in every direction.  Her hand was firmly placed on her bag, protecting it. Her eyes refused to meet mine, knowing I could tell she was nervous.  Her eyes would look in the direction of the camera flash every time it went off. When we talked about the paparazzi, she explained that she knew it was a part of my life. She tried to reassure me that she would be fine, but I knew better. No sane person would make it through a paparazzi filled airport without tears. I stood from my seat and slowly walked across to her and grabbed her hand. I took the open seat next to her, and attempted to make eye contact with her.

My hand reached for her knee and I held it still, while I kissed her gently. I could already hear the cameras go off, one right after the other.  Her body was stiffened at the noise for a moment but finally relaxed into mine. I pulled away and looked at her, smiling slightly and her eyes eventually opened.

"Thank you" Her voice small and quiet.

"You're welcome" I said back just as quiet.

"FLIGHT 182 TO NEW YORK IS NOW BOARDING!" The intercom boomed to notified us.

Molly's P.O.V

I stepped off the plane, Harry's hand in mine, and we headed toward the exit as someone handled our bags. By the time we finally landed,  it was dark in New York and I could see every flash that went off to snap a picture of the "beautiful couple". I felt the grip on my hand tighten and our pace quicken through the crowd. I dipped my head down and entered the car, Harry proceeding after me.  Once we sat down and got settled, I leaned my head against the window out of exhaustion. Harry then scooted me into him and I dozed off, letting go of reality.

My shoulder shook and I jolted up, looking into his green eyes. I could tell he was just as exhausted. He helped me out of the carf and soon enough we were shown up to our room. The room is better described as an entire floor. I didn't even bother taking my clothes off, just my shoes as I climbed into bed, Harry following me.

"We're here" He whispered to me as he laid on his back and me on my side, both at different ends of the bed.

"mmm" I mumbled back before closing my already heavy eyes.

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