Chapter 17

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Mackenzie PoV

I was at the computer screen, since Luke told me that something happened at the Jade wolf and Lydia, Maryse, Isabelle and Alec was beside me. ''Werewolf headquarters?'' Maryse asked.

''How did you get these?'' Lydia questioned.

''Leader of the New York wolf pack'' I replied.

''Oh yeah. You're friends with Lucian Graymark. An ex circle member'' Lydia stated and Maryse gave me a glare.

''How about we send Isablle and Alec to investigate. I'm sure this is linked to-

''Valentine'' Lydia finished. ''I have to see it myself'' she began to walk away, but turned to look at Alec. ''Are you coming, or what?'' I looked at Alec, who gave me a reassuring look and he left with Lydia.

Alec PoV

Me and Lydia was with Luke investigating. ''It's got some characteristics of a Forsaken. It was human. It was runed'' Lydia said.

''I don't know. It was more focused, more determined. It attacked like it had a plan. Plus, a normal Forsaken wouldn't have been so hard to kill. It took five wolves to take that thing down. Never seen anything like it'' Luke explained.

''We'll take the body back to the Institute, do a full autopsy'' Lydia told him.

''Oh, hold up. I get that I called you. Actually, I called Mack. Where is she?'' Luke asked and we didn't answer. ''I didn't want someone to come down here and just take over.''

''Yeah, that's kind of her thing'' I sighed.

''Look, I know I can come across abrasive. But we're all on the same side here. Can we agree on that? The Institute has the resources to find out what this thing is'' Lydia exclaimed.

''We have an expert forensic pathologist. Highly trained in all the creatures of the Shadow World'' I told Luke.

''Do you have one here? In this, uh, Chinese restaurant?'' Lydia asked. 

''Fine. You win. Just let me know what you find'' Luke said.

''You think Valentine was behind this?'' I asked.

 ''No question'' Luke scoffed. ''It's definitely his work.''

''What do you think he's after?'' I asked 

''Honestly? Me'' Luke answered.

''So you think Valentine's going after ex-Circle members?'' Lydia questioned.

 ''I don't know. It might be kind of personal. We have a complicated past. But of course, he could be going after the old crew. I'm sure Valentine has a grudge against anybody who turned against him'' Luke suggested.

''Would that include Mackenzie?'' Lydia asked and I looked at her confused.

''Maybe'' Luke replied and I was so lost.

''What?'' I asked.

''We'll put extra wards on the Institute'' Lydia began to walk away, not answering my question.

Mack PoV

Lydia and Alec brought a body, that is decaying, which me and Magnus is working on together. ''How's Alexander? I was hoping to hear from him. It's just so hard to tell if Alexander is interested. But wh-''

''Wait, you like him?'' I asked.

''Yes. Why, do you like him too?'' he asked. Yes.

''No'' I lied. ''But, if I were you, don't waste your time on him. His parents is trying to find him a wife'' I told him and he looked sad. That's how I feel too. ''Sorry'' I sighed.

''It's alright. I suppose Alec's just following  his duty''.

''Not everyone follows their heart'' Izzy walked in and worked on the body with us.

''I'm gonna go deliver the preliminary findings. It seems like you have everything under control here'' Magnus walked out.

''Why did you lie to Magnus?'' Izzy asked.

''That's because I don't like Alec'' I told her.

''Mack, you're my parabatai. I've known you since 10. I know when you're lying'' she said.

''Do you?'' I glared at her.

''Well, maybe I never knew about the part you knowing ex circle members. How do you know them?'' she asked.

''I just...uh...Can we just work on the body?'' I pleaded, as I went to the computer.

''Sure'' she sighed.

''Angel blood??'' I muttered.

''What?'' Izzy joined me.

''He has angel blood'' I stated.

''Now why would he have angel blood?'' Izzy walked back to the body, staring at it. ''Oh my God''.


Me and Izzy went back to inside the Institute and I saw Alec and Hodge on the floor and there was also a dead person. ''Alec'' Izzy ran to him. ''Are you ok?'' she asked, worried.

''Yeah'' Alec replied, holding his shoulder.

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