When In Danger...

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It was a hot, bright day, and pokemon of all kinds were active. Some stayed in the shade of the trees while others ran around in the fields. It seemed peaceful and as if all the anger in the world had vanished; but alas! that was not the case.

A [H/L], [H/C] haired girl made her way along the dirt path, a cheerful atmosphere surrounding her. With her pokeballs hitched to her belt and her backpack full of necessary items, she entered the forest. Careful as to not anger any pokemon or irritate them in anyway, she maneuvered around trees and other obstacles. She sighed at the comfortable silence. 

Taking a break at a clearing, the teen brought out her Vulpix, giving her a quick snack. She gulped it up, feeling energized. Deciding that it would be nice to have a friend as she walked, the [H/C] haired girl kept her Vulpix out and continued her journey through the forest.

Breaking out of her daze, the girl heard shouting nearby, and she stopped walking. Vulpix had also heard it, and now she was sniffing the surrounding air. Growling at the unknown aura, the pokemon stood in front of her, it's instincts as her partner kicking in. Listening closely to the voices, the teen picked out three people. 

"You're such a kid!" a female voice exclaimed, her tone expressing irritation. 

"We're the same age!!" a young boy's voice shouted back. He sounded slightly familiar, but she pushed the thought to the back of her head.

"Come on, you two! Shouldn't we start heading for the gym?" an older male spoke up, the tone showing his awkwardness. The female perked up at this. That voice sounded just like an old friend, but she needed to see in order to believe. 

Making her way past trees, she came closer to the voices, and she picked up her pace. Seeing a small field not too far from her, she scaled up the tree, and her Vulpix followed after her. Standing on one of the higher branches, the [E/C] eyed female moved a small branch to the side, scanning the area. Her gaze landed on the three people she had heard talking, and her heart skipped a beat when she saw the green haired one. The Vulpix sniffed the air, recognizing the scent of the male also.

"Hey! Cilan!" the [H/C] haired girl exclaimed as she jumped off the tree and ran over to the group. The other two stopped, fixing their attention on the teenager. Cilan looked up, his green eyes twinkling in surprise and happiness.

"[N/N]! It's a pleasure to see you again!" he replied. The female ran up to him and gave him a quick hug . He returned it with a small chuckle.

"I haven't seen you in forever! Looks like you made some cool friends!" she exclaimed, pulling away from him and smiling at the other two. They were younger than her by a couple years.

"I'm Ash, and I'm going to become a Pokemon Master!" the dark haired boy exclaimed. She chuckled lightly, grinning at his determination.

"I'm Iris! I want to be a Dragon Type Master," the girl with purple-ish hair replied, smiling gently.

"I'm [Y/N], a friend of the Striation Gym's triplets," the [H/C] haired female replied, pointing towards the green haired teen next to her. She heard him chuckle lightly. "I was on my way to the city north of here." She pointed towards the way she had been traveling. "I overheard you guys and stopped by."

"We're heading there, too! I was going to get my next badge!" Ash exclaimed proudly, his Pikachu pouncing onto his shoulder. 

"Whoa, a Pikachu?" [Y/N] mumbled, reaching her hand out slowly. It 'pika-ed' in response and sniffed her hand, allowing her to give it a small pat. The teen giggled as she scratched behind its ears, seeing it completely relax. "Cute!"

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