Hes so bipolar

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I walked into the kitchen and watched how perfectly Jason was cooking. he can cook? A new talent I discovered from him.. I can only cook noodles, pasta, mac and cheese and some pancakes, eggs or sausages and Greek food. I can bake pretty well but not capable of high quality posh food.

I watch in awe as he swept off his feet without noticing me, he jogged to the sink and grabbed a pan, he spilt some stuff in there, I assume it was cheese.
There was water jug and some pepper and other minerals.
I smile as I lean against the door frame and continue watching, he turns around to get two glass cups when he stops as he sees me there suddenly.

I throw my head down as I stare at the floor "sorry" I whisper, it was a bit of guilt, maybe he mistook it and thought I was spying or trying to do a crime without his intention.

But I'm not like that..

"It's fine" he slightly smiles for the first time "come sit" he says as he generously pulls out a chair for me to sit.
"Your not gonna prank me and let me fall, are you?" I ask raising a brow before sitting "nah" he laughs "but if you weren't smart enough, then maybe" he laughs.
I sit and roll my eyes.

He walks to the counter and grabs two plates "pancakes, pasta or chicken curry Lebanese?" He asks
"Mmm.. you made an option?" I ask
"Yeah" he says
"I want to try chicken curry Lebanese, haven't heard of it before" I smile "cool" he smiles, "I'm having the same" he says as he grabs the dish and serves it.

He sits and I start tasting it, my eyes widen and I arc a brow, "you made this without any help?" I ask shocked
"Yeah, I know it's horrific, I never cook, don't judge me.." He sighs and tastes a bit of his own.

I shook my head.

"No, no no! It's great!!" I say as I take another bite and dip it into some sauce.

I finish my food and wipe my mouth. "thanks Jason" I say politely as I put the dishes into the sink and wait till he's finished, he finishes and I take the plate from him, "what are you doing?" He asks
"Washing the dishes?" I say as if it was an obvious thing. "washing the dishes?" He laughs, I nod with a confused face. he acts like he's never heard of it before.

"Pfft... Anna get used to it, I have automatic of everything..." He laughs "no wonder.." I say, his house is always clean cause he's got something automatic to use for every object.

"It's over there" he points.
"I have no idea how to use it, so mind it you help a little?" I ask as I point to the big machine.

"Pull the door, lay the dishes.. the close it and press the green button start.." He says, "your making me feel so dumb.. Stop it" I say crossing my arms
"Stop what? You didn't know the steps on how to use it.." He says as he continues playing dumb "shut up Jason!" I say as I playfully slap his upper arm.

We walk to the couch and he turns the tv on, its on the 'USA' channel. "no!" I turn the power button off again.

"What?" He asks a little confused and irritated, "I don't want to watch crime watch.. I'm into movies" I say
"So am I, but right now it's giving CSI, and I want to watch that series!" He says as he pulls off the remote making me gasp, "no!" I say as I try to fight back the remote on the sofa.
He plays along and takes away the remote into the other hand everything I catch the right.

CSI was still on the channel, "I'm missing it!" He says loudly before pushing me hard enough to make me loose balance and fall back on the sofa onto my bum.

I frown childishly and get up.

"Fine" I say and walk upstairs. I'm going to find a different tv.

I'm sure in such a big house he must have plenty more TV's
Plus I have a plasma in my own room he let me have.

I walk to my room and look for a remote, it wouldn't turn on, I sigh as I walk out and see an open door that I could easily see a bigger LCD in there. it was huge like half of a cinema screen.

I didn't hesitate and walked inside, grabbing the tv remote I switch it on and turn the channel to the channel I mostly enjoy.

I see Americas got talent, so I decide I like the show, I leave it on.
The room was the master room, this was his room, it's bigger than mine.

It was navy and had black furniture, so beautiful, it had a larger play room and bathroom as well as a triple walk in closet
I couldn't believe he owned so much.

On his walls were awards maybe from the past, i see a gun in the opposite corner and my eyes widen to its fullest.

