15. Joe vs The Girlfriend (part I)

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Summary: Joe's fed up with Caspar's new girlfriend and desperately wants to get rid of her.

Words: 1,239

" What are you looking at? " Whispered Joe in the silence of the night. Laying slowly beside Caspar on the slightly humid grass. Not really caring about his shirt already getting soaked.

Caspar turned his head to him and smiled.

" The stars. " He answered after a couple of seconds breaking the peaceful silence.

" It's beautiful tonight. " Stated Joe, with a smile too, Caspar only hummed in agreement and got his eyes back on the dark blue sky above him. A comfortable and soothing silence setting between the two. 

As much as Joe thought the sky and stars were beautiful, he couldn't help but find Caspar even more beautiful. He couldn't help the wide grin on his lips either. He just couldn't.

" What are you looking at Joe? " Suddenly asked Caspar after a while. Joe laughed at that, the blond knew damn well what he was looking at.

" Your face. " Whispered Joe anyway, while Caspar's head dropped to the side to face Joe's. The corner of his eyes wrinkled by the huge smile he was harboring. " How's it looking? " He asked chuckling.

" Great. " Joe murmured getting his body closer to Caspar's. His forehead touching the South African's, slowly brushing his lips against the corner of his. " The most beautiful thing I've ever seen. " He added, making Caspar's face heat up.

" Stop. " He whined, a shy smile taking place on his face, as he brought his hands to his face to hide it. " Don't hide Cas. " Whispered Joe, gently taking his hands off his face. He then, as so gently kissed his nose, lightly.

" Caspar? Are you there? " A feminine voice asked, making the pair jolt of surprise and quickly move away from each other.

" Emmy! " Caspar breathed out, quickly getting up. He smiled awkwardly at his girlfriend scratching the back of his neck.

Joe only stayed on the grass, laying there on his back. Maybe if he didn't move or say anything, they wouldn't notice him.

" What were you two doing? " She asked a smile on her face, Caspar let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding.

" Huh- " He paused. " Just looking at the sky. " He told her quickly.
" Cool, can I join? " Caspar only nodded for a response laying back down across from Joe.

" It's nice. " She whispered laying in her turn next to her boyfriend. Caspar didn't say a word, he only dropped his head on the side Joe was on. He hadn't said a word either since Emmy had shown up.

" I'm sorry. " The South African mouthed to his older friend after gently poking his tight to get his attention. Joe only gave him a tight-lip smile, before sighing deeply.

Caspar sighed in his turn, everything was a mess between them. All three of them. He didn't know what to do or how to do it. He really didn't.

" I feel like I've ruined a really romantic moment between you and Joe. " Emmy said after a few seconds, interrupting Caspar in his thoughts, chuckling at her own joke. Caspar coughed awkwardly before letting out a laugh which sounded more strangled than he would have wanted to.

" Definitely. " Joe agreed, muttering under his breath. Caspar softly slapped his tight at that, making the brown-haired boy sigh. Again.

" Well, I think I'm going to go now. " The British ultimately managed to say, after five good minutes in a more than awkward silence. Getting up fast and already dusting off his pants from the few green leaves they had on.

" I guess I'll see you tomorrow. " He stated coldly. And he didn't know what got into him, but he quickly bent down and laid a kiss on Caspar's forehead. It was mostly stupid of him, but he wanted to make Caspar's girlfriend jealous. After all, she did ruin their moment. And Joe's life by the way.

Everything was fine with Caspar until she came along, they didn't really know what they were doing before or why they were, but it felt nice to Joe. And she ruined it. Now they can no longer be whatever they were, because she's always here somewhere creeping in the back, ready to separate them at any second. And he fucking missed Caspar. Joe blamed Emmy for everything eventually, and if he could blame her for every wrong in the universe, he'd do it.

Joe came back to himself when he heard someone clearing their throat. The girlfriend. He sighed again and whispered a " Bye Cas. " Before stroking Caspar's cheek lightly. The youngest sighed in contentment. " Bye Joe. " He said in his turn, offering him a shy smile, his eyes avoiding the British's.

From the corner of his eyes, Joe didn't miss the way Emmy looked at them, already fuming of jealousy, he only smiled at himself. If he couldn't have Caspar for himself, he'd make sure to do everything he could for her to not have him either. He was so ready to fight.

" You do realize how wrong it sounds Joe? " Questioned Zoe over the phone, a startled look on her face. " You can't do that to someone, and surely not Caspar. " She added horrified by the words her brother just pronounced. 

" I don't care, I want my best friend back and that girl can suck it. " He responded sternly, his eyebrows knitted in anger. He was being as stubborn as always, not dropping his idea of splitting Caspar and his girlfriend up.

" If I didn't know you I'd say you're awfully jealous and desperately in love with Caspar. " Sarcastically spoke Zoe back, a slight and playful smile on her lips, that her brother thankfully couldn't see.

" You're my sister Zoe, you're supposed to support me and have my back. What happened to our bro code? " Whined the younger sibling completely ignoring his sister's comment.

" We never had one Joe and I'm not going to help you break Caspar's relationship. If you want him so bad, just tell him. Knowing him, he'll drop everything for you. " Zoe said rolling her eyes at her brother's behavior exasperated but couldn't help the chuckle reaching out her lips. Her brother could be so oblivious sometimes and oh so stubborn.

" What am I supposed to tell him? " He paused but didn't let his sister answer him when he started again. " No, that's not going to work. I need a real plan Zo. Do you think I'll get in trouble if I accidentally ship her to another country? I'm sure I could put her in one of those big boxes in her sleep, she'll fit perf- "

" Joe, you're going nuts. " Interrupted Zoe in Joe's ramble. " Listen to me. You go to Caspar and tell him how much you're in love with him. That's the plan. " She firmly stated shutting Joe completely, living the younger man agape and speechless on the other side of the line.

" It's the worst plan in the history of plans Zo. Really. " He finally answered after a couple of seconds, slightly pouting to himself.

" You're an idiot, Joseph Sugg. "

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