10. Amnesia

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Summary : Caspar wakes up at the hospital, he doesn't remember anything. And he can't help but ask himself if that cute short boy sitting beside him is his boyfriend or not.

Words : 1,451

When the South African woke up, he had no clue were he was, why his head and his brain were hurting that much, why he couldn't remember a single thing, and finally who the hell were those people surrounding him. And especially that cute boy sitting on a chair beside him.

" Caspar ! "  Exclaimed the boy, when his eyes landed on him, a soft smile already spreading on his face. " You're awake. " He then said, slowly and gently removing Caspar's hair from his forehead. The latter couldn't help but closed his eyes and sighed happily under the touch.

Caspar. It must be my name. He thought, while slowly opening his eyes again. They traveled around the room, he definitely was in a hospital room. His eyes finally landed on the other boy, standing on the other side of the bed he was laying on. A tall and ginger one, who was also smiling at him. A deep frown took place on his face, he was trying so hard to figure out who these people were that his brain actually hurt. Even more than when he first woke up. He knew they must be really close to him, but he couldn't remember how.

" I'm Joe. " Finally said the brown-haired boy. " And this is Josh. " He added pointing the ginger guy. " The doctor said you might have temporary memory loss, or something like that. So it's okay if you don't remember much. " He quickly rambled. Smiling still so softly at Caspar, his beautiful ocean eyes shining so brightly. And Caspar couldn't help but find him cute, really cute.

He coughed awkwardly, trying to not make it like he was staring, nodding slowly at him.

" Hm, sorry your mom couldn't make it Casp. " Josh spoke for the first time. Caspar knitted his eyebrows, he recognized that accent, he knew he already heard it before.

" You'll be back home soon, anyway. Like tonight, I think. " Said Joe quickly after, seeing Caspar's puzzled expression.

" Yeah. " Agreed Josh. " Do you guys need anything, I'm going to the cafeteria ? " Suddenly asked Josh.

" No thanks." Responded Joe as Caspar shook his head.

" Alright, be right back. " He then got out of the room and closed the door gently behind him.

Caspar watched him leave, following his every move, thinking hard. He knew the guy, he was sure of it, but he just couldn't remember. A hand, Joe's hand, on his cheek cut him straight in his thoughts. Said cheek that was burning red under Joe's hand.

" You scared the hell out me mate. " Said Joe after a minute, chuckling.
" One minute you were dancing, drunk, on a glass table, and the other you were on the ground. And of course broke that table. "

Caspar smiled at that. Of course he had to be that stupid.

" You're such a dork Caspar Lee. " Sighed Joe, a smile lingering on his lips, his hand still on the blond's face, softly stroking his cheek with his thumb.

Caspar's heart was beating so fast. To fast for a human being, he was sure of that. His face was bright red and his lips were slightly parted. He couldn't get a sound out of his mouth. That Joe surely had to be someone really special to him. Was that guy his boyfriend ? Or something like that ? He asked himself, confused, hopeful, but mostly confused.

When Josh came back holding a large cup of coffee in his hand, he didn't look surprised at all to find the two in that position. Joe sat on the side of Caspar's bed, stroking his hair and by times putting light kisses all over Caspar's face, his hair first, his forehead, his cheeks. He only smiled softly at them, while sitting in the corner of the room.

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