09. Babe

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Summary : Jaspar + babe

Words : 1,166

" Hey, babe. "

It was an accident, a terrible accident. Caspar didn't mean for that to came out of his mouth. He only wanted to greet his friend, and those words were the first one that exited. It could have been anything, but his mind had decided that his life wasn't enough fun. His entire face was warming up and he knew he was certainly blushing like he never did before.

" Hi Casp. " Had only answered Joe with a smile, who didn't even seem to be bothered by the nickname. Maybe he didn't heard it, or he misunderstood what he said. He surely did. Because otherwise it would be weird, right ?

After that Caspar only took a seat next to Joe on his couch, keeping his eyes glued on his phone even if said one was shut down. Trying helplessly to calm down, because after all it was not that big of a deal. He didn't just called his best friend " babe " not at all.

" Caspar ? Is everything alright ? "

Joe had found Caspar lying down on his stomach, a cheek facing the floor of his kitchen. The boy wasn't moving and it freaked Joe out. He knew Caspar was weird, but that, that was new.

" No. " Mumbled the boy on the floor. Joe exhaled when he heard him talk, he didn't even realize he was holding his breath. " I hit my foot in the corner of the bar and fell. " Caspar explained still on the same spot. " And I don't think I'll ever be able to walk again. " He added whining.

Joe laughed at that, Caspar was really something.

" Aw poor baby. " Had said Joe in a mocking tone.

" I'm not a baby, it just hurts a lot okay. Try to fall like I did, you'll see. " Mumbled Caspar, which only intensified Joe's laugh.

" Yes you're a baby Caspar, that's totally what you are. " Answered Joe still laughing, he couldn't even breath anymore.

" Come on baby, get up, get up for me babe, get up ! " Had he exclaimed to Caspar patting his hair, with one of those weird voices people only use to talk to children.

When he finally calmed down, Joe couldn't help but notice something. Caspar was blushing. He couldn't see his face properly but he swore he saw a blush spread on the boy's one. And he knew that he was the reason of that. He smiled to himself, holding that thought.

" Hey babe ? "

Caspar should have thought before saying anything, he totally should have. But Caspar being Caspar, he didn't. He didn't ignore his friend who was surely talking to someone else, since the room was full of people. He didn't thought at all.

" Yeah ? " Had he responded.

The moment the word came out, his eyes grew ten times wider. Why couldn't he act normally around Joe ? What was even wrong with him ? His face was now bright red, he could feel it, and he probably looked like an idiot now. But he hoped Joe didn't noticed. Maybe the older one didn't even heard him, maybe he walked away straight after that and didn't noticed Caspar burning like a candle on his spot. Yeah, maybe.

" I just wanted to know if you were okay Caspar, I haven't seen you the entire party. " Had said Joe.

Caspar sighed. Well, Joe was still here, and he was talking to him. The South African couldn't even look at his friend, let alone talk to him. So he nodded still avoiding everything near Joe. He then turned away, quickly, really quickly.

And it's only twenty minutes later, after overthinking on the event that happened earlier. Caspar finally realized that, Joe, his friend, had called him, babe. He didn't know why, or if it was a good thing or not, or if it was allowed for friends like them to do so, but he smiled. He smiled so brightly that he may had blinded a few people in the room.


" I think I'm going to go home now. " Said Joe standing up on his feet. " Bye babe. " He added to Caspar, making his way to the door. With a slight smile on his face, when he saw at the corner of his eyes the blushing face of his friend.

" You did it again ! " Had exclaimed Caspar, making Joe stop in his track. He turned around, a frown on his face.

" What ? " Asked Joe. " You called me that again, you called me babe. " Answered Caspar, avoiding Joe's eyes, lowering his voice until it only was a whisper. His face, as always, red and burning.

" Yeah, and ? " It was Caspar's turn to frown. Why couldn't Joe see anything wrong with this ? " You did too. " Added Joe, only making Caspar more red and confused.

" I-It wasn't- " Caspar paused, he couldn't even talk anymore. He breathed out, slowly, trying to find his words and finally looked up at Joe. Maybe not the best idea he had, Joe was also looking at him. And it was confusing, Joe's eyes always made him confused and flustered. But that day, it was on a whole another level.

" Friends shouldn't do that. " He managed to say. " That's the kind of stuff you say to your girlfriend, to someone you really like. "

Joe grinned at that and Caspar didn't missed that one. Why was he smiling ?

" Alright Caspar, you're right. " Finally said Joe. And somehow Caspar felt disappointed, he didn't thought that it will end that way. But what he did, needed to be done, that's what he thought. " I'm going to go now, I have so much stuff to do home. " He added.
But instead of taking his way out of the apartment, Caspar saw Joe coming back his way. His breath suddenly became short and uneven when Joe finally got in front of him. He was unable to move or say anything. The older one leaned down, slowly, making Caspar's heart skip a beat every time he gets an inch closer. Joe as so slowly and gently put a hand on Caspar's cheek, putting his other hand on the boy's thigh to keep balance. The younger's eyes automatically shut as Joe's mouth softly landed on the corner of his own.

" Bye babe. " Had finally whispered Joe before turning away and exiting the apartment.

Caspar only stayed there, on his couch, mouth opened. For maybe twenty minutes or two hours, he didn't know. But he found himself, slowly, after a while, smiling to himself. Joe Sugg, called him, Caspar Lee, babe, and kissed him. The smile didn't quit his lips.

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