IQ test

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"Rose? Rose! Roooose! Wake up!"

I opened my eyes to see Anna standing over me with worried expression.

"Anna!? What's wrong?"

"It's already 7:25. You have 5 minutes to get there or Jeanine will kill you."


I jumped from the bed panickly and ran to bathroom.

"You don't have to wait for me. I don't want to be responsible for your death." I said jokingly.

"Okay but hurry up"

Anna went off the dorm and I quickly put my blue dress on and some black heels. Then I made my hair and put a bit of make up.

When I was ready to go it was already 7:40.

"Shit!" I cursed and ran to the room C27.

I opened the door and found Jeanine standing in front of the class. She looked at me with a disaproving look. Oh my, I'm so screwed.

"Miss Lennon, how terribly nice of you to join us today. You are exactly 13 minutes and 24 seconds late." She said looking at her watch.

"Meet me in my office after the test to get your punishment. Take a seat"

I let out a breathe I didn't even realise I was holding and sat next to Anna.

"You're lucky. I thought she will make you factionless."

"I know." I said ashamed.

"Initiates as I said yesterday, you'll take the IQ test. The test is on your desk. Who will be finished is allowed to leave. You may start now." Jeanine announced coldly and gave everyone her cold gaze.

Her eyes meet mine and her gaze soften. Or maybe I was just imagining things? She stared at me for a while and then shook her head. What is that suppose to mean?

I shook off the thought and started to fill the test.

The test was easier than I expected. I finished and went to the front desk where Jeanine was sitting.

I handed her my test and she smiled.

"You are allowed to leave now. I'll be expecting you in my office later."

"Of couse, Miss Matthews."


I was going through the Erudite headquaters to Jeanine's office.

I was so nervous. I still didn't understand why I had been dreaming about Erudite faction leader. And the way she behaves, it's just weird.

I came to the door and knocked hoping I was at the right door. I would be so embarrasing if I was at wrong door.

"Come in." A sharp voice called.

I closed the door behind me and remained standing.

She looked up from her papers.

"Miss Lennon, take a seat." She said and motioned for me to sit on one of the chairs infront of her desk.

I gulped nervously and slowly made my way to the chair.

"Why so nervous?"

"Ehm I..I'm not nervous."

"Of course not, my dear." She replied laughing.

"Now explain yourself. Why were you late?"

"I...uhm...I kinda overslept." I said and looked to the ground.

"Oh, I see. Well...I forgive you this time."

I looked up confused.

"Excuse me, what?"

"I said I forgive you."

She was looking at me curiously.

"Sweetheart, don't be do nervous. I won't bite."

"Okay I'll try. And what about my...ehm...punishment?"

She smiled and continued.

"Honey I saw your test and I must say I'm impressed. Your IQ is only a few points below mine."

"I...what? That mea-"

"That means you are the smartest person in the fence after me. And you are the one who will be working with me in my lab." She said interupting me.

"I..I don't know what to say."

"It's okay, sweetheart. Now you better go to get lunch. You must be hungry since you didn't have breakfast."

"Okay, thank you Ms Matthews."

I stood up and went to the door.

"And Rose?"


"You are expected to be in my office in 7am. Please be on time" She said strictly but then smiled.

"Sure, Ms Matthews."

I walked out of her office and went to the cafeteria.

What was that? Dear? Sweetheart? Honey? She is suposse to be the cold emotionless Erudite leader everyone is talking about. But she's not.

I went in and Anna immedietly got up and ran to me.

"How did it go!?"

"You won't believe it. She said that she forgives me this time but there's other thing."

"What thing?"

"Jeez, let me finish." I laughed.


"My IQ is the second highest in the city."


"You heard me."

"But Rose, that's amazing. Congrats."

"I know, I can't wait for working with her. And she's not like everybody says she is. She quiet nice."

"Nice? Jeanine Matthews and nice? Like I said she already picked her favourites."

"Shut up. You're just jelous." I said playfully.

"Yeah I probably am." She said grinning.

We both laughed and went to get our food.

The rest of the day we spent at the library.

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