11. "So, what are we watching."

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Summary : Josh likes to interrupt Joe and Caspar, because he's an adorable idiot.                  

Words : 847


Joe didn't know why he was being so shy, he and Caspar had been friends for years. They knew practically everything about each other, they were usually so comfortable with each other. And yet here he was, blushing and flustered, and unsure of what to do with his body. Caspar and him were pressed against each other on the younger one's couch. He had slowly and shyly got an arm around Joe's shoulders, and the smaller one's breath had immediately hitched. He couldn't even move from an inch at first, registering what was clearly happening. He didn't know if it was a good thing or not, but he liked it, he liked where things were going. So he had finally as slowly as Caspar, leaned on him. And they both pretended to watch whatever movie that was on. This must look so awkward, but they were fine with it. 

They were so fine with it, that they didn't even heard someone getting in the flat. Their hearts beating so loud and fast were maybe reasons for that. A tall, imposing and heavy ginger mass crashing in between them finally pulled them out of their bubble. Making the two boys jump and scream.

" What are you doing here Josh ? " Had asked Caspar shouting. " Yeah, and how did you even get in ? " Had yelled Joe in his turn. 

And Josh had simply smiled to them both without replying, and had get comfortable in the middle, putting both of his arms around their shoulders.

" So, what are we watching ? " Had he asked, ignoring the frown on Caspar's face and the pout on Joe's.

Caspar was getting dangerously close to Joe's face, and the latter didn't exactly know if he should be freaking out or not. The blond gently put a hand on the smaller one's jaw, softly, slowly. Maybe Joe was freaking out a little bit after all. But he didn't make any move to stop Caspar. He couldn't, he was like paralyzed, breathing hardly, almost panting. They couldn't keep their eyes from each other, they were hypnotized.

" Wooow guys ! You'll never believe what happened to me ! " Yelled Josh banging the door of the room open.

The smile on his face slowly dropped to be replaced by a surprised expression when he noticed the two boys blushing in front of him. He then narrowed his eyes, looking successively at Joe then at Caspar. A grin slowly took place at the corner of his mouth.

" You guys were about to kiss, weren't you ? " He asked pointing his two friends with his forefinger.

He was only met with an awkward cough coming from Joe, his smile only grew wider.

" I should probably leave and let you ... finish ! " He then yelled sprinting out of the room.

" I hate him. " Finally spat Joe when Josh disappeared.

Caspar only laughed at that.

Joe and Caspar were laying on Caspar's bed,  tightly wrapped around each other, Joe's head over Caspar's chest, resting on it and listening to the relaxed heartbeat of his best friend. Joe didn't know if he should still call Caspar like that, he didn't even know what they were. They never actually talked about it, he didn't want to anyway, for now. The only thing he wanted was to rest in Caspar's arm, as long as he could. Their breath were almost too loud, contrasting with the unusual calm in Caspar's flat. The taller one's hand was running some fingers in the smaller one's hair, making the latter hum in satisfaction and close his eyes. They were like in a bubble, a huge bubble with only the two of them and only them.

" Caspar you're in here ? " Yelled a voice through the door. Josh's voice. Joe grimaced, his eyes still closed. Was that boy ever going to stop ruining his life ? 

" Don't answer. " Whispered Joe, rubbing his face on Caspar's shirt, and by the way his hair under his friend's chin. Caspar smiled softly at him and stayed silent.

" You probably are. " He then said. " Is Joe here too, I saw his shoes by the door ? " He continued. Still no answer. " Oh ! I get it ! " He then screamed, making Caspar softly laughed and Joe murmured a " Come on " under his breath. " If you're about to do, you know, the thing. Be safe guys, okay ? " He yelled again. " If you're not, well, be safe anyway, you never know, right ? "

Joe's face was now buried deep in Caspar's chest, his cheeks redder than they've ever been while Caspar was laughing so hard that his eyes have started to water.

" You're so stupid. " Finally yelled Caspar when his laughter died down. " So fucking stupid. " Yelled Joe's muffled voice.

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