04. Soulmates (part I)

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Summary : Soulmate AU where the name of your soulmate appears on your wrist the day of your 21th birthday. Joe never believed in soulmates and he was determined to never fall in that. Until he met his.

Words : 1,543

Joe never really believed in soulmates, he didn't like the thought that he couldn't choose the one who he'd spend the rest of his life with. He didn't like that the universe had planned someone just for him, he didn't like the fact that he was forced to love someone he didn't even know. And that, that someone was forced to love him too. He wanted to love someone he really wanted to, and be loved the same way. He didn't like soulmates, neither did he believed in them. That thing was totally not for him.

His sister, Zoella, had found her's, on the internet. A certain Alfie, if he recall correctly, he didn't remember much of her rambling when she had discovered the name on her wrist on a facebook profil. That day she had rant for about two or three hours about that Alfie and sometimes loud squeaks would escape her mouth. He didn't really do that much on his side, he only sat and listened to his sister. Smiling at her, despite his hate for that system he was happy for Zoe, she was happy and that's all he needed to be happy himself. He had hugged her and smiled at her. " I'm really happy for you Zo." He had said.

And when they started dating, Zoe and Alfie. Joe felt nauseous whenever he was looking at them. Firstly because he didn't really enjoyed the sight of his sister wrapped around the boy. And secondly because they were acting like they knew each other all their lives and like they were so in love, although they only knew each others for a month. Sometimes Joe finds himself laughing at them, they were so naive and also disgustingly cheesy. Joe would always be amazed by the fact that two people who knew nothing of each other could believe they were in love, only because their respective names were written on their wrist. He hated the idea, even if his sister and that Alfie were really getting along, he hated that idea. And of course when their parents found out, they were thrilled, they were melting under happiness and excitement. Joe couldn't even find why, Zoe and her, supposedly found by the gods, boyfriend were together. So what ? Joe would be confused by that for the rest of his life. And on top of that sometimes his mom would ad something like " Joe, you're almost 21, soon you'll bring home your soulmate. " and his dad would wink at him exaggeratedly. And he would just roll his eyes, every time. Murmuring a " No way in hell. " that his parents would faint they didn't hear. And continue to smile knowingly at him.

The morning of his 21th birthday, Joe was awoken by his sister jumping on his bed. She was buzzing with excitement and Joe only wanted to go back to sleep. She ripped the covers that he had pulled over his head, making him whine at the cold air touching his skin. She had yanked his right wrist, where the name normally appears, over her to look at it. It should probably be written by now. Her eyes widened when she finally got her eyes on it.

" Oh my god Joe, I know him, I know your soulmate. " Had squealed Zoe bouncing on Joe's bed. He finally opened his eyes to look lazily at his wrist. He didn't even knew why he was looking at it. Surely out of curiosity. Caspar Lee, he read. He didn't know who that person could be, he only knew that it was a boy. But Zoe did, she knew him. And Joe also knew his sister, she would do whatever was in her power to bring the two together. He knew it and he didn't want that in any case.

" Zoe, I don't want anyone to know about my soulmate, especially our parents and that Caspar guy. " Joe had said, looking in her eyes, pleading her. " And I don't want to know anything about him and he doesn't have to know that I even exist. Alright ? " A frown found it's way on Zoe's face as Joe was waiting desperately for an answer. " Alright. " She had finally said with a sight. Joe still looked at her knowingly. " I promise I won't say anything. " She added rolling her eyes. Joe had smiled at that, he really loved his sister. " Thanks, Zo. " He had said as she was about to exit his room. She stopped in her track and turned to look at Joe, she then smiled at him.
" Anything for you Broseph. " He snorted at the nickname as she exited the room with a genuine laugh.

Since that day Joe had always wore a wristband over the name he had, printed down on his skin. He would never remove it and he would never look at it. He didn't even talked about it to his parents, despite all the questions they were throwing at him everyday. Literally everyday. He never heard of that Caspar Lee ever again after his 21th birthday morning and he was glad of it. His sister never bought the subject back and he was glad of that too. He didn't want to find Caspar and he didn't want Caspar to find him. And everything was going in that way for now, and he liked it like that.

Until everything went wrong, horribly wrong. It was maybe two years after his 21th birthday, Joe was coming back home after his first day at work. He was on his way to become a roof thatcher and he loved it. He had been working the whole day and even if he enjoyed it, he was exhausted and the only thing he wanted was to take a shower and rest at home. When he finally came back, he was met by his sister. She was sat in the living room, with Alfie and an another boy he didn't recognize. He couldn't help it but his eyes got stuck on the boy's face, his glance wandering around all his features. His hair styled weirdly on top of his head, weird but it suits him, had thought Joe. His eyes trailed down his forehead, to flick from his nose to his red lips. His eyes even got to his broad shoulders and strong arms, and down his muscular chest. Joe was like amazed by a boy he didn't even know. And his eyes for an unknown reason went back to the foreign guy's eyes, bright blue eyes. That were staring right back at him. His whole body tingled and a jolt of electricity went through his whole body, making his mind and by the way his heart race. And his cheeks were warming up, he didn't know why he was reacting that way, but he was.

" Oh, Joe, you're here ? " Had asked Zoe her eyes widening. He furrowed his eyebrows at his sister's surprised and alarmed reaction. " Yeah. " He had answered, his eyes landing on his sister avoiding the stranger's. Zoe looked uneasy at Joe and at the boy and back at Joe. " So, Joe, this is my new friend. " She paused. " Caspar Lee. " Joe's breath became short and he felt the skin under his wristband itch. Itching so much that it hurt. He breathed out, his heart itched too. He felt like his sister had betrayed him. Why on hearth would she bring him here, knowing who he was ? Caspar looked young, younger than him. He probably didn't even have a name on his wrist yet. But still. He looked at his sister and shook his head at her. She looked mortified. Joe put anyway a forced smile to his face and looked over Caspar. Not at his eyes, that he avoided by all cost. " Nice to meet you Caspar, I'm Joe. " He then didn't wait for an answer and went directly in his room. He locked himself in it and didn't come out before the next morning. He didn't even opened his door when his sister banged at it, pleading him to let her in.

He tried to ignore all the feelings he had felt when his eyes landed on his supposedly soulmate. He didn't believe in those things he kept telling himself. The tingle of his skin and the pull he felt towards him didn't mean anything. The rush of his heart when their eyes met didn't mean that this soulmate thing was working. The intense and almost unreal feeling that got all over his body, making him want to throw himself in his arms didn't freaking mean that it was working. In anyway possible.

And maybe that night he dreamt about those eyes, those bright sparkling ocean eyes, locking into his, and those lips, those so soft looking lips, brushing against his and maybe of that body collapsing onto his. But he would never, ever admit, that it was because they were supposed to be soulmates. It was just his mind, messing with him. Him and his confused feelings. He was fucked up.

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