03. Video editing

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Summary : Caspar has to edit a video but Joe had decided otherwise.

Words : 903

Caspar was trying his best to edit the video he shot earlier with Joe, laying down in his hotel room bed. He had been doing it for about an hour, his fingers were hurting and itching, he was tired of it. He hated editing and unfortunately for him, they filmed about two hours of video. He and the other boy could never make a quick video, they would laugh at every single take or do weird faces at the camera, or just get stuck in their own bubble and completely forget about the video. They didn't even know how they managed to upload their collabs. And on top of that, Joe was oddly staring at him. The stare had been persistent and felt like it could burn Caspar through his clothes to his bones. Caspar finally snapped his laptop shut, the sudden move made Joe slightly jump from his seat on a chair at the end of the bed.

" Why did you do that ? " Shouted Joe while putting a hand over his heart dramatically.

" You were staring. " Simply stated Caspar with a grin without answering.

" Oh. " The other one said in a small voice. " It's just that you look really good. " Had said Joe with a smirk clinging at his lips, looking in Caspar's eyes. " In my shirt. " He added, his smile growing.

Caspar only smiled back, he knew that Joe loved it when he wore his clothes. Even if the boy always claimed to the cameras that he hated it. Caspar knew. And he did as well, like wearing Joe's clothes, when they were not way too small. Joe didn't break the eye contact as he slowly got up from where he was sat to climb on the bed Caspar was laying on. He, as so slowly climbed over Caspar's lap, gently getting the laptop he was editing on out of his way. Caspar whined at that move, he was never going to upload that video.

" Joe, you know that I have to edit that video. Let me do that and then we will have all the fun you want. " Caspar had said softly, he really didn't want to edit and he'd prefer to enjoy his boyfriend. But he had to, if he wanted to get that video out in time, he had to make concessions.

" But I want to have the fun now. " Had whined Joe, pouting like a child looking at Caspar with his huge bright blue eyes. That look. Caspar could never say no to that look.

" Joe, I'm not getting in your game this time. I have to finish that editing if- " Caspar didn't had the time to argue as he was cut off by a pair of lips crashing against his own. Joe's. His boyfriend was pulling himself even closer as if he could, Caspar didn't even try to resist, he knew he couldn't. He really wanted to have fun now too, so he shut his eyes and simply enjoyed the way his entire body was starting to warm up, he enjoyed the way Joe's lips were perfectly fiting against his. His hands wandered around Joe's sides finally setting on his hips. When they finally pulled away from the kiss, intense and lustful kiss, Joe leaned his forehead against Caspar's. They were breathing heavily, their skin were tingling and stupid smiles were taking place on their faces.

" I hate you Joseph Sugg. " Caspar whispered in a breath but still smiling. Joe's smile grew even bigger, if it was possible.
" Because of you and your cute stupid faces I will never upload that video on time. "

Joe laughed this time. " I know. " He said with a smug smirk. Caspar rolled his eyes at the boy, who leaned in for an another kiss. Caspar's eyes flutered shut and his breath became uneven as Joe's lips were slowly leaving his and going down above his jawline. He kissed him there, making his way to his neck. Caspar moaned, his grip on Joe's sides tightening. He could feel Joe's smirk against his skin. The boy plant a kiss on it, making Caspar's body tingle and his mind unable to think properly. Joe was only kissing his neck and he already couldn't control his mind. He was totally driving him crazy in every sense of the term.

Later that day, Joe and Caspar were supposed to be on a date, on the roof of the hotel. But instead of that Caspar was stuck on his computer, headphones over his hears, trying to edit that damn video. Joe had distracted him earlier, a pretty good distraction if you asked him. And the only way he had to upload that video on time was to edit it now, on their date, because he wasn't able to resist Joe's cute face before. So the only thing Joe found to do was vloging, because he's bored talking to himself because Caspar won't respond due to the headphones stuck over his head and the laptop in front of him. And also maybe because he's Joe and he can't resist it.

" He just sit there silent. " Had said Joe to his Camera with a frown on his face. " You're the worst date. " He added, multiple times and loud enough for Caspar to hear. The south african smirked at that and pretended he didn't hear anything, trying helplessly to concentrate on the video he had to edit and not on his beautiful but really distracting boyfriend.

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