When I'm In Trouble, You're There

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  Most people thought that Striation City had no flaws, but those who have been there long enough to unravel the city's secrets would disagree. There was a small, rundown part of the city. It was where most of the homeless people were, begging anyone who would dare to walk the filthy streets of this area. It wasn't because of the begging you would get from the poor people that caused no one to go there. Goodness, no! It was because of a certain group of people who also roamed the streets of this area. They would steal, lie, cheat, and even kill to get whatever they wanted.

There were citizens who would do anything to help these poor people. You were one of them, and you were currently on your way to give some children some bread that a certain green haired male had made for you.

As soon as the kids saw you, they ran over to you, screaming and jumping up and down in excitement. You couldn't help but feel sorry for them. They were barely dressed, their clothes torn and dirty.

"All right, all right, settle down," you giggled. You removed a cloth that covered the bread in a basket and gave each child a piece, smiling as they enjoyed their small meal.

"[Y/N], can ya tell us 'bout the gym leaders?" a girl with curly red hair, named Emi (sorry if that's your name!), asked you. You smiled, sat down, and told them all about your friends Cress and Chili.

"Then there's Cilan. He's a grass type pokemon specialist, and he treats his friends very well. He's also sweet, caring, cute..." you sighed as you went into a trance. The children giggled, causing you to come back to reality as a blushing mess. The kids suddenly gasped as they looked above you, causing you to frown. A hand roughly grabbed your arm, yanking you off the ground. The children froze in fear, not knowing what to do. You snapped your head around, only to meet a pair of menacing green eyes of a brown haired boy around your age.

"Well, look what we have here," he said with a twisted grin, stepping closer to you. You stepped back, mouthing to the kids to run. The children hesitantly stumbled away, not looking back as they ran in the direction you came from.

"Now that we're alone," he mumbled pushing you towards the wall, making you angry. He tried to pin you against the cold, hard wall, but you quickly elbowed him in the stomach.

"Why, you little..." he growled underneath his breath, clutching his stomach with one hand.

"Hey! Watch your language!" you interrupted with a frown. This only only made matters worse. He slammed you against the wall, causing you to hear a light ringing in your ears. He successfully pinned you harshly to the old wall. He bit hard into your neck, causing you to yelp in pain. You squirmed, trying to get out of his grip, but it was no use.

"Get away from her!" the voice of your favorite connoisseur caused the man to remove his lips from his neck. Cilan shoved the other male hard against another wall, turning to you immediately.

"Are you okay? Did he do anything to you?" the young male asked you looking for any scratch that would be on your face. He came across the bite mark the brunette had given you, frowning at the crimson substance that trickled slowly down you neck. He looked over to the other male, his eyes full of anger that you had never seen before.

"Cilan! Stop! Don't do anything stupid!" you told your best friend, grabbing his arm. He looked over to you, the anger in his eyes slowly melting away as his green orbs locked with your [E/C] ones. He sighed and grabbed you by the hand, almost dragging you with him. He stopped and picked up the basket you had dropped. He didn't stop after that, pulling all the way to the restaurant. You face was almost as red as Chili's hair as you entered the restaurant. Chili and Cress gave you two a questioning look as you passed them. Besides the brothers, no one was inside, for they had closed up for the day. Cilan put the basket on a counter and lead you to a different room. He sat you down on a couch, exiting the room afterwards. He soon entered again with some rub and bandages in his hand.

"Cilan, I'm fine," you groaned as he sat down on the couch next to you. He ignored you as he started to clean the mark on your neck, causing you to wince from the stinging sensation.

"How did you know where I was?" you asked him abruptly. He got a band-aid out and carefully placed it over your wound.

"The kids you've been asking me to make bread for somehow found their way to the restaurant, telling me what was happening. I ran as fast as I could to the area they described to me. I heard your yelp coming from an alleyway near me, helping me find you," he explained. He gently placed a hand on your knee with a slight frown on his face. "Promise me something, [Y/N]. Promise me you won't go there again unless I'm with you." You blinked a few times and sighed, knowing there was no use of arguing.

"Okay," you mumbled. His frown turned into the closed-eye smile you loved. You leaned over and kissed his cheek, causing him to blush like crazy. You got up and slowly walked out of the room.

"Thank you, Cilan, for everything," you turned around and said before exiting the room. He sat there in shock for a moment, placing his hand where you kissed him.

"No problem," he mumbled to no one in particular, smiling like and idiot to himself.  

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