14. " I'm not drunk. "

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Summary : Joe drinks that weird blue thing and he suddenly has no ability to control what he says or does.

Words : 1,658

" Hey Cas. " Joe declared calmly as soon as Caspar's door opened on him. " Hi Joe. " The South African answered back with a smile already tugging at his lips. A smile that quickly faded as he checked his friend from a little closer. Joe was pale, really pale, and he seemed dizzy. Almost swaying on his feet.

" Uh, you're okay ? " Asked the blond immediately opening the door a little more and stepping aside for Joe to get in the now silent apartment. " I don't know . " Whispered the smallest, gazing in the void, before taking shaky and unsure steps into the place. He almost didn't made it to the couch, if it wasn't for Caspar and his fast reflexes, Joe would be laying on the floor.

" I was on my way here. " Started Joe all of a sudden, his eyebrows furrowed as if he was still trying to process what happened to him and figure out how he was going to talk about it. " And I got thirsty. " He continued, his gaze still fixed somewhere in the air. Caspar sat on the couch, where Joe wasn't sprawled and listened attentively. A tiny smile lingered at the corner of his mouth, Joe sounded so much like a child. " So I decided to get a drink. You know ? Because I was thirsty. " This time the British looked directly at his friend on the other side of the couch, as if he was looking for some sort of confirmation from him. Caspar then nodded at him for him to keep talking.

" Well I went into that new shop, forgot the name. And got a water bottle. But the water was blue. Weird isn't it ? I drank it anyways because I was really thirsty. And now I feel so, so weird. I stole a chocolate from a chocolate store on the way, but I didn't want to. I mean, I did. But not in reality, in my mind. But my body just went like, 'oh yeah let's do that' and I just did, I couldn't control it Cas. I robbed a chocolate store ! I'm a thief ! " Joe finished his monologue out of breath, yelling and panting somehow. At this point he had sat up from the couch and was turning in circles into the living room in front of Caspar. Who still didn't said anything, he was startled and perplexed. How was he supposed to respond to that ? Was that even true ? Joe seemed simply out of his mind.

" I think your drunk, and you need to rest. " Concluded Caspar after taking some time overthinking the situation. Keeping his voice as calm and steady as possible to not freak Joe out even more than he already was. " I'm not, I swear. " Whined Joe sitting back down on the couch with a deep sigh. " I just-I just can't control my thoughts, because of that crazy water I drank. That's all ! " He even added a small laugh at the end of his sentence, to make his story believable, which sounded more like a creaking. " Yeah right. " Was all that came from Caspar with a chuckle.

" I love your laugh. " Whispered Joe randomly, Caspar barely heard it and even doubted his friend actually said that. Despite that his face was now covered in a nice shade of pink, gazing at his friend with a puzzled look. " Cute. " Added Joe after a few seconds, which only made Caspar's cheeks heat up like a fire was burning inside them. " Sorry. " Rapidly apologized Joe with a sigh.

On that, he came a little closer to Caspar, a lot closer even. So close that the blond could feel his breath on the side of his face and catch a glimpse of the brown-haired boy sitting right next to him from the corner of his eye. Caspar then slowly turned his head to face Joe, frowning in confusion. What was Joe doing ? " You're so fucking beautiful. " The latter whispered suddenly in his ear, placing his hand on Caspar's jaw, scanning closely his features.

Caspar didn't know what to do or how to react. His best friend was touching him and telling him how beautiful he was. And instead of laughing it off and getting over it, he was panicking. He was panicking because it oddly made him feel a warmth all over his body. It made him feel good, so good. He didn't even know it was allowed to feel that great. So he was definitely freaking out. And the small, soothing, rubbing Joe was making on his skin with his thumb wasn't helping. Not at all.

" See ! I did it again ! I can't bloody control myself ! " Shouted Joe out of nowhere while taking his hand away, making his best friend jump in his seat. Caspar couldn't do anything, he was so confused. His friend was acting weirdly and he didn't know if he should be laughing, be worried about him or be worried about himself considering the way he was reacting to all of this.

" Joe, I really think you should rest. You seem pretty worked up now. " Eventually spoke the youngest as smoothly as he could, trying to keep a straight face on and not stutter. Next thing he knew, he was putting both of his palms on the oldest one's shoulders absentmindedly to push him gently in a laying position on the couch. Maybe that will encourage him to calm down and actually get some rest.

" I love it when you're on top of me. " Murmured Joe, a seductive grin taking place on his lips staring up at Caspar who was slightly leaned on him. At that the blond quickly removed himself from the position he was on, blushing up to the tip of his ears. His best friend was not in his normal state, really not. And him neither. This could only go wrong.

" Shit ! " The shout-whisper coming from Joe suddenly got him out if his thoughts. " It keeps happening ! I'm so sorry. " Exclaimed Joe in a hurry, mortified. " I say and do things that I can't fucking control. And I get aware of that only seconds after. Well for the chocolate it was ten minutes after. " He continued rambling about the chocolate for some time after that. " You're just drunk, get over it Joe. " Was all that the South African could come up with, it was all that could explain everything at this point. So he'll believe that and not some stupid story that Joe made up to justify him drinking during the day. Which wasn't really like him, but it could only be that right ?

" For the thousandth time Caspar, I'm not drunk. " Firmly said the British, a frustrated look plastered on his face. " If I was, I would have already made out with you. " He scoffed while rolling his eyes. " What ? " Shrieked Caspar's voice. He didn't know why he was being so dramatic about this, Joe was just drunk, rambling about a bunch of nonsense. Nothing new. Then why was he getting so flustered by that comment ?

" I want to make out with you now too, so it's probably not a good example. " Argued Joe with himself more than with Caspar. The latter was now entirely gone, you could no longer find an inch of skin that wasn't bright red on him, his heart was beating like a drum in a rock song. And let's not talk about his breath, which was also gone. He was so fucked up, and he was sure that the guy on his couch was not even serious. But despite saying all these delirious words, Joe looked completely sober and calm now.

" Can we make out ? " Demanded Joe still laying down, his voice soft but confident. Caspar didn't respond, he couldn't, he couldn't even move. He was not able to get up, get away from Joe, run out of here and eventually breath correctly again. He was paralyzed, at the thought of Joe Sugg, his best friend, kissing him. He couldn't help but picture it, clearly in his mind. Their mouth pressed against each other, their eyes closed, their bodies pushed against the other's.

" I take that as a no then. You're definitely missing something. I mean kissing me, is like- " Joe's rambling was turning him crazy, along with his imagination showing him an entire movie of them making out. All of that mixed with his burning body and a feeling almost like electricity going up and down his body. It was too much, way too much.

" Shut up and kiss me ! " Shouted Caspar at some point, out of breath, finally stopping Joe from talking and his thoughts from going on. " Just kiss me. " He repeated, his voice lower this time, exhausted. Joe didn't need to hear it twice, he almost jumped from where he was to sit up. Then, he carefully pressed his lips onto Caspar's. And that was it, they were kissing, their lips were softly caressing each others, their hands were trying messily to find a place to settle, their breath were hold. The feeling that went through both of them was astonishing and exiting, it felt like a sparkle, multiple sparkles in fact, in every member of their being. It felt so right, to them both.

" You know what, I should probably go back to that store and get more of this stuff. It's bloody amazing ! " Exclaimed Joe, a pleasantly surprised smile on his face when they finally broke apart.

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