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He left his car by the side of the road. On both sides was an expanse of woods. He locked his car and jogged into the green abyss.

A few minutes later, he makes his way to his favorite spot. He sat down to catch his breath. He looked out across the sparkling lake. The sun warmed him up, causing him to take his jacket off. The sound of silence enveloped him. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. He breathed out and soaked up the sun.

As a kid, he came here to get away from all the events. He did it very often. He remembers he once brought a girl with him at the age of 13. He smiled, thinking of the memory and opened his eyes. This is the only place that hasn’t changed in his life. Everything else has grown up and either left or transformed. He sighed deeply and plopped down at the edge of the lake. It calmed him. The sound of nature surrounded him and he let his head fall back a little, closing his eyes.

Why did it bother him, he had no idea. No matter how much he tried to clear his mind, that boy he’s been saving keeps crossing his mind: Marcel. It’s probably the shock that his mind is still going through. He doesn’t know why he barely got to meet this doppelganger. Has he been in their school all these years? Why did he even come across meeting him? Was it fate?

He shook his head, scoffing to himself. He can’t find the answers within himself so he’ll just have to talk to him in person. Now that he thinks about it, he seemed rude to Marcel in the restroom. He has to talk to him now. Just to make sure that his assumptions are true.


He made his way downstairs, a bit too loud since he heard his mom yell “In here!”

The kitchen was spectacular. The floor was a shiny white marble followed by a huge open kitchen with deep brown wooden cabinets and more marble on the countertops. His mom was sitting on the massive island; in front of her was a small glass plate with a delicious looking sandwich.

With the food in sight, Oliver’s tummy begins to growl. He clutches it, hoping that it would shut him up but no use.

“Hungry?” She asks with a smile on her face.

Oliver looks at her and laughs. He immediately recollects himself, his eyes super wide. Looking at the reflective floor, he sits across from her and doesn’t let his eyes wander above the normal eye sight.

“Listen, Oliver. I know you’ve had a rough past. I wouldn’t understand but I’m here to help you. Not only I but we are. My family. Your family. I hope that we keep you for as long as you want to be here. I wouldn’t want to say good-bye to you until you find your own home and make a life of your own.” Her voice trembled a little at the end.

Oliver didn’t move. He couldn’t believe what he heard. Never has another adult ever said something like that to him. It was too much to take in to give a full answer, but all he could muster was a “Thank you.”

She smiles yet another of her sincere smiles. It will take some time before he can actually get used to it. Used to this new atmosphere. Finally after years of moving from home to home, he felt like he belonged here. He returns the smile and bites into his good sandwich.

About half an hour passes since Oliver’s insight on his new mother figure, he sits on the velvet couch he saw which is way more comfortable than it looked. His mind is transfixed on the show that’s playing on the tv.

The door opens, revealing a cheery voice that fills the house.

“Honey, we’re home!” Mr. Richards greets the house.

“Mommy, I’m home!”

Oliver breaks his trance from the tv and turns to look at the body that owns that cheerful voice. Her long brown hair is collected into two ponytails. A backpack slides off her small arm and on the floor, her forest green cardigan having the same fate as the backpack.

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