The Future for Us

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Pidoves chirped loudly in a maple tree just outside your window, waking you up earlier than you wished. Grumbling into your pillow, you rolled onto your other side and pulled the [F/C] sheets over your head. You heard the birds fly away, and you gave a content sigh as you started to doze off again. You almost fell asleep, but you were forced out of your slumber as your alarm went off. Grumbling to yourself, you reached across the bed to grab your phone off of your nightstand. Unlocking it, you turned off the alarm and checked what the date was....

July 12th

Your eyes widened as you finally realized why you had to be up early. Jumping out of bed, you dashed into your bathroom to take a quick shower and make yourself look presentable. Stripping yourself of your pajamas, you stepped into the water and washed yourself, feeling more awake and refreshed. 

You dried your [H/L], [H/C] hair, stepping out of the bathroom in a black skater dress and a red, checkered scarf. Hanging up your towel, you proceeded to do your makeup, keeping it light and simple. After putting on some mascara, you combed your damp hair out, waiting for the hair straightener to heat up. You proceeded to pick out strands of hair and run them through the hot iron. Finishing up, you took a deep breath as you looked over yourself in the mirror and walked back to your bed, checking what time it was. You sighed nervously as you realized you'd be right on time if you left in five minutes. Running a [S/T] hand through your hair, you put on a light brown jacket before skipping down the steps and to your door. 

"Mom! I'm heading out!" you yelled, slipping on a dark brown pair of heeled, short boots. Hearing a muffle that sounded like an 'okay,' you dashed out the door and threw the pokeball that contained your Braviary. Your [L/C] (Lip Color) lips spread in a grin as you gently brushed your fingers through the bird's red and blue feathers, causing it to nudge you slightly in affection with its beak.

You and Braviary had a special connection. The pokemon was known for its aggression, but you two seemed to get along really well. It took awhile, of course, but over the few years you've had and trained him, your connection grew to something you had never imagined possible. Now, you always kept him with you, and you both relied on each other.

Gently sitting down, the bird cawed slightly and he slightly adjusted to get used to your body weight as you sat down across his back. You entwined your fingers into his feathers as his wings spread out, taking off gently so you could balance yourself.


Jumping off Braviary with ease, you petted it for a moment before returning it to its pokeball. You glanced around briefly, observing that Braviary had gotten you safely into Striation City. Taking a deep breath while closing your eyes, you felt around in your jacket's pocket, feeling a velvet box. You walked down the street, making your way towards the restaurant. 

Today, you were celebrating your anniversary with Cilan. It had been four years since you two dated, and it had been the best few years of your life. As a gift, you had gotten Cilan a golden leaf brooch. The last time you went shopping with the green haired male, you had spotted him eyeing the specific item. You had seem him look at it with want. He never spoke up about it to you, but then again, he never knew you had caught him. 

Breaking from your daze, you spotted the restaurant/gym a block away from your current location, and you began to play with your fingers. Taking deep breath, you couldn't help but feel excited. You hadn't seen your boyfriend for a week, and the last time you talked to him was early in the morning yesterday when you two were planning on spending today together. Your lips stretched across your face in a grin, and you walked up to the building. The door was opened by Chili, who seemed to brighten up a little when he saw you.

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