Part 53

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Molly's P.O.V

I sat in the doctor's office alone yet again, at this point with Harry I was so over it and I had accepted the fact that he couldn't accept this until it was completely real.

I strained my ears waiting and anticipating the heart beat to fill the room and panicked slightly when I didn't hear it right off. My mind wandering until I did finally hear the familiar thump fill the room and my smile grew knowing everything was ok.

"2 More weeks and I can give you a definite confirmation" The doctor informed me and I looked down my body at him nodding.

"But" He said pointing up to the screen. "We can now clearly see the arms and legs." He said and I stared in disbelief. The small arms and legs positioned so closely to the body as the hands moved around slightly, I wiped away my tears that had fallen to my cheeks sniffling. The doctor smiled at me as he helped me sit up.

"Never thought you'd be here did you?" He asked and I shook my head. "Well you are out of the woods for the most part." He said and I sat there confused.

"You have made it 2 weeks past your first pregnancy" He said lightly afraid of how I would take it.

"Oh" I said keeping my composure. "I had no idea" I said and he nodded smiling lightly at me.

We went through the regular things he does and before I left he handed me a few pictures where you could see the tiny limbs, and at this point it was the size of a banana which I thought was a funny shape to compare too as it wasn't round.

I started the car once getting in and drove onto the main road where I debated going to see Harry telling him all the updates, but as I neared his building and it came into sight I decided against it and returned home.

I sat on the couch wrapped in a blanket watching TV for the afternoon after looking at the prints once more and setting them on the coffee table to show him once he got home.

Harry's P.O.V

"With all do respect Mr. Styles we can't have that happen." I heard from the other side of the table. I was currently in the last meeting of the day and we were discussing a contract renewal and I was ready to tell them to take the contract and the deal and shove it. But the better half of me was trying to shine brighter and I was trying to be accommodating.

I turned to the voice and spoke. "Well then what exactly can you do?" I asked more rudely than I wanted.

"We can agree to 2 years instead of the 4" He replied back.

"3 Years or you can find yourself a new label" I said sternly and the rest of room became silent as I turned my head looking at the artist and he gulped looking at his manager who had been doing the speaking.

"What makes you think that-" He started but I cut him off.

"Look it's obvious you're trying to bicker because you have some sort of plan for him and you don't see a future with us, but guess what? He has a better future here than any other label and I can assure you that" I said throwing the pen on the desk and at this point I was beyond frustrated. This manager was a total user and had no intention of getting him the best deal.

"I'll sign for the 4 years" I turned my head hearing a new voice which belonged to the artist himself.

"Jason we have-" The manager started to say but he was cut off.

"I don't care, I want this record deal with this label and you can't see that so you're fired and I will get a new manager once I sign these damn papers" Jason said and I sat there shocked but slid the papers over and the pen as well.

I pulled into the garage and entered the house to find a sleeping Molly passed out on the couch, I slid my suit jacket off and sat down beside her. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled at me stretching her arms out.

"Hey" I whispered.

"HI" She said chirpy.

"Whats going on?"

"I, uh- have something to show you" She said and Reached for something.

Molly's P.O.V

I handed him the few pictures I had been given and his eyes starred at it for a while before looking back at me expressionless.

"So everything is fine?" Was all he said.

"Yeah- everything is fine" I replied back dryly and he stood up going into the kitchen. I sat there for a moment before following him, I switched on the light as it was now dark out.

"That's all you're going to say?" I asked.

"What?" He asked confused.

"You haven't seen a picture or anything of your child in nearly 5 weeks and that's all you're going to say to me?"

"Well what do you want me to say?" He asked clearly aggravated.

"I don't know Harry, maybe you could be excited or happy about the fact you are going to have a child of your own" I realized I was yelling at this point and a couple of tears had escaped. He started to walk toward me but I held my hand out.

"Don't" I said sternly and he stood there in shock. "Why is this so hard for you, for you to be there and except that this is happening?" I asked and he didn't say anything.

"YOU PROMISED" I whaled at him, "You promised me everything would be ok and that you were here and you were gonna be here for me throughout all of this" I cried at him and I let the tears fall from my eyes as I pushed him away.

"I can't do this alone, I can't. I need you and I want you and there isn't anyone else I want this with." I cried harder and pushed him back further from me.

"I really need you to say something right now" I said crying.

"Molly, I'm just scared that- something might happen" His voice trailed and I looked away.

"You always say that Harry, you do." I turned back to him. "If you're so scared why aren't you there, why don't you want to know what's happening. YOU are the father, YOU ARE, not anyone else but you and you need to be there. YOU should want to be there and I want you there because I need you to get through this" I was hysterically crying as my body shook out of my control and Harry stepped closer to me ready to catch me when I fell to the ground a blubbering mess.

"YOU PROMISED" I said lastly hitting his chest multiple times as he backed away from me. "You promised" I whispered and his arms engulfed me against his chest as he pulled me into him.

"I can't do this Harry" I said and my words even surprised me.

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