16. You shouldn't get married, Cas.

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This story has been inspired by a prompt submitted to me by the lovely @colorful565 it took me a while to write it but here it is, I hope it doesn't disappoint you!

Summary: Caspar and Joe broke up years ago, but one of their friend in common, Josh, gets invited to Caspar's engagement party and Joe thinks it might be a good idea to go himself.

Words: 2,594

It has been many years since Joe had seen Caspar properly. Of course, he had caught a glimpse of the boy when he would show up unannounced at Josh's apartment or at an another common friend's birthday or new years eve for example. He actually spent way more time in the same places as him than any exes should. But he usually avoided having any sort of contact with him. Either was it because it was one of the most awkward moments ever or was it because of the way he still felt about his ex-boyfriend and how it would still hurt to feel him that close. Either way, he tried to reduce as much as he could their interactions. It was easier like that and he actually began to convince himself he was finally over him.

It was like that until probably a year ago when Caspar introduced this new girl at one of the many parties Joe was still for some reason invited to. He had stared for while at the couple, the way Caspar would act around the girl and how she would at him. It was sickening, he felt nauseous for the rest of the evening. And the fact that he drank a couple of cocktails, a little too much of them actually, didn't help it. Not at all. He had ended up, passed out drunk, thankfully in his own bed, thanks to Conor who had taken care of him.

And ever since then, he stopped going to the parties, the dinners, the lunches, everything. He was so scared to find Caspar radiating with joy, gazing in eyes that weren't his, smiling down at a face that wasn't his own, kissing lips that didn't belong to him. He refused to go to any event that would include his ex, under any circumstances. He should have done the many years ago, but he had still deep inside of him the hope that he and Caspar would get back together and be as happy as they could be. But unfortunately, they never did.

Joe shouldn't have been on his way to the reception held by his former boyfriend. An ex-boyfriend who he refused to see for an entire year and was now getting engaged. Josh didn't even want to tell him the news in the first place, his friend was worried that it might hurt him in some way. And it did, but Joe had played it off like it didn't mean that much to him. He didn't care like that, he had said to his friend. Josh's perplexed look was enough to convince Joe to go, he wanted to show how much he didn't care about all of that. How happy he was for Caspar that he finally got someone so freaking special in his life, how he wanted to let him know about that. After all he and Caspar had been friends for a couple of years before dating each other, he had the right, as a friend to tell him all of those things. His ego was the reason he was here. It was all to convince Josh that he was in this cab, leading him and Josh to the engagement party of his ex-boyfriend.

" I'm sorry I don't see your name on the guest list, Mr. Sugg. " Had said the lady at the entrance of the rather luxurious hotel that Caspar and his girlfriend had chosen to have their party. She was holding a piece of paper that as Joe already knew didn't spell his name.

"That's because he's my plus one. " Had stepped in Josh quickly after the woman had checked that his name was actually on her list.

She narrowed her eyes at the two friends who were smiling as brightly as they could at her, hoping at least one of their smiles would make her change her mind. She then sighed rolling her eyes and directing both of them in the room with a swift motion of the hand.

" Alright, you can go, have a good night. " She said at the same time, making the two men walk carefully into the already packed room.

It was huge, the reception was huge, the room, the decor, the food, the music, people and their outfits. Everything was huge and Joe felt so out of place, even in his dark blue tuxedo. He had even put on a tie, that he managed to tie on his own, for that only he deserved a medal. He looked dumbfounded standing there on his own because Josh had gone to get them some drinks, his eyes wandering from the floor to the ceiling his mouth slightly open by amazement. This place was truly something and if he hadn't been here for his ex-boyfriend's engagement, it would have been one of the greatest things that happened to him this year so far. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2018 ⏰

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