He is a gun carrier. where does he keep the bullets? Oh my goodness, I decide I would rather lay attention to the show and I turn to it.

~20 minutes later~

I feel hungry so I walk downstairs and see Jason still watching CSI, I roll my eyes and walk past, he stared at me.

I went into the kitchen and found pop corn packets, perfect.

I grab a bowl and pour some seeds in as I placed them in the microwave as they gradually enlarged and became bigger into white puff balls.

I smile and take them out, seeing Justin's face confused I walk past and up the star case again and into his room..

I start munching on the entertaining snack, concentrating on the show.

It was only shortly after when see the tv turn black, did the power cut short?

No, Jason was standing beside me.

"What the hell!" I say throwing my arms in the air annoyed.
"Your.in.my.room" he says with gritted teeth that he tried to hide.
"And?" I ask as I plop another pop corn into my mouth.
"And you have to ask before making your way inside" he says.

"Well you weren't cooperating with me so I couldn't use my own tv cause it wasn't turning on, so I came somewhere that does have a tv.. luckily I found one! Now turn it on!" I order.

"No!" He says
"You got to watch CSI, what about me?" I snap "unfortunately you trespassed into my bedroom.." He says tuttingly, "yeah, and I saw your gun" I say bluntly "I figured" he says coldly.

I get up and carry my bowl as I walk to the kitchen and grab the remote for the living rooms tv.
"I'm watching now.." I say as I switch the CSI channel. "no your not" he says
"Don't start again" he adds.

He grabs the remote once again, this time I went for it, he sat down and his it behind him, I put my hand where I saw it and I failed capturing it.

Instead I lost balance and fell from the sofa, and since I had a strong grip on Jason he fell down with me too.

He was on top of me, both hands on either side of my head, the remote beside us and his legs on both sides of my thighs.

That made me shut up and Justin to go intensely serious.
We didn't break eye contact
"Anna, you could've got hurt over a remote" he says with serious tone.
"If you weren't so rude and greedy about it, I wouldn't have ended up in this position" I say.

I grab the remote and push him off of me as he fell backwards, I laugh and shake the remote in front of him and run with it to the couch.

"Aye!!" He calls in his Canadian accent.
"Come and get it!" I tease.
It's not that I want to watch anything, it's just I want to stop him from being able to watch his series.

"Anna! Get back here!" He runs after me obviously he was faster so I decided to run into the bathroom beside me and lock the door.

He knocks harshly and slams it with his fists, obviously we were just playing around.

"Open this god damn door! CSI Is going to finish!" He panics "oh so go watch it in your bedroom instead cause I have a show to watch too but turns out I'm gonna miss it" I shout from behind the door, "Adriana open the door!" He shouts, "make me" I test "don't test me" he says laughing, I didn't reply and silence was heard, where did he go?

"I just remembered I have another way to get in" I felt someone's hot breath hit against my neck giving me goosebumps, I froze and turn around face to face with Jason. his lips were inches away and his eyes were locked with mine.
"H-how?" I ask shocked
"Hand it over, beautiful" he says "what if I said no?" I ask
"Then.... You'd be forced" he smirks evilly. he trails a hand up the side of my arm by the edge of his fingers and he caressed my cheek softly am delicately.

"Your skin is flawless" he complimented
I blush, what am I doing with a criminal?

He held me hand and intertwined it with both of mine on either side of us and pressed me against the door.

"I've wanted to do this since the day I saw you.." He whispers.. "which was yesterday.." I giggle silently.
"No.." He shook his head and pulled away
Did I say something?
"Care to elaborate?" I ask
"I was at the airport on the 15th of January... And I saw you in the same plane from Bahamas.." He states "huh? Really?" I ask. "yeah.. I saw you that day with a girl-" I cut him off "Ella.." I interrupt "yeah and I couldn't get you out of my head ever since" he said "are you keeping me to kill me? What number am I?" I ask "no!" He backed away instantly and aggressively "don't ever think that! And I've never brought a girl to stay in my house by my will" he says with anger

I nod and he walks towards the bathroom door, "I'm going to go somewhere, I have business to deal with" he says and leaves, I stand in the bathroom until I hear the engine of his car roar.

