The Fear Between Us

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Your relationship with Cilan was... complicated. You loved him dearly, but you were confused. Did you love him as a brother? As a significant other? Your thoughts were jumbled, and you tried your best to explain the feeling to yourself. Everything he did tended to mess with you.

When his green orbs connected with your gorgeous [E/C] eyes, you became aware of everything and nothing at the same time. You would completely not see something, or you would notice that one thing long enough for it to be imprinted into your head. You became conscious of how you looked. Were your clothes okay? Your hair neat? Were you blushing like crazy? The answer to the third one was always a given. You'd feel heat rise up your neck, and it tinged your cheek in a crimson shade.

His voice was a melody to your ears, and you found yourself hypnotized by it. You would doze off in thought for a moment and quickly snap out of your thoughts when you were somewhere else in the conversation. Your own voice tended to come out stammered, squeaky, or awkward. When he spoke, it sent you into a strange, yet pleasurable, shock while chills ran up and down your spine, especially when he talked with a deep, quiet voice.

His touch always caused your heart to thud against your chest, and whenever he hugged you, you melted on the inside. It didn't matter what was happening or where you were, the feelings dwelled inside your mind and heart, and they confused you to no end.

He had his ups and downs, of course, but if there was one thing that turned you off the most, it was his Pansage. There was something about the grass type pokemon that just bugged you to no end. They were always so sweet, smiling constantly, and very rarely getting upset, but that's what creeped you out. Did they have a super dark side to their personalities? You figured everyone/thing did, but you could never find it within the "sweet" pokemon. You found it terrifying to not know what the Pansage could be thinking, and you tried to stay as far away from those pokemon as possible. 

Once again, you found yourself walking towards the restaurant. You promised yourself you'd give Cilan's Pansage a chance, but you didn't know how much you were willing to stick to your promise. Walking up to the doors, you took a deep breath. You opened them, stepping into a room filled with wonderful smells and chatter in the air. Your [L/C] lips curled upwards, and you found yourself staring at a couple, who were seated at a table near you. Blinking out of your trance, you scanned the room, catching sight of Cress and Chili. You looked towards the kitchen, guessing that the green haired connoisseur would be in there...

With his Pansage.

You shook your head of the thought, a small chill running up your spine. You promised yourself you wouldn't freak out over the pokemon, and you made your way over to the kitchen. You stopped at the doorway, peeking in. Not seeing any sight of Cilan (or the Pansage, to your relief), you hummed in slight confusion. You grabbed the first pokeball you had hooked to your belt, and you threw it into the air in front of you as you released it.

"Purloin, do you think you could help me find Cilan?" you asked the pokemon, causing it to turn around and meow in response. Its paws padded across the tiled floor as it made its way to a hallway in the back, sniffing an apron by a set of stairs before mewing at you. Smiling, you pat it on its head as it purred, and you both walked up the stairs. 

You could here the three gym leaders' pokemon playing above, and an unpleasant chill ran up your spine. Purloin rubbed its head against your leg, reassuring you slightly as you stepped up and off the last stair. You felt your [H/C] hair on your neck stand up, and your eyes met with Cilan's Pansage. You awkwardly chuckled and scratched the back of your head, attempting to act normal in front of the grass type pokemon. 

"[Y/N]! What a pleasant sur-surprise," Cilan exclaimed, stuttering at the end when he saw your Purloin. You gave an awkward laugh in response, both of you trying to keep calm in front of the pokemon your were frightened by. 

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