05. Soulmates (part II)

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Before you read this one shot, I would like to thank all the people who read my stories, voted and even commented for them so far. It means a lot to me. I honestly didn't thought I'd have that much in such a little time. And that people would actually like what I write. So, yeah, thank you a lot.

Summary : Sequel of the first soulmate AU. Joe is really confused by his feelings until he finally realizes, with some help, why he was feeling that.

Words : 2,271

Joe didn't talk about Caspar to his sister the day after, or the day after that one, or ever. Every time she tried to mention the guy Joe would say something like " It's fine. " or " You can hang out with whoever you want Zoe. " and that was it. He would brush the subject away, escaping and avoiding it like a disease. He nevertheless, managed to catch some information on the boy, not that he cared, he didn't. Just out of curiosity, he would tell himself. Caspar was not from England, he was actually south African and was indeed like he had thought, younger than him, three years younger. Since Joe was actually twenty-three, it meant that Caspar was twenty. And he would soon see those letters Joe had been wearing on his wrist over his own. And Joe wasn't actually ready or prepared for the fact that maybe Caspar would have his name written down on his skin. He needed more time, he didn't want the other boy to know.

Caspar would sometimes hang out with Zoe in the house, Alfie would be with them too. Joe tried carefully to avoid them every time. Especially Caspar. But Zoe thought that it would be a wonderful idea to invite the boys over to dinner. Joe really felt like she was doing that on purpose, like she was trying to get them together against his own will. Joe loved his sister, he really did, but what she was doing was making him way more angry against her than he should be.

When they- he, his sister, Alfie, his parents and finally Caspar- ended up all together sitting at the dinner table, Joe was sat right in front of none another than Caspar. Thanks to Zoe. He mumbled a " I hate you. " under his breath at the brunette. She would only laugh at her brother and sit down beside her boyfriend.

" So, Caspar, do you know who your soulmate is ? " Had asked Joe's mom, making her son almost choke on the salad he was eating, his cheeks flooding with red. Zoe smirked to herself at that. " No, I'm not twenty-one yet. I'll know in a few months. " Had responded the boy with a smile, a huge grin, a smile that Joe couldn't help but loved. His lips turned upwards as he saw the joy and excitement on the younger one's face. He didn't know why but his smile was making him smile. And as his eyes were traveling his face, they landed on Caspar's. Their eyes met. And like always Joe ignored the itching feeling of his wrist and the warmth over his heart. He tried to act like it wasn't there, but it was. It was real. It seemed that every time Joe looked at the other boy, he would look at him too. Like they absolutely needed to make eye contact, to look at each other. Like the universe wanted them to, Joe cussed mentally at that thought. What was he even thinking ?

" You seem exited. " Had ad Joe's father. Caspar didn't got his eyes away from Joe's as he responded, a smile still lingering on his lips. " I am. " Joe blushed and Zoe scoffed. The only thing he wanted now was to be far away from here, from his mocking sister, from Caspar and from the odd feelings clinging at his skin.

" Joe should be that exited about his too. " Had stated his mother in a disappointed tone. Joe had rolled his eyes at that. Caspar, him, was looking down at Joe's wrist. When the older one noticed that, he wrapped his already covered skin with his other hand, as his eyes fell on his plate. He knew the name was not visible through the large wristband but the stare Caspar had on it could probably make it melt. Caspar frowned at that, but he quickly replaced it with a smile. And Joe knew, he knew that this smile was for him and only him. He found himself stupid thinking that, all this soulmate system was getting to his head and he couldn't do anything to stop it. It was frustrating and exhausting. Both feelings mixed with the odd ones he already had.

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