Healing Love

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  A/N: This is a chapter for Ichigo! In this chapter, you're Ash's twin sister! Hope you enjoy!!!

You reached for a Kleenex as you felt a sneeze coming on, covering up your nose just in time. You groaned and lazily threw the used Kleenex at your trash bin, barely making it. You coughed violently, shaking your sore body. Groaning again, you curled up in your bed, rolling over on your side. Your [F/C] sheets were tangled around you, keeping you warm in the cold weather. Your twin brother Ash had ran out to go pick some berries for you, while your mom-Delia Ketchum-went to a nearby store to get you some medicine. You hated being sick, especially since your family would take time away from their own lives to help you.

"[N/N]!! I found some berries that should help with your cough!" your brother cheered, opening the door with a creak. You mumbled as you slowly sat up, wincing slightly as your head throbbed. Your brother made his was over to you, placing the basket beside him as he sat down. You looked down, slightly drooling over the Lum Berries your brother had managed to find. He grinned as he watched you shakily grab one, take a bite, and hum in satisfaction. The juice from the berry trickled down your throat, and your teeth easily sank into the flesh of the fruit, tearing a chunk away.

"Thanks, Ash," you yawned as you stretched your arms,"I don't know what I'd do without you!" You gave him a small smile before coughing, covering your mouth with your elbow. You gave him a sheepish grin as he gave you a concerned look, feeling your forehead with the palm of his cool hand. You closed your eyes and mentally sighed as you enjoyed the coolness, hoping it would take away your fever.

"Man, [Y/N], you're really burning up! I'll go get you an ice pack!" he exclaimed, running out of your room before you could say anything. You sighed and propped yourself with your elbows, squeezing your eyes shut as your head began to throb with an exceeding amount of pain. You groaned, not noticing your brother's return. "You OK?"

"AH!!!" you yelled, startled. Your eyes widened as you comically flailed your arms, trying desperately not to fall off your bed. It was all in vain as you fell, face first, onto your carpet floor. You moaned loudly, grumbling a few insults as you sat up. Your head spun as you saw stars, but you slowly came back to reality, the pain in your head worse than before. You gave a lazy-yet terrifying-glare to your brother as he rushed over to your side, rambling apologies.
"Ash, I swear, I'm going to kick you to the moon one day."

"Says the one who just stated she didn't know what she would do without me," he teased with a smirk, helping you to your feet and to your bed. Ash fixed your bed sheets, causing you close your eyes as you felt yourself warming up. He carefully place the bag of ice on your head, studying your rosy cheeks and peaceful face before quietly leaving the room.


"Thank you for the help, Cilan," Mrs. Ketchum praised as he helped her carry the groceries. She gave him a warm smile. "You've been such good help to us. I see why my daughter likes you so much."

"It's no problem at all!" the green haired boy said, blushing slightly at your mom's words. Seeing this, Delia chuckled to herself, spotting her house as they continued their walk. She opened the door, being greeted by Ash. He was gobbling down some of her homemade bread, and she frowned at him as he froze.

"Ash, I told you not to snack before dinner!" your mother exclaimed, placing the bags of food and other merchandise on the counter. Cilan followed suit, giving Ash a warm smile. Ash returned the smile before focusing his gaze on his mother, gulping down the piece of bread that had been in his mouth. She gave him a stern look before tearing her gaze towards the staircase, concern washing over her as she heard you cough. She sighed sadly and made her way upstairs, Cilan following her.


You lazily set the bag of ice on your nightstand and grabbed a cup of water your mom had gotten you this morning. Bringing it to your lips, you took a small sip, feeling the cool water trickle down your throat. Your shaky hand placed it back on your [F/C] nightstand, turning on your side in your warm bed. You took a deep breath as you closed your eyes, letting it out with a groan. You heard your door creak, signalling that someone had opened it, but you were too tired to care.

"Oh, my poor [Y/N]," you heard your mother mumble as she sat down on the side of your bed, running her soft hands through your hair. You felt someone else sit on the other side of your bed, intertwining their fingers with yours. You rolled your head to the side, your eyes lighting up when you saw your boyfriend, smiling sadly at your pained form. You gave his hand a squeeze before turning to your mom, Delia. She looked down on you with a caring smile, feeling your forehead with the back of her hand. Her smile brightened. "Your fever has gone down. Did Ash get you some berries like I requested?"

"Ya," you whispered, your voice harsh. She kissed you on your cheek before leaving, giving Cilan a small smile before she closed the door. You turned your head once again towards the green haired connoisseur, locking eyes with the kind male. He kissed your head, laying down beside you. You snuggled close to him, raising your head so you could speak face-to-face with him. "I don't want you to get sick too."

"I wouldn't dare leave my flower," he mumbled, causing your cheeks to heat up more than they were. You rested your head against his chest, closing your [E/C] orbs as you breathed in his scent. It always reminded you of a cool day in the summer in a meadow full of colorful flowers.

"Thank you," you whispered, smiling to yourself. He hummed in response, stroking your hair with his hand.


Ash made his way upstairs, mumbling incoherent things to himself about pokemon. He stopped when he saw your door closed, walking over to your room. He knocked, listening intensely in order to hear an answer. When he got none, he opened the door slowly, peering into your room. He studied your sleeping form and his eyes made his way to Cilan's, staring for a moment before smiling slightly and closing the door. He knew you needed the rest, and you had only been able to fall asleep with the man you loved. He made his way to his room, closing it behind him.  

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