07. Pick up lines

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the picture that I used was taken from an awesome tumblr account named jasparcastle

Summary : Caspar likes pick up lines and Joe.

Words : 1,122

" Did you die recently ? Cause boy, you look like an angel to me. "

Joe rolled his eyes as Caspar burst in laughing. It was Caspar's favorite thing to do, throw pick up lines at Joe until the poor boy suffocates on them. Joe would be so flustered and his face would become so red. It was definitely Caspar's favorite thing.

" You're hotter than the bottom of my laptop. " Said Caspar with a huge grin on his lips.

Joe breathed out, rolling his eyes a second time but a small smile made it's way on his lips, so small that Caspar didn't even noticed.

" Why can't you do what normal friends do Caspar ? " Had whined Joe.

" Is your dad a preacher? Cause you're a blessing. " Responded Caspar the smile on his face still growing. Bigger and bigger. He loved it.

Joe didn't know why Caspar loved so much to do that. He'd do it at every moment possible. Wherever they were, whatever they were doing and whoever they were with. Caspar would tell him one or two pick up lines. Sometimes, like that day, he would go for twenty minutes straight, pick up line after pick up line. And Joe would be surprisingly flustered by that, he didn't even know why. He knew it was a game to Caspar, a joke, but he couldn't help the blush on his cheeks everytime. Every damn time. He had no idea how Caspar even knew that much pick up lines.

" Caspar, what's wrong with you ? " Asked Joe, not really looking for an answer. He just needed to make Caspar believe that his game wasn't working on him. When it obviously was.

" I don't know Joseph. " Had answered Caspar with a dramatic sigh, coming closer to where Joe was sat on the couch. " I think I'm falling for you. " He whispered taking Joe's hand in his, his eyes locking into the smaller one's.

Joe felt breathless for a second, lips parted and his eyes growing bigger. His heart beating faster and louder, blood rushing all over him. His cheeks burning, burning so much that you could fry an egg on them. His hand sweating in Caspar's.

" Piss off. " Had he finally snapped at the younger one avoiding carefully his gaze, snatching his hand away.

" Did you hear that ? It was the sound of my heart breaking into thousand pieces . " Had whispered Caspar, a hand over his heart with a frown. And Joe would roll his eyes an another time, because he couldn't do anything else.

" Aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living ? " Had whispered Caspar in Joe's hear, making him jump and drop the muffin he had in his hands and eventually choke on the one he already had in his mouth. He quickly bent down to pick up the cake he had dropped.

" Why do you keep doing this to me ? " Had exclamaid Joe after finishing eating with more or less ease his muffin.

" You made me drop my muffin. " He stated, throwing a glare at Caspar who was now in front of him, avoiding at all cost his eyes. Joe knew if he looked in them, he would surely loose all credibility. And he didn't want that now, his whole face was already burning, he didn't want to start stuttering and tripping over his own feet.

" Roses are red violets are blue I didn't know what perfect was until I met you." Had said Caspar. You could clearly see by the look in his eyes and the cheeky grin lingering on his lips that he loved every single part of this.

" What do you want me to do, for you to stop ? " Asked Joe sighing as Caspar chuckled. " Edit your videos, make your bed, do your dishes for two weeks ? Tell me. " At this point he would do everything, litteraly everything to stop Caspar from putting him in these awkward, embarrassing and slightly confusing situations.

" I want you to... " Caspar paused and rubbed his chin with his fingers while looking at the ceiling. Acting like he was thinking, when he already knew what he was going to ask for. He grined to himself and his glance met Joe's. Who was turning into a lobster at this point. " Kiss me. " Simply answered Caspar still that smile stuck over his lips, said smile that was already driving Joe crazy.

" I'm sorry what ? " Had managed Joe to get out between several coughs. His face still burning, his heart still beating oddly fast and his stomach still doing back and front flips at the same time. Nothing new, just Joe being Joe in front of Caspar

" I said. " Spoke Caspar again. " That I wanted you, Joe Sugg, to kiss me. " He added stretching out exaggeratedly every word of the sentence.

Joe only stood there, agape, his heart turned into a drum and his mind as his entire body shut down. For a dream, it was looking really realistic, because he swore he clearly heard Caspar asking to kiss him. Joe thought. It could only be that anyway, a dream, because there was no way Caspar would ask him that. No way.

" Damn it, why do I have to do everything myself ? " Had sighed the south african grabbing Joe's face with his hands and pulling him over him, to finally get his lips on Joe's. Joe wasn't dreaming after all, Caspar was really kissing him and he was kissing him back. His lips were really moving against Caspar's and his hands were really grabbing Caspar's waist. Evrything was real. And it felt amazingly good. Confusing, sudden, but oh so good.

When they finally pulled away, Joe couldn't help it but laugh. The pick up lines were actually Caspar's way to flirt with him. He would have never get it, if it wasn't for that kiss. He would still be awkwardly blushing and having seizures everytime Caspar would do it. He could be so blind sometimes. He didn't felt grossed out by the kiss, or weird at all, which surprised him. He thought he might actually like Caspar. It was obvious now, all of these weird reactions and his body and brain not really working correctly around him. He might had a crush on Caspar the whole time.

Caspar's smile was still there, always there when he was with Joe. Their foreheads were stucked together and this time Joe could gaze in Caspar's eyes whithout having a heart attack. And he smiled too. A huge smile.

" No wonder the sky is grey today, all the blue is in your eyes. " Had finally said Joe as Caspar looked at him raising his eyebrows. " What ? I may know some pick up lines too. You're not the only one to in here. "

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