You Help Me Relax...

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You moaned as you rubbed your forehead. You were tired, aggravated, and in pain. It felt as if a pokemon was using your head as a soccer ball, which caused you to get little or no sleep. You had felt like this for the past few days, and every time the sun woke you up, if you had fallen asleep, it was as if it wanted you to be tortured with the pounding in your head.

To put it simply, you were stressed. Stressed because Team Plasma kept stealing people's pokemon, stressed because you were training your pokemon to their limits for your next gym battle, stressed because you had taken it upon yourself to take care of the homeless orphans in Striation City, and stressed because a certain green-haired male had made you fall deeply in love with him. To make matters even more worse, you weren't the only one. Other girls around your age would always tried to get the attention of Cress, Chili, or Cilan. This made you even more stressed than before, for you were afraid that they would get your long-time crush to fall in love with one of them.

You mumbled something under your breath as you got up from your bed to do your usual morning routines. After you got dressed in your usual outfit, you left your house, saying goodbye to your family. You released your Skarmory from its Pokeball and flew to Striation City. You walked into the famous restaurant, only to be met with giggles from teenage girls. You sighed and mentally rolled your eyes. Why did they have to be so annoying, especially when you had a headache. You made your way over to two swinging, wooden doors. You entered the kitchen, greeted by a delicious aroma. You closed your eyes and breathed it in, your headache subsiding for a moment. You heard a chuckle in your ear, bringing you back to earth. You turned your head slightly to the side, blushing violently, for Cilan's face was mere inches from yours.

"Ready to go?" he asked you, giving you his famous close-eyed smile.

"Ya," you replied, heading out of the restaurant with your best friend. Ever since a guy had picked on you, Cilan had insisted on going with you, when you fed the poor children.

"Hey, [Y/N]?" Cilan asked gently, breaking the peaceful silence between you two.

"Ya?" you mumbled, snapping out of your thoughts.

"Are you ok? You've been quite lately," he asked, concern clear in his voice.

"Ya, I've just been stressed lately," you replied, staring at the ground. You felt his hand entwine with yours, causing your cheeks to burn.

"I know! How about you come with me and my brothers to the beach? We were planning on closing a little early anyways," he asked you cheerfully, causing your lip to twitch upwards.

"Well, I guess a break from everything wouldn't hurt," you said, feeling his soft hand squeeze yours.

"Great! We can talk to my brothers and figure out a time, but first, we need to feed those kids," he said, clearly excited. You smiled, feeling better already.


You sighed as you sat down on the towel. After you had arranged everything with the triplets, you had flown home to grab your [F/C] bikini. You grabbed anything else you would need and met the brothers at the beach. Cilan had tried to look anywhere besides you, a crimson blush covering his cheeks. His brothers teased him about it, when you weren't around.

"Hey, [N/N]! Wanna play volleyball with us?" Chili yelled over to you from a net.

"Sure!" you called back, making your way over. Cilan, who finally stopped blushing, was on your team.

"Hey, Cilan," you whispered to him. He looked over to you, wondering why you were whispering.

"Ya?" he said just above a whisper.

"Thank you. I feel better already," you whispered, tickling his ear with your breath. You gave him a quick peck on the cheek, before making your way over to serve. He stood there for a second, dazed by your actions.

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