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“You know you don’t have to join if you don’t want to.” Ezra plops himself besides Oliver on the living room couch.

Oliver was focused on the show playing at the moment. It was about some teenage werewolves. “Oh well I want to.” Oliver glances at him before turning his head back to the screen.

Ezra nods. “I honestly thought you were going to turn us down.”


He shrugs. “I don’t know. Maybe you didn’t want to go with our flow. I thought you might’ve just liked to do stuff on your own you know?”

Oliver understood. It’s been like that his entire life. He was never invited to parties or had a real genuine group of friends. It was all uncommon ground to him. But he thought to himself as he saw Ezra with the other guys laughing and talking about everything made him feel like he could try it out. Try out being someone else other than the horrible shell he had become over the years. Maybe it was time to change. To change for his new family. To change for his new friends. To change for Ezra and for Cat. To change for the better.

“Well it doesn’t hurt to try does it?”

Ezra looks at him. In his eyes was hope. He wasn’t going to mess around with their feelings. He really meant it. All he did was send a small nod and they happily resumed to watching the dramatic teen werewolf show.

His phone vibrated against his thigh, his parents had gotten it for him a couple of hours ago. They felt like it was necessary for an old enough teenager to have a phone. He had received a text from Marcel. He was one of the first contacts he added into his new phone. He felt bad for letting his English group down since it was 8 by the time he texted him and he thought it was a bad idea to ask to go to a stranger’s home at such a late hour. Oliver opened the text to see that Marcel didn’t need him today since he didn’t ask. He would apologize tomorrow when he sees him.

His phone vibrates again, this time the contact had a different name. It was Louis.

Hey what’s up, Oli

Olive smiled. One of the smallest gestures was enough to let him know that Ezra’s friends actually care.

I’m watching tv with Ezra. What about you?

A few seconds later he gets a reply.

I’m bored. There’s nothing to do here. Why don’t you ditch “TV with Ezra” and hang out with me?

It was a pretty straightforward question. Could he possibly have something against Ezra?

Um I don’t know…

Louis replies rather quickly.

Do you think I’m not cool enough? I just thought we could hang out for a bit, dude.

Oliver boarded the guilt train.

No you’re cool. Sorry. We could hang out. :)

He slumped even further into the couch, sighing as if that would relieve the huge weight crushing his lungs.

“Who are you texting?” Ezra notices his change of emotion.

“It’s just Louis.” He answers him simply.

“Oh. Ok.”

Another text sends his phone into a spasm.

Ok, meet me outside your house in 15. See ya :)

How the hell was he supposed to sneak out of his own house unnoticed?

His eyes scanned every single area of the room. What was he going to do?

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