I walk downstairs.

His crime business I bet.

I walk downstairs and I hear a knock.

I open it revelling a boy.

"Who are you?" He asks
"I should ask that to you" I say
"I'm Jason's friend, and you?" He asks
"A friend too.." I say boldly
"Cool, I'm Mason" he puts a hand out "Adriana, call me Anna though" I smile as I shake his hand.

"Do you know where he's at?" Asked mason "some business he told me" I say shrugging my shoulders "oh I see.. Well it's nice to meet you.. Can I have your number? Just in case I can't get to Jason" he asks, I looked at him and thought about it. is he safe?

He's safer than Jason one thing I should know "yeah" I say as we exchange numbers and I say bye and close the door. I walk to the tv and turn it on. finally I get time to watch something.

Just then my phone rings, "hello?" I say

"Anna!" Ella's voice cheers behind the line
"Ella!! You called, thank god" I smile
"So tell me! Is everything good while your parents are away and your sister?" She asks "yeah, I guess.. I'm living with Jason McCan over a bet--" she cut me of
"YOU ARE WHAT?" She screams behind the phone, I pull the phone away and she talks "Anna, you are such am idiot, what the hell made you agree with living with that killaholic?!" She asks shocked

"Listen Ella, he's not as bad.. He's like all other--" she cut me off again

"No Anna, you listen.. Do NOT tell me that he is like all other typical boys, because he fucking isn't.. he's most wanted.. and if your found in his house you'll be behind the FBI prison bars with that killer and you will not understand until you experience it! I know you well enough Anna! You need to leave the place.." She says loudly

"Ella, you can't pre judge someone by news and what you hear people gossip about" I defend
"Anna stop defending him! You know you have seen something in the house.. Any drugs, guns, weapons?" He asks

Yes, a gun..

"No, nothing" I lie, she would get insane if I told her the truth.
"You didn't? I don't believe you! Anna you've changed!" She complains
"I'm the same" I snap
"No your not" she disagrees
I say silent and finally talk..

"Anna, there is not one girl he hasn't fucked, he's a player.. He kills people for fun.. he is a cold hearted killer.." She spits
"Oh yeah, he is.. and would you mind how you know all this? Because of the gossips rumoured around.." I snap
"No Anna, if you looked for signs you can see posters and look up signs for the boy" she says madly, "okay, Im busy Ella, I need to go.." I say
"Oh sure you are, your just trying to get rid of me to get with the killer" she spat
"NO!" I yell, she went quiet, "okay bye" she says and cuts off.

She just cut the phone off while I was still on the line? That's rude.. very rude.

I throw a pillow into the wall as it fell to the ground as it fails.

"Someone's angry.." A seductive voice says from a distant, I turn to the double glazed full length glass doors seeing a shadow figure standing there, Jason was back.

"You can get mad but don't put your anger out on my expensive cushions" he laughs jokingly.
A smile crept my lips but I turned around in time to hide it.
I get up and get the cushion sitting back at the couch.

He walks over and sits beside me.
"What's wrong?" He asks
"I don't own an explanation for everything I do" I snap
"What's wrong" he asks again as he turns my head holding my chin up with his index finger and thump.

I had a blank expression and so did he.
"Nothing" I lie
"Tell me" he orders
"Nothing" I repeat
"I'm tired" I say and get up, "night" I say and walk off.

"Why did you give your number to mason?" He brings me to a frozen halt.
"He asked for it in case he can't communicate with you" I answer, "Anna, I don't want you to communicate with my unknown friends, their not the best people to hang around wit.. their not as safe as you picture them as a first impression" he explains.

I turn around and stare at him, "you think you are yourself?" I raise a brow, he frowns and walks towards me, I didn't move a muscle.

"Anna, I might be dangerous but not to the ones I care" he says as he strokes my cheek and wonders back to the couch.
"Good night" he says as he takes his full attention back to the screen.

I roll my eyes letting it all sink in.
He's so bipolar..